Project 1: Hybrid Images

Look at the image from very close and then very far. What do you see?

Key Information

Assigned Tuesday, Jan 30, 2024 (Code accessible from GitHub Classroom)
Due Friday, Feb 9 on GitHub Classroom by 8:00pm
Code Files to Submit (Push the latest implementation to your GitHub repo and check the instruction to add environment config on Github.)
Artifact Due Monday, Feb 12 on CMSX by 8:00pm
Artifact Files to Submit README, left.png, right.png, hybrid.png (submit to CMSX ONLY)

This project must be done individually (groups of one).


The goal of this assignment is to write an image filtering function and use it to create hybrid images using a simplified version of the SIGGRAPH 2006 paper by Oliva, Torralba, and Schyns. Hybrid images are static images that change in interpretation as a function of the viewing distance. The basic idea is that high frequency tends to dominate perception when it is available, but, at a distance, only the low frequency (smooth) part of the signal can be seen. By blending the high frequency portion of one image with the low-frequency portion of another, you get a hybrid image that leads to different interpretations at different distances.

You will use your own solution to create your own hybrid images.

In the Downloads section below, we provide you with a tutorial on how to set up a python environment called cs5670_python_env for you to run this project. Apart from that, there is skeleton code for a user interface provided on github along with a file that contains functions that you need to implement. We will walk you through the functions in the next section. If you have issues running the VM or the user interface, please post a question on Piazza, or visit a TA during his or her office hours.

Note(!): we provide some test functions for you in Please ensure that your code runs properly with python since we use a similar setup to grade your submission (it is also very helpful to ensure you did everything correctly). These tests we provided are not sufficient to guarantee a correct implementation, so you should also thoroughly test your code as well.

Implementation Details

This project is intended to familiarize you with Python, NumPy and image filtering. Once you have created an image filtering function, it is relatively straightforward to construct hybrid images.

This project requires you to implement 5 functions each of which builds onto a previous function:

  1. cross_correlation_2d
  2. convolve_2d
  3. gaussian_blur_kernel_2d
  4. low_pass
  5. high_pass

Image Filtering. Image filtering (or convolution) is a fundamental image processing tool. See chapter 3.2 of Szeliski and the lecture materials to learn about image filtering (specifically linear filtering). Numpy has numerous built in and efficient functions to perform image filtering, but you will be writing your own such function from scratch for this assignment. More specifically, you will implement cross_correlation_2d, followed by convolve_2d which would use cross_correlation_2d.

Gaussian Blur. As you have seen in the lectures, there are a few different way to blur an image, for example taking an unweighted average of the neighboring pixels. Gaussian blur is a special kind of weighted averaging of neighboring pixels, and is described in the lecture slides. To implement Gaussian blur, you will implement a function gaussian_blur_kernel_2d that produces a kernel of a given height and width which can then be passed to convolve_2d from above, along with an image, to produce a blurred version of the image.

High and Low Pass Filters.Recall that a low pass filter is one that removed the fine details from an image (or, really, any signal), whereas a high pass filter only retails the fine details, and gets rid of the coarse details from an image. Thus, using Gaussian blurring as described above, implement high_pass and low_pass functions.

Hybrid Images. A hybrid image is the sum of a low-pass filtered version of the one image and a high-pass filtered version of a second image. There is a free parameter, which can be tuned for each image pair, which controls how much high frequency to remove from the first image and how much low frequency to leave in the second image. This is called the "cutoff-frequency". In the paper it is suggested to use two cutoff frequencies (one tuned for each image) and you are free to try that, as well. In the starter code, the cutoff frequency is controlled by changing the standard deviation (sigma) of the Gausian filter used in constructing the hybrid images. We provide you with the code for creating a hybrid image, using the functions described above.

Forbidden functions. For just this assignment, you are forbidden from using any Numpy, Scipy, OpenCV, or other preimplemented functions for filtering. This limitation will be lifted in future assignments, but for now, you should use for loops or Numpy vectorization to apply a kernel to each pixel in the image. You are allowed to use basic matrix operations like np.shape, np.zeros, and np.transpose You are also allowed to use functions such as np.flip and np.pad, but we strongly encourage you to write your own code to better understand the process. The bulk of your code will be in cross_correlation_2d, and gaussian_blur_kernel_2d with the other functions using these functions either directly or through one of the other functions you implement.

We have provided a GUI in, to help you debug your image filtering algorithm. To see a pre-labeled version of the sample images run:

python -t resources/sample-correspondance.json -c resources/sample-config.json

We provide you with a pair of images that need to be aligned using the GUI. The code for alignment uses an affine transform to map the eyes to eyes and nose to nose, etc. as you specify on the UI. We encourage you to create additional examples (e.g. change of expression, morph between different objects, change over time, etc.). See the hybrid images project page for some inspiration. The project page also contains materials from their Siggraph presentation.

For the example shown at the top of the page, the two original images look like this:

The low-pass (blurred) and high-pass versions of these images look like this:

Adding the high and low frequencies together gives you the image at the top of this page. If you're having trouble seeing the multiple interpretations of the image, a useful way to visualize the effect is by progressively downsampling the hybrid image as is done below:


Github classroom (pushed to your linked Repo): CMSX assignment artifacts (do not submit the files below to your Github Repo after the code deadline, as it may result in a late submission and cost you a late day!):


Python and Numpy Tutorials

We will use python programming language for all assignments in this course. In particular, we will use Numpy for scientific computing. If you are not farmilar with python and numpy, the following websites provide very good tutorials for them. If you have any questions related to python and numpy, please go to TA office hour or post questions on Piazza.


Assignment based on versions developed by James Hays and Derek Hoiem.