CS 5220
Graph partitioning
Sparsity and partitioning
Want to partition sparse graphs so that
- Subgraphs are same size (load balance)
- Cut size is minimal (minimize communication)
Uses: sparse matvec, nested dissection solves, ...
A common theme
Common idea: partition under static connectivity
- Physical network design (telephone, VLSI)
- Sparse matvec
- Preconditioners for PDE solvers
- Sparse Gaussian elimination
- Data clustering
- Image segmentation
Goal: Big chunks, small “surface area” between
Graph partitioning
Given: \(G = (V,E)\), possibly weights + coordinates.
We want to partition \(G\) into \(k\) pieces such that
- Node weights are balanced across partitions.
- Weight of cut edges is minimized.
Important special case: \(k = 2\).
Vertex separator
Edge separator
Node to edge and back again
Can convert between node and edge separators
- Node to edge: cut edges from sep to one side
- Edge to node: remove nodes on one side of cut
Fine if degree bounded (e.g. near-neighbor meshes).
Optimal vertex/edge separators very different for social networks!
How many partitionings are there? If \(n\) is even, \[
\begin{pmatrix} n \\ n/2 \end{pmatrix} =
\frac{n!}{( (n/2)! )^2} \approx
2^n \sqrt{2/(\pi n)}.
\] Finding the optimal one is NP-complete.
We need heuristics!
Partitioning with coordinates
- Lots of partitioning problems from “nice” meshes
- Planar meshes (maybe with regularity condition)
- \(k\)-ply meshes (works for \(d > 2\))
- Nice enough \(\implies\) cut \(O(n^{1-1/d})\) edges
(Tarjan, Lipton; Miller, Teng, Thurston, Vavasis)
- Edges link nearby vertices
- Get useful information from vertex density
- Ignore edges (but can use them in later refinement)
Recursive coordinate bisection
Idea: Cut with hyperplane parallel to a coordinate axis.
- Pro: Fast and simple
- Con: Not always great quality
Inertial bisection
Idea: Optimize cutting hyperplane via vertex density \[\begin{aligned}
\bar{\mathbf{x}} &= \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n \mathbf{x}_i, \quad
\bar{\mathbf{r}_i} = \mathbf{x}_i-\bar{\mathbf{x}} \\
\mathbf{I}&= \sum_{i=1}^n\left[ \|\mathbf{r}_i\|^2 I - \mathbf{r}_i \mathbf{r}_i^T \right]
\end{aligned}\] Let \((\lambda_n, \mathbf{n})\) be the minimal eigenpair for the inertia tensor \(\mathbf{I}\), and choose the hyperplane through \(\bar{\mathbf{x}}\) with normal \(\mathbf{n}\).
Inertial bisection
- Pro: Simple, more flexible than coord planes
- Con: Still restricted to hyperplanes
Random circles (Gilbert, Miller, Teng)
- Stereographic projection
- Find centerpoint (any plane is an even partition)
In practice, use an approximation.
- Conformally map sphere, centerpoint to origin
- Choose great circle (at random)
- Undo stereographic projection
- Convert circle to separator
May choose best of several random great circles.
Coordinate-free methods
- Don’t always have natural coordinates
- Example: the web graph
- Can add coordinates? (metric embedding)
- Use edge information for geometry!
Breadth-first search
- Pick a start vertex \(v_0\)
- Might start from several different vertices
- Use BFS to label nodes by distance from \(v_0\)
- We’ve seen this before – remember RCM?
- Or minimize cuts locally (Karypis, Kumar)
- Partition by distance from \(v_0\)
Spectral partitioning
Label vertex \(i\) with \(x_i = \pm 1\). We want to minimize \[\mbox{edges cut} = \frac{1}{4} \sum_{(i,j) \in E} (x_i-x_j)^2\] subject to the even partition requirement \[\sum_i x_i = 0.\] But this is NP hard, so we need a trick.
Spectral partitioning
\[\mbox{edges cut}
= \frac{1}{4} \sum_{(i,j) \in E} (x_i-x_j)^2
= \frac{1}{4} \|Cx\|^2 = \frac{1}{4} x^T L x
\] where \(C=\) incidence matrix, $L = C^T C = $ graph Laplacian: \[\begin{aligned}
C_{ij} &=
1, & e_j = (i,k) \\
-1, & e_j = (k,i) \\
0, & \mbox{otherwise},
\end{cases} &
L_{ij} &=
d(i), & i = j \\
-1, & (i,j) \in E, \\
0, & \mbox{otherwise}.
\end{aligned}\] Note: \(C e = 0\) (so \(L e = 0\)), \(e = (1, 1, 1, \ldots, 1)^T\).
Spectral partitioning
Now consider the relaxed problem with \(x \in \mathbb{R}^n\): \[\mbox{minimize } x^T L x \mbox{ s.t. } x^T e = 0 \mbox{ and } x^T x = 1.\] Equivalent to finding the second-smallest eigenvalue \(\lambda_2\) and corresponding eigenvector \(x\), also called the Fiedler vector. Partition according to sign of \(x_i\).
How to approximate \(x\)? Use a Krylov subspace method (Lanczos)! Expensive, but gives high-quality partitions.
Spectral partitioning
Spectral coordinates
Alternate view: define a coordinate system with the first \(d\) non-trivial Laplacian eigenvectors.
- Spectral partitioning = bisection in spectral coords
- Can cluster in other ways as well (e.g. \(k\)-means)
Spectral coordinates
Refinement by swapping
Gain from swapping \((a,b)\) is \(D(a) + D(b) - 2w(a,b)\), where \(D\) is external - internal edge costs: \[\begin{aligned}
D(a) &= \sum_{b' \in B} w(a,b') - \sum_{a' \in A, a' \neq a} w(a,a') \\
D(b) &= \sum_{a' \in A} w(b,a') - \sum_{b' \in B, b' \neq b} w(b,b')
Greedy refinement
Start with a partition \(V = A \cup B\) and refine.
- \(\operatorname{gain}(a,b) = D(a) + D(b) - 2w(a,b)\)
- Purely greedy strategy: until no positive gain
- Choose swap with most gain
- Update \(D\) in neighborhood of swap; update gains
- Local minima are a problem.
In one sweep, while no vertices marked
- Choose \((a,b)\) with greatest gain
- Update \(D(v)\) for all unmarked \(v\) as if \((a,b)\) were swapped
- Mark \(a\) and \(b\) (but don’t swap)
- Find \(j\) such that swaps \(1, \ldots, j\) yield maximal gain
- Apply swaps \(1, \ldots, j\)
Usually converges in a few (2-6) sweeps. Each sweep is \(O(|V|^3)\). Can be improved to \(O(|E|)\) (Fiduccia, Mattheyses).
Further improvements (Karypis, Kumar): only consider vertices on boundary, don’t complete full sweep.
Multilevel ideas
Basic idea (same will work in other contexts):
- Coarsen
- Solve coarse problem
- Interpolate (and possibly refine)
May apply recursively.
Maximal matching
One idea for coarsening: maximal matchings
- Matching of \(G = (V,E)\) is \(E_m \subset E\) with no common vertices.
- Maximal: cannot add edges and remain matching.
- Constructed by an obvious greedy algorithm.
- Maximal matchings are non-unique; some may be preferable to others (e.g. choose heavy edges first).
Coarsening via maximal matching
- Collapse matched nodes into coarse nodes
- Add all edge weights between coarse nodes
All these use some flavor(s) of multilevel:
- METIS/ParMETIS (Kapyris)
- PARTY (U. Paderborn)
- Chaco (Sandia)
- Scotch (INRIA)
- Jostle (now commercialized)
- Zoltan (Sandia)
Graph partitioning: Is this it?
Consider partitioning just for sparse matvec:
- Edge cuts \(\neq\) communication volume
- Should we minimize max communication volume?
- Communication volume – what about latencies?
Some go beyond graph partitioning (e.g. hypergraph in Zoltan).
Graph partitioning: Is this it?
Additional work on:
- Partitioning power law graphs
- Covering sets with small overlaps
Also: Classes of graphs with no small cuts (expanders)
Graph partitioning: Is this it?
- Block Jacobi (or Schwarz) – relax on each partition
- Preconditioner: want to consider edge cuts and physics
- E.g. consider edges = beams
- Cutting a stiff beam worse than a flexible beam?
- Doesn’t show up from just the topology
- Multiple ways to deal with this
- Encode physics via edge weights?
- Partition geometrically?
- Tradeoffs are why we need to be informed users
Graph partitioning: Is this it?
So far, considered problems with static interactions
- What about particle simulations?
- Or what about tree searches?
- Or what about...?
Next time: more general load balancing issues