import numpy
import scipy
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot
import http.client
matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10, 7)
matplotlib.rcParams['font.size'] = 16
def process_libsvmdataset_line(line, num_features):
(label_str, features_string) = line.split(" ",maxsplit=1)
label = float(label_str)
features = numpy.zeros(num_features)
for f in features_string.split(" "):
(i,v) = f.split(":");
features[int(i)-1] = float(v);
return (label,features)
def get_cpusmall_dataset():
num_features = 12
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
conn.request("GET", "/~cjlin/libsvmtools/datasets/regression/cpusmall")
r = conn.getresponse()
assert(r.status == 200)
cpusmall_dataset_bytes =
cpusmall_dataset_str = cpusmall_dataset_bytes.decode("utf-8")
cpusmall_dataset_lines = cpusmall_dataset_str.strip().split("\n")
num_examples = len(cpusmall_dataset_lines)
labels = numpy.zeros(num_examples)
features = numpy.zeros((num_examples, num_features+1)) #add one extra feature that's always 1, for the constant offset
for i in range(num_examples):
(label,feats) = process_libsvmdataset_line(cpusmall_dataset_lines[i], num_features)
labels[i] = label
features[i,0:num_features] = feats
features[i,num_features] = 1.0
return (labels, features)
# load the CPUsmall dataset from the libsvm datasets website
(cpusmall_labels, cpusmall_examples) = get_cpusmall_dataset();
This is a linear regression task, which has empirical risk $$ R(w) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n (x_i^T w - y_i)^2. $$ The gradient is $$ \nabla R(w) = \frac{2}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n x_i (x_i^T w - y_i). $$
# loss of linear regression task
def linreg_loss(w, Xs, Ys):
return numpy.mean((Xs @ w - Ys)**2)
# gradient of linear regression task
def linreg_grad(w, Xs, Ys):
return (Xs.T @ (Xs @ w - Ys)) * (2/len(Ys))
def linreg_gradient_descent(Xs, Ys, alpha, w0, num_iters):
w = w0;
losses = numpy.zeros(num_iters + 1)
for k in range(num_iters):
losses[k] = linreg_loss(w, Xs, Ys)
w = w - alpha * linreg_grad(w, Xs, Ys)
losses[num_iters] = linreg_loss(w, Xs, Ys)
return (w, losses);
# we can find the exact solution as follows
w_optimal = numpy.linalg.inv(cpusmall_examples.T @ cpusmall_examples) @ cpusmall_examples.T @ cpusmall_labels;
loss_optimal = linreg_loss(w_optimal, cpusmall_examples, cpusmall_labels);
print(f"optimal loss: {loss_optimal}");
w0 = numpy.zeros(13)
alpha = 1e-13 # setting the step size larger results in divergence!
num_iters = 50
(w_gd, losses_gd) = linreg_gradient_descent(cpusmall_examples, cpusmall_labels, alpha, w0, num_iters)
pyplot.plot(range(num_iters+1), losses_gd);
pyplot.xlabel("iteration of gradient descent");
pyplot.title("Convergence of Gradient Descent on CPUsmall Linear Regression");
pyplot.plot(range(num_iters+1), losses_gd, label="gradient descent");
pyplot.plot(range(num_iters+1), 0 * losses_gd + loss_optimal, linestyle=":", c="k", label="optimal");
pyplot.xlabel("iteration of gradient descent")
pyplot.title("Convergence of Gradient Descent on CPUsmall Linear Regression")
for i in range(13):
# normalize the examples in two ways
# mean = 0, variance = 1
cpusmall_mean = numpy.mean(cpusmall_examples, axis=0)
cpusmall_mean[12] = 0.0 # keep the bias term
cpusmall_var = numpy.mean((cpusmall_examples - cpusmall_mean)**2, axis=0)
cpusmall_normalized1 = (cpusmall_examples - cpusmall_mean) / numpy.sqrt(cpusmall_var)
# scale by max all features lie in [-1,1]
cpusmall_max = numpy.max(numpy.abs(cpusmall_examples), axis=0)
cpusmall_normalized2 = cpusmall_examples / cpusmall_max
# we can find the exact solution as follows
w_opt_normalized1 = numpy.linalg.inv(cpusmall_normalized1.T @ cpusmall_normalized1) @ cpusmall_normalized1.T @ cpusmall_labels
loss_opt_normalized1 = linreg_loss(w_opt_normalized1, cpusmall_normalized1, cpusmall_labels)
w_opt_normalized2 = numpy.linalg.inv(cpusmall_normalized2.T @ cpusmall_normalized2) @ cpusmall_normalized2.T @ cpusmall_labels;
loss_opt_normalized2 = linreg_loss(w_opt_normalized2, cpusmall_normalized2, cpusmall_labels)
# should all be the same
print(f"optimal loss (without normalization): {loss_optimal}");
print(f"optimal loss (with normalization 1): {loss_opt_normalized1}");
print(f"optimal loss (with normalization 2): {loss_opt_normalized2}");
w0 = numpy.zeros(13)
alpha = 0.1 # setting the step size larger results in divergence!
(w_gdn, losses_gdn1) = linreg_gradient_descent(cpusmall_normalized1, cpusmall_labels, alpha, w0, num_iters)
w0 = numpy.zeros(13)
alpha = 0.5 # setting the step size larger results in divergence!
(w_gdn, losses_gdn2) = linreg_gradient_descent(cpusmall_normalized2, cpusmall_labels, alpha, w0, num_iters)
pyplot.plot(range(num_iters+1), losses_gdn1, label="GD (var-normalized)");
pyplot.plot(range(num_iters+1), losses_gdn2, label="GD (max-normalized)");
pyplot.plot(range(num_iters+1), losses_gd, label="GD (unnormalized)");
pyplot.plot(range(num_iters+1), 0 * losses_gd + loss_optimal, linestyle=":", c="k", label="optimal");
pyplot.xlabel("iteration of gradient descent");
pyplot.title("Convergence of Gradient Descent on CPUsmall Linear Regression");
Can we interpret this in terms of the condition number?
For linear regression, $$\nabla^2 R(w) = 2 \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n x_i x_i^T = \frac{2}{n} X^T X.$$
D2R_unnormalized = (cpusmall_examples.T @ cpusmall_examples) * 2 / len(cpusmall_labels);
D2R_normalized1 = (cpusmall_normalized1.T @ cpusmall_normalized1) * 2 / len(cpusmall_labels);
D2R_normalized2 = (cpusmall_normalized2.T @ cpusmall_normalized2) * 2 / len(cpusmall_labels);
def condition_number(H):
# make sure H is symmetric for the eigendecomposition
H = (H + H.T) / 2;
ev = numpy.linalg.eigvals(H);
mu = numpy.min(ev);
L = numpy.max(ev);
kappa = L / mu;
return kappa;
print(f"unnormalized, kappa = {(condition_number(D2R_unnormalized))}")
print(f"var normalized, kappa = {(condition_number(D2R_normalized1))}")
print(f"max normalized, kappa = {(condition_number(D2R_normalized2))}")