Most questions about enrollment are not specific to this course and you'll find the answers at:
If, after reading the above resources, you still have a question about getting into the course, please file a help ticket at Thank you!
It is natural for your project to morph over time. The goal of the status report is to (1) make sure you have been working on your project, (2) give details about project elements that weren't apparent at the time of the project proposal, and (3) give you a chance to explain how what you're hoping to do has changed. It also gives us a chance to provide feedback to help you along.
Your status report should include verbatim the project proposal that you originally submitted and directly add to it. Please make it easy to see what was in the original proposal versus what is new text. One good way to show what is new versus what was already there is to use a different colored font for your new text to distinguish it from the earlier proposal text.
The best-case scenario is that things are going exactly as you planned, which would make your status report trivial to prepare. But things never go exactly as planned. It is totally OK if things have changed or there's more that you didn't think of at the time of the proposal. This update will most typically include things like the following:
Please also provide an updated timeline. It should say which items in the original timeline have been done, and what (if anything) you are changing in the timeline given what you've learned about the project thus far. Similarly, if the planned division of labor has changed, say so. Please also add any additional references to technical papers or websites if relevant.
We expect to have seen substantive work by this point in the semester, and it is a component of the effort portion of your grade.
You will need to submit three things:
Your final submission should be a roughly 10-page paper. As with the proposal, this is a guideline that you might very well vary from. For example, your report might be longer if you require many figures. To help you calibrate this guideline, a 5 page paper would likely be too short whereas a 15 page paper would likely be too long.
Your report should include the following, in the specified order:
Note what this DOES NOT include: code listings, software architectures, etc. If you're discussing the different modules of your system your report is at the wrong level. Your report should be about the ideas. At this point in your studies I'm presuming that you can architect and code software, and what heft there is in your hacking should be apparent through the ideas and evaluation you conducted.
MILESTONE 5c: Project Report (Individual):
Each team
member should submit on Canvas a short (1-2 page) personal report on the
project. This is an individual assignment, not a group assignment. This report should have
three brief sections:
Absolute integrity is expected of every Cornell student in all academic undertakings. Integrity entails a firm adherence to a set of values, and the values most essential to an academic community are grounded on the concept of honesty with respect to the intellectual efforts of oneself and others. Academic integrity is expected not only in formal coursework situations, but in all University relationships and interactions connected to the educational process, including the use of University resources. ... A Cornell student's submission of work for academic credit indicates that the work is the student's own. All outside assistance should be acknowledged, and the student's academic position truthfully reported at all times. In addition, Cornell students have a right to expect academic integrity from each of their peers.If you use external resources, you must document it - your project is what you do on top of these resources. Failure to acknowledge resources and let them be represented as your own work - either explicitly or by omission of documentation of their origin - would be an academic integrity violation.