How to lose in CS 414
Proven ways to make your group project harder:
Designate one sucker in your group as master hacker and have her do
all the work. That way she will burn out 3/4 of the way through the
course and no one else will be able to finish the project since only
she understands it.
Decide that one member of your group is useless and don't invite him to
group meetings.
Combine techniques 1 and 2: decide that all the other members of your
group are useless and you are the lone master hacker. Charge off and
code everything up without talking to anyone else. Ignore your group
members - sure, they might complain now, but they will be impressed
when you show up for the submission deadline with a working project.
Have a different person implement each programming assignment.
Unfortunately, this will work fairly well on the first programming
assignment, but by the third or fourth assignment the person
implementing it will have no idea what is going on, and will have a much
larger programming assignment to work on, too.
Have everyone implement separate pieces of the system with no
discussion of how they will fit together. Ideally, split the group
into factions that don't really talk to each other until just
before the assignment is due. Then there is no chance you will be
able to glue the ill-fitting pieces together.
Opposite of #5: Work extremely closely all the time, spending
all your time talking among yourselves rather than doing actual
implementation: the group will slow down to at most the speed of one
person. For extra effectiveness, everyone simultaneously edits
different files in the same directory. That way, the whole system never works at any given time because something
is always
broken; also, you can't figure out which of entirely
different, untested modifications are causing the current bug.
Don't start until three days before the assignment is due. Then pull three
all-nighters in a row. Lack of sleep will ensure you write broken code. With
luck, you will get sick and blow some other classes too!
Don't ask the TAs or the professor any questions when design problems
come up; just put off working on the project and hope the problems
will magically solve themselves before the due date.
Don't use any of the techniques for building operating systems
that you learn
in this class. This works best if you don't attend class at all, so
you avoid polluting your mind with the course material. Develop
your own synchronization routines with their special semantics,
build a filesystem interface unlike any other, modify the networking
stack so it implements a new interface. Your system won't provide all
the required functionality, will not support any of the test cases
and applications we give out, and as a bonus, will crash or hang
Don't bother doing any of the homework assignments; surely, they
are each too small a component of your grade to worry about, right ?
Don't read the book or the papers that are part of the reading
for the course; knowing more about the topic will only further the
confusion anyway. The sections are for the weaklings who need to be
told what to do; certainly you could do better. When you ultimately
fail to make the deadline, try to look really innocent as you
plead for the extravagant mercy of the course staff.
If you fall behind on a project, do not work overtime to catch up. Instead,
work on the previous project when all your peers are working on the current
one. You can even sound them out for ideas and figure out how they
implemented the previous project, which will ensure that your implementation
will be better than theirs. If your peers spend M weeks on N projects, and
you spend M weeks on N-1, surely you'll roll all over them on those N-1
projects. Now, if only you could get the course staff to grade your
previous project instead of the current one, everything would be perfect!
When your projects get boring, spice your life up by swapping project
partners. Ideally, you will do this two thirds of the way into the
course so that your ex-partners will be completely lost when you tell
them that you
want out and that they will need to work with someone else. Or, on the
incite your partner to leave by not doing your part of the project. Try
to clarify the situation through extended conversations with course staff
about who wrote which exact line
in each project. Better yet, try to convince the course staff that
they should up your grade while cranking down your partners'. It's a
zero sum game, but that doesn't mean that you couldn't come out ahead.
Add a fifth wheel to your project. The course projects are carefully
designed to cover the most important aspects of a given topic and
produce easily testable systems. As a result, they leave out some
non-fundamental details. Get all worked up about the lack of
"realism," and jam as many unnecessary optimizations into your
project as you can. The more premature and unjustified, the better -
surely you are not going to waste time quantitatively justifying the
optimizations, when you could be going ahead and implementing them!
Of course, this will make your base functionality unstable and prone
to crash, but if you pull this strategy off really well, your
project will be completely untestable anyway because it implements a
different set of semantics than everyone else's. Don't forget to
argue with the course staff that, while your filesystem cannot
reliably write one byte to the disk, you should get extra credit for
having implemented cutting edge optimizations for concurrent block
Our all time favorite: first, write ALL your code on paper. Then enter it
into the computer. Look puzzled as the compiler discovers 358 errors
and 597 warnings. What could be going wrong here ??? Surely, this
system implementation technique worked in CS 100 - why would it not
scale up ? Probably because of errors in the compiler. Ask for extensive
help getting rid of the compiler errors (never mind the warnings - they
too are for weaklings to fret over). Look even more puzzled as your system
compiles but core dumps/hangs/behaves erratically upon execution. It was
all supposed to work right. You could "pretty much" prove it from the
implementation on paper. It has got to be the compiler producing bad assembly
Based on How to lose in CS 412 by Andrew Myers.