The goal of this problem set is to get you started with the SML language. If you are not already familiar with SML, it may be a fair amount of new material, and you will need to figure out how to use the SML software. So please begin early.
This problem set has four parts. You will write your solution to each part in a
separate file: part1.sml, part2.sml, part3.sml, and
part4.sml. To get you started,
we have provided stub files that you can download from CMS.
Please write your name and NetID as a comment at the top of each file. In SML, comments
are written (*like this*)
. Once you have finished,
submit your solution using CMS.
Post a message with your NetID in the subject to the newsgroup.
Note that the main course newsgroup is cornell.class.cs312 (without the talk), where you should not post this particular message. However, if you have questions about assignments (including this one) or the course in general, you should post to the main course newsgroup. (And we highly encourage the use of this newsgroup as a medium to get your questions answered.)
catalan: int -> int
gives the nth Catalan number Cn. Here is the Wikipedia page that explains what
a Catalan number is. You
will find there several strategies for computing Cn;
choose whichever method you like best. Make sure your solution is correct by checking
your output with the Catalan numbers provided on the page.days: {month:int, day:int, year:int} *
int -> {year:int, days:int}
. The first argument is a record that holds a
date with a 2-digit year; the second is a 4-digit reference year (it doesn't have
to be 4 digits, but it will be a full, unabbreviated year).
The job of this function is to convert that 2-digit year into a fully specified year which falls within a range of -74 to +25 years from the reference year. For example, if the reference year is 2007, then all 2-digit years must represent something in the range 1933 to 2032 (1933 being 74 years less than 2007, and 2032 being 25 more). This range uniquely identifies any 2-digit year.
The output should be a record with the full four-digit year, and the number of days from the beginning of the year until the specified month and day. The number of days may depend on whether it's a leap year. Note that the rules for leap years in the (standard) Gregorian calendar are more complicated than most people realize.
For example, when the function is applied to the pair({month=1, day=1, year=7},2006)
, the result
should be {days=0, year=2007}
. And when applied
to ({month=3, day=1, year=0}, 1910)
, the
result should be {days=59, year=1900}
(This is a change from the original problem spec. If you
correctly implement the original spec, that is ok too.)
isSorted: int list -> bool
given a list of integers returns true if the list is sorted in non-descending order,
and false otherwise. (Consider the empty list to be sorted. Try not to sort a copy
of the list and then compare it with the original.)normalize: string -> string
will remove excess spaces from a given string and capitalize the first (and only
the first) letter of each word. Any sequence of non-space characters is considered
a word. There should be exactly one space between any two words, and no leading
or trailing spaces. For example:
normalize " dOn't TyPe l1ke 7HIs, EVER! !! " = "Don't Type L1ke 7his, Ever! !!"You should browse the SML Basis Library for functions that might be of help to you here.
Give the types of the following expressions.
(op +, true orelse false, [#"#"])
fun f(x::xs) = if (x = 0) then xs else []
fun g(a, b, c) = case a of [] => (round c) = 1 | 1::xs => not (null xs) | _ => b
let fun foo(a, b) = a b fun bar(z) = {x = 1, y = ""} in foo (foo, (bar, bar)) end
For each of the following types, give an expression with that type. In addition, make sure each expression is bound to a variable or function name. (Note that strictly speaking, these names are not really "variables.")
real list * string * (int * int -> bool)
(char * int * (string -> int)) list list
In each of the following, replace ???
with a value that will make the
whole expression evaluate to 42.
let val zardoz = ??? in if (#1 (#2 zardoz)) then (#2 (#1 zardoz)) else ~42 end
let fun zardoz(x) = let fun prod(y) = case y of y::ys => y * prod(ys) | [] => 1 in prod(length(x)::x) end in zardoz(???) end
For each of the following cope snippets, rename each variable, including function
parameters, by appending a distinct number to it. (We suggest you start with 1 and
work your way up the natural numbers.) Then at the point where each identifier goes
out of scope—i.e., is no longer visible—add a comment of the form (*end scope: x1*)
. If more than one variable goes out of
scope at the same point, you can put them all in the same comment, separated by
For example, change
let val x = nil in x end
let val x1 = nil in x1 end (*end scope: x1*)
fun area(r) = let val r = r * r in Math.pi * r end
let val x = 3 fun f(z) = x in let fun g(z) = let val x = 4 in f(z) end in (g(), f()) end end
In this problem, you will write some functions that work on binary trees. The datatype that we will use to represent our trees is this:
datatype tree = Null | Node of int * tree * tree
Each node in these trees will store an integer value, and Null
the empty tree. The first tree
in each Node
(right after
the int
) is the left subtree, and the second is the right subtree.
Here are two example trees and how you would specify them using this datatype:
val tree1 = Node(1, Null, Node(2, Null, Null)) val tree2 = Node(5, Node(~9, Null, Null), Node(8, Node(2, Null, Null), Node(~1, Null, Null)))
Note that tree2
could have been specified on a single line, but judicious
use of linebreaks and proper indentation help make the code a lot more readable.
inOrder: tree -> int list
that given
a binary tree returns the list of integers in that tree according to an in-order
traversal of the tree. Using our examples above, you should get
inOrder tree1 = [1, 2] inOrder tree2 = [~9, 5, 2, 8, ~1]
maxSubtreeSum: tree -> tree * int
that given
a tree will return:
Notes: The empty tree is a subtree of any tree, and we define its sum to be 0. You can break ties arbitrarily if more than one subtree has the maximal sum. A subtree is defined only by where it starts; it always extends from that point on down to the leaves—you can't cut it short. The original tree itself is a possible subtree. (If you are wondering why the whole tree won't always give you the maximum sum, remember that integers can be negative.)
For our two example trees, your function should give
maxSubtreeSum tree1 = (Node(1, Null, Node(2, Null, Null)), 3) maxSubtreeSum tree2 = (Node(8, Node(2, Null, Null), Node(~1, Null, Null)), 9)