CS312 Course Software Installation Guide

You will need to make use of three different software packages for this course:


Installing OCaml and Emacs
  1. Download and install OCaml 3.10.2
  2. After installing OCaml, download and extract Emacs customized for CS 3110. This ZIP archive (40 MB) contains Emacs with tuareg-mode (a mode for editing OCaml code) already installed. It also contains a few minor CS 3110 customizations. For example, it will warn you if a line in your source code is longer than 80 characters.
  3. Execute RunEmacs.bat from the Emacs directory that you extracted.
  4. To run the OCaml top-level from inside Emacs, first open a .ml file. Then click on the OCaml menu and choose Interactive Mode then Run Caml Toplevel.
Setting up your newsreader
  1. You may use any news reader you like, but you need to have at least one. These instructions are for Outlook Express.  To set up a news account in Outlook Express, first start up Outlook Express and exit out of the myriad wizards that start up.
  2. Once at the main screen, choose Accounts... from the Tools menu.
  3. Choose to make a new News... account from the Add button.
  4. Enter your name, click next.
  5. Enter your e-mail address, click next.
  6. Enter newsstand.cit.cornell.edu for the name of the news server, check the authentication box, click next.
  7. Enter your Cornell netid for the account name and your CIT password, click next.
  8. Click finish and close.
  9. Choose Newsgroups... from the Tools menu to select the newsgroups you want to read.  The newsgroups for this course are cornell.class.cs312 and cornell.class.cs312.talk.


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