This problem set has three parts. You will write your solution to each part in a separate file: part1.txt,, and To get you started, we have provided a stub file for each part. You should download and edit these files. Once you have finished, submit your solution using CMS, linked from the course website.
Give the types of each of the following OCaml expressions. For example, the type of (1, 2)
is int * int
Give expressions that have the following OCaml types:
((int * float) list * string) list
(float -> float -> float) * (int * int -> int)
Replace ???
with an expression that makes the code type check correctly. Give the type of the expression you chose.
let rec zardoz foo = match foo with ((a, b), c)::xs -> a (b + c + (zardoz xs)) | _ -> 1 in zardoz ???
let vector = (32.0, 28.0) in let sq x = x *. x in let magnitude x y = sqrt(sq x +. sq y) in let uncurry = ??? in let zardoz = int_of_float (uncurry magnitude vector) in zardoz
The following function executes correctly, but it was written with poor style. Your task is to rewrite it with better style. Please
consult the CS
3110 style guide. You may not use the standard library function
for this problem. Make sure that you use pattern matching.
merge [] [1]
should return [1]
let rec merge a b = if (List.length a) = 0 && (List.length b) = 0 then b else if (List.length b) = 0 then a else if (List.length a) = 0 then b else if (List.hd(a) < List.hd(b)) = true then [List.hd a] @ (merge ( a) b) else [List.hd b] @ (merge a ( b))
Write a function sorted : int list -> bool
returns true if the items in the list are in non-descending
order. The empty list is considered to be sorted. For efficiency
reasons, try not to sort a copy of the list and compare it to the
For example, sorted [1; 1; 2; 4] = true
and sorted [1; 2; 3; 1] = false
Write a function perfect : int -> bool
that returns
true if its input is a perfect number. A
perfect number is a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its
positive divisors except itself.
For example, perfect 6 = true
and perfect 100 = false
The type intlist can represent an int list
type intlist = Nil | Cons of int * intlist
For example, Nil
represents the empty list and
Cons(1, Cons(2, Cons(3, Nil)))
represents [1; 2; 3]
partition : intlist -> int -> intlist * intlist
that takes an intlist
and returns a tuple (less,
where less
is an intlist
contains all of the values from lst
that are less than or
equal to n
, and greater
contains all of the values
greater than n
. If a value appears multiple times in
then it should appear the same number of times in one of the
returned intlist
variance : float list -> float
that returns the sample variance of the numbers in its input list.
Sample variance is defined to be variance [1.0; 2.0; 3.0; 4.0; 5.0] = 2.5
Remember to use the floating point version of the arithmetic operators when operating on floats (i.e. use +.
, *.
, and /.
instead of +
, and /
). Use the float
function to cast in int
to a float
permutations : int list -> int list list
such that permutations lst
returns a list containing every
permutation of lst
. For example, one correct answer to permutations [1;
2; 3]
is [[1; 2; 3]; [2; 1; 3]; [2; 3; 1]; [1; 3; 2];
[3; 1; 2]; [3; 2; 1]]
. It doesn't matter what order the
permutations appear in the returned list. Note that if the input
list is of length n
then the answer should be of length