High School Dating
(Bearman, Moody, and Stovel, 2004)
(Image by Mark Newman)

Corporate E-Mail Communication
(Adamic and Adar, 2005)


Economics 2040 / Sociology 2090 / Computer Science 2850 / Information Science 2040
Cornell University, Fall 2021
Mon-Wed-Fri 11:20-12:10
Statler Auditorium

David Easley (Economics) and Joe Halpern (Computer Science)

A course on how the social, technological, and natural worlds are connected, and how the study of networks sheds light on these connections. Topics include: how opinions, fads, and political movements spread through society; the robustness and fragility of food webs and financial markets; and the technology, economics, and politics of Web information and on-line communities.

The course is designed at the introductory undergraduate level with no formal prerequisites; it satisfies the Arts & Sciences Social and Behavioral Analysis (SBA) distribution and the Engineering Liberal Studies (SBA group) distribution.

  • Instructors:
  • Course staff and office hours

    News and Announcements


    Course Outline


    Class Discussion on Ed

    Academic Integrity