download and intall it first! [HERE]
Step 1
First of all, you know how to launch it.
If you are using a CIT lab computer, there
should be something like this:

Step 2
Choose "Newsgroup account" and click Next.

Step 3
Write your name (which appears on the newsgroup), and your email address.
Then cick "Next"

Step 4
The most important thing: the newsgroup server.
It is newsstand.cit.cornell.edu.
Copy & paste it!

Step 5
Now set the name for this newsgroup.

Step 6
Double check the information. If it's all right,
cClick "Finish"!

Step 7
Now your Mozilla Thunderbird should look like
the picture below.
Click "Manage newsgroup subscriptions".

Step 8
It will say it's downloading something... (if
you are online)

Step 9
If you type the newsgroup name cornell.class, you will see a lot of different newsgroups.
If you type cornell.class.cs, you will see CS
course newsgroups. Subscribe to CS 280 (simply
click the check-box).

Step A
Now you can see you are subscribing the cs280

Step B
Now, you are done. You can
read/write/reply/forward/delete and etc. Have
P.S. For CS majors, many of you will find out
that the newsgroup is awesome when you are
taking CS 312 and/or 314.

Still don't know how to do, but want to use
Email me (Haden).
This is intended for Windows XP because
Cornell libraries and CIT labs all have PCs. If
you're a Mac user, the steps are the same after you launch
Mozilla Thunderbird). If you have questions,
email me (Haden); I'm a Mac user too.
Written by: Haden Hooyeon Lee (hl364)
Date: Feb 13, 2008