Computer Science 280: Homework
- Homework 1: handed out Jan. 28;
due Feb. 4
- Mean: 41/50; median 42.5/50
- Homework 2: handed out Feb. 4;
due Feb. 11
- Mean: 50/60; median 52.5/60
- Homework 3: handed out Feb. 11;
due Feb. 18
- Homework 4: handed out Feb. 18;
due Feb. 25
- Mean 27./50; Median: 39.5/50 (the gap was due to the 29 people
who didn't hand in the assignment, and thus were counted as getting 0)
- Homework
handed out Feb. 23;
due Mar. 3
- Mean: 38/54; median: 45/54
- Homework
handed out Mar. 1; due in class
Monday Mar. 8
- Prelim: Mean 26.7/50; median: 25/50
- Homework 7: posted Mar. 4; due Mar. 17
- This homework is being posted early so as to help you in
for the prelim. Sections 4.2 and 4.3 are fair game for the prelim, so
you should make sure you can do the questions from those sections
the prelim. The material from Section 4.4 is not on the prelim (but it
will be on the final, of course).
- Mean: 43.4/50; median 44.75
- Homework 8: posted Mar. 17; due Mar. 31
- Mean: 42.6/50; median: 44
- Homework 9: posted Mar. 29; due Apr. 7
- Mean: 43.1/50; median: 45
- Homework 10: posted Apr. 7; due Apr. 14
- Mean: 36.9/50; median: 39
- Homework 11: posted Apr. 14; due Apr. 21
- Mean: 35.8/57; median: 37.5
- Homework 12: posted Apr. 21; due Apr. 28
- Homework 13: posted Apr. 28; due May 5