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The SaM tokenizer was designed to break text into tokens, and make
it easier to parse both high level and assembly programs. The tokenizer's
functionality is better described at the SaM Javadoc API documentation.
However, the following are the various types of tokens produced by
these classes:
- Integers: defined as a sequence of digits starting with either a dash
or a digit and containing only digits after the first digit.
- Floating Point Numbers: defined as a sequence of digits starting with
either a dash, a period, or a digit and containing only digits and
one period after the first digit.
- Words: defined as a letter followed by a sequence of alphanumeric
characters or underscores (_) without any whitespace. Also, any numbers
that have two or more periods.
- Strings: anything between two quotation signs. Valid escapes (\n,
\r. \\, \",
\', \xxx, etc...) are evaluated in this
case. This is only enabled if the correct option is passed to SamTokenizer.
- Characters: a single character betweeen two apostrophes. Valid escapes
(\n, \r. \\,
\", \', \xxx,
etc...) are evaluated in this case. This is only enabled if the correct
option is passed to SamTokenizer.
- Comments: any text on the same line after //. This is only enabled
if the correct options is passed to SamTokenizer.
- Operators: defined as any non alphanumeric character and represented
by the java type char.
- EOF: Such a token represents that the end of the stream has been reached
and that there are no more tokens.
Next: SaM Front Ends
Up: Internal Simulator Classes
Previous: SaM Program
David Levitan