This 1-credit S/U course accompanies CS 2110. Only those enrolled in CS 2110 may enroll in this course. It is taught by Siddhartha Chaudhuri and David Gries. There are two sections: Tuesday, 1:25, LEC 12475. Upson B17 The requirement of the course is to attend the weekly section. The weekly section will do different things depending on what is happening in CS2110. There may be lectures, one-on-one help (as much as possible) in using Eclipse and writing Java programs, Q&A, problem solving in small groups, re-explanation of concepts that are troubling those attending, extra problems to illustrate the concepts, etc. No matter what your aptitude is for programming, this 1-credit course can make it a lot easier to learn the material in CS2110 and also learn about good programming methodology. The best thing you can do to prepare ahead of time for CS 2110 and CS 2111 is to get Java and Eclipse running on your computer. This pdf file tells you how to do this.
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Useful links | CS 2110 website CMS for CS 2110 Piazza for CS 2110 CS 1130, Sp 2012 Glossary of OO terminology, from CS1130 |