Introduction to Computing Using Matlab
CS1112 > Latest Announcements
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Date | Topic | Description |
1/9 W | Matlab vs Java | Check out the Java "translations" of some of our Matlab code here. |
12/11 T | Matlab vs Java OOP | Check back here later for example "translations" of some of our Matlab assignments to Java. |
12/11 T | Course Grade | We anticipate that course grades will be available on CMS and Just the Facts (Student Center) around the end of the exam period. Course grades will not be emailed. You may view your final exam paper next semester. How, when, and where? Read the information on the Exams link. |
12/6 R | P6 regrade request | If you have a regrade request on project 6, please enter it in CMS before 11pm on Saturday, December 8th: Select Project 6, then at the bottom of the page type your detailed regrade request justification--you cannot just say please regrade--and click the Request Regrade button. Do not submit any new files--regrade is done on submitted files only. Regrade comments will be available in CMS. |
12/6 R | Potentially useful functions | This list of functions will appear on the cover page of the exam, but you will
not need all of them! abs, sqrt, rem, floor, ceil, rand, zeros, ones, linspace, length, size, isempty, sum, sort, cell, struct, strcmp, fprintf, disp, plot, error |
12/3 M | Office hr change for Thurs | TA Andrew has moved his office hr on Thursday to 5-6:30pm so that it falls between scheduled exams (instead of during an exam time slot). The posted schedule has been updated. |
12/3 M | OOP review | The syntax summary discussed during today's OOP review session is here. |
12/1 Sa | More review questions | Several more review questions on structs have been posted. |
11/30 F | Review questions | Review questions have been posted; solutions will be posted on Wednesday. |
11/30 F | Review, office hrs | Study break office hours (Sunday to Thursday) have been posted. There will be two review sessions: the Monday session will be on OOP, the Wednesday session is general. |