Office Hours
This course offers many different types office hours. The currently available office hours are show in the calendar below. Pick the one that is right for you.
Table of Contents
Instructor Office Hours
Office hours with the instructor can be for anything you want. You can ask about an assignment, a lab, an exam, or even just general problems with the course. You should also feel free just to come by and say “Hi” to the professor.
The downside of these office hours is that there a lot less of them, and certainly not enough for everyone to get help. This semester, the instructor will hold his office hours at 10:05-11:05 am on Tue, Thu in the Statler Atrium Balcony. These hours are between the two lectures, and are ideal for students after the first lecture, or before the second.
If these times do not work for you, you may always schedule an appointment. Keep in mind, however, that appointment requests need a lead-time of a full day (and preferrably two). If you need immediate help that cannot wait, it is best to go to consulting hours or post your question on Ed Discussions.
Consulting Hours
Consulting Hours are the predominant form of office hours in this course, as they are held every day except for Friday and Saturday. This semester we have chosen to only offer in-person help, in Upson 225. Zoom consulting will only be offered in extreme circumstances.
All consulting hours are managed on a first-come, first-served basis. To manage demand, we use When using, make sure you are in CS 1110 queue. If this is your first time logging into the site, enroll yourself in CS 1110. In subsequent visits, it should redirect you to the course’s queue automatically. This site works best when using Chrome or Firefox. If you are using another browser and experiencing a blank screen and refreshing does not help, try one of these browsers.
To get help, click “Join the Queue” for “Consulting Hours”. It is important that you select the “Consulting Hours” slot, as some TAs may use for their own office hours. When you click on this option, you should see a window with four sections - Categories, Tags, Location, and Question – similar to the one below.
First, you must choose a Category, as you you cannot skip ahead to Tags, Location, or Question without doing this first. You should also choose Tags for your chosen Category for the same reason. Location should always be the consulting room (typically Upson 225), as we are not offering alternate locations this semester. Finally, add a a brief explanation of what you would like help with in the Question box.
You will be called when it is your time for help. If you are not present in the consulting room when it is your time, your spot will be given to the next person after a few minutes.
Remote Help
We strongly believe that students get the best help in person, which is why we elected to get rid of remote consulting hours in recent years. However, COVID is still a thing, and we do not want you coming to consulting hours if you are sick.
If you are too sick to come to consulting hours, you should contact your discussion instructor about your situation. If possible, your instructor will arrange for you to get some help so that you do not have to come in.
One-on-One Help
Consultants are available to give one-on-one help on a limited basis. One-on-one help is only available for help on exams, course concepts, or labs, and may not be used to get help on an assignment. In addition, one-on-one sessions are not available when student demand is high, such as before an exam or an assignment is due.
After the first few weeks of the course, we will add a sign-up to CMS allowing you to schedule a one-on-one session. You will be contacted directly by a consultant or TA to arrange the session. If you decide not to use the session, please remove your name from the schedule within an hour of the time slot and notify the consultant or TA.
TA Office Hours
TA Office Hours are like consulting hours in that they are mix of in-person and remote (Zoom) time slots. They are held less often than consulting hours, but they are for any type of question you might have about the course. Like the instructor’s office hours, these are generally held during normal working hours and do not overlap consulting hours (though occasionally a TA may offer a weekend office hour).
For the exact hours available, see the table below (or alternatively look at the calendar above).
TA | Day | Time | Location |
Haley Lee | Wed | 8:30-9:30 am | Rhodes 574 |
Oliver Li | Fri | 3:30 - 4:30 pm | Rhodes 574 |
Chuanruo Ning | Fri | 10:30 - 11:30 am | Rhodes 408 |
Dikkila Sherpa | Mon | 9:00 - 10:00 AM | Rhodes 402 |
Bradon Thymes | Wed | 12:00 - 1:00 PM | Rhodes 574 |
Zhihan Yang | Fri | 9:00 - 10:00 AM | Rhodes 261 (Conference) |
Kidus Zegeye | Fri | 3:00 - 4:00 PM | Rhodes 400 |