# Counts of task names added by students in creating test cases for A3 # CS1110 Spring 2020 166 "sleep" 52 "study" 49 "eat" 32 "breakfast" 31 "homework" 30 "task1" 28 "work" 27 "dinner" 23 "lunch" 22 "party" 20 "nap" 20 "eat breakfast" 19 "eat lunch" 17 "watch tv" 17 "coffee" 15 "task 1" 15 "study for prelim" 15 "classes" 14 "task2" 14 "task 2" 13 "sleeping" 13 "read" 13 "eat dinner" 13 "do homework" 12 'event 1' 12 "run" 12 "eating" 11 "test" 11 "something" 11 "meditate" 11 "gym" 11 "go to class" 11 "drive" 10 none 10 'wake up' 10 "workout" 10 "wake up" 10 "library" 9 "running" 9 "cry" 9 "class" 9 "brunch" 8 'studying' 8 'sleep' 8 "walk the dog" 8 "praying" 8 "finish lab" 8 "cooking" 8 "clean" 7 'event 2' 7 "swimming" 7 "study for cs prelim" 7 "shopping" 7 "random task" 7 "laundry" 7 "event" 7 "drive to ithaca" 7 "drive home" 7 "drive back to ithaca" 7 "do nothing" 7 "breathe" 6 "task 3" 6 "take a nap" 6 "relax" 6 "reading" 6 "read book" 6 "practice" 6 "family time" 6 "eat fancy lunch" 6 "drive to syracuse" 6 "dance" 5 'cry' 5 "yoga" 5 "watch netflix" 5 "watch movie" 5 "wanting it that way" 5 "task 5" 5 "studying" 5 "study for cs1110" 5 "something else" 5 "shower" 5 "school" 5 "rando" 5 "nothing" 5 "none" 5 "napping time" 5 "math class" 5 "go to bed" 5 "football" 5 "finish a3" 5 "do hw" 5 "do a3" 5 "cs project" 5 "cs lecture" 5 "coding" 5 "call dad" 5 "bedtime" 5 "basketball" 4 'singing' 4 'eat lunch' 4 "z" 4 "work out" 4 "walk" 4 "unpack" 4 "travel" 4 "task 4" 4 "swim" 4 "something 2" 4 "soccer practice" 4 "shop" 4 "oh no" 4 "napping" 4 "movie" 4 "monopoly" 4 "math homework" 4 "make dinner" 4 "job" 4 "hw" 4 "hit the gym" 4 "have fun" 4 "hang out with friends" 4 "go to the gym" 4 "go to gym" 4 "go for walk" 4 "getting ready" 4 "get ready" 4 "first task" 4 "exercise" 4 "event 2" 4 "event 1" 4 "english homework" 4 "empty" 4 "eat popcorn" 4 "drive to wegmans" 4 "do one thing" 4 "do laundry" 4 "dinner with friends" 4 "dancing" 4 "bowling" 4 "assignments" 3 aa 3 'sing' 3 'shopping' 3 'running' 3 'math' 3 "working" 3 "watch a movie" 3 "visit nyc" 3 "three hours" 3 "ten hours" 3 "task 7" 3 "talk to family" 3 "study prelim" 3 "study for cs" 3 "study break" 3 "stroll" 3 "sleep in" 3 "read a book" 3 "procrastinate" 3 "prelims" 3 "out of town" 3 "netflix" 3 "netflix and chill" 3 "mukbang" 3 "morning run" 3 "meeting" 3 "meditation" 3 "long task" 3 "living" 3 "listen to music" 3 "jog" 3 "have lunch" 3 "have lunch with friends" 3 "have existential crisis" 3 "haircut" 3 "grocery shopping" 3 "go to sleep" 3 "go shopping" 3 "getting ready to sleep" 3 "get ready for bed" 3 "full day task" 3 "finish homework" 3 "finish cs assignment" 3 "fall asleep" 3 "exits" 3 "event2" 3 "empire state building" 3 "eat oatmeal" 3 "eat food" 3 "drive to target" 3 "drive to boston" 3 "drink a smoothie" 3 "dinner time" 3 "cs assignment" 3 "cs 1110" 3 "crying" 3 "cram for exam!!!" 3 "conference" 3 "clean the house" 3 "bowel disfunction" 3 "big task" 3 "5_am_to_7_am_task" 2 bb 2 24 2 ) 2 'shower' 2 'python lecture' 2 'laundry' 2 'homework' 2 'event 3' 2 'cook' 2 'brush teeth' 2 '3 hour exam' 2 "write" 2 "write test cases" 2 "write test cases =(" 2 "write paper" 2 "write essay" 2 "write code" 2 "whatever" 2 "water plants" 2 "watching netflix" 2 "watch movie with friends" 2 "wash your face" 2 "wash hands" 2 "wash dishes" 2 "wash 2 "walk to class" 2 "walk dogs" 2 "wakeup" 2 "wake up and exercise" 2 "visit museum" 2 "visit mom" 2 "visit dentist" 2 "visit central park" 2 "vaccination" 2 "twitter" 2 "twiddle thumbs" 2 "thesis" 2 "test 2" 2 "task6" 2 "task5" 2 "task4" 2 "task3" 2 "task" 2 "task length of multiple hours" 2 "task length of 1" 2 "task 8" 2 "task 6a" 2 "task 6" 2 "take the act" 2 "take bus to nyc" 2 "take a walk" 2 "ta meeting" 2 "study in the library" 2 "study cs prelim" 2 "study all day" 2 "studio" 2 "stretch" 2 "spa" 2 "soccer" 2 "snackbreak" 2 "sleeptime" 2 "sleeping time" 2 "sleep2" 2 "sleep!!!" 2 "single task" 2 "sing" 2 "secondtask" 2 "second task" 2 "second event" 2 "science homework" 2 "science class" 2 "saving the world" 2 "same name" 2 "repeat" 2 "read kant" 2 "project meeting" 2 "prelim" 2 "prayer" 2 "practice piano" 2 "power nap" 2 "pool party" 2 "poker" 2 "play" 2 "play with cat" 2 "play video game" 2 "partyy" 2 "partying" 2 "paint class" 2 "one hour" 2 "office hours" 2 "new task" 2 "multiple hours task" 2 "multihour" 2 "move" 2 "morning task" 2 "morning routine" 2 "morning jog" 2 "midnight snack" 2 "meetings" 2 "meet with cs1110 staff" 2 "math" 2 "math 1920" 2 "make money" 2 "lunch with friend" 2 "long nap" 2 "long brunch" 2 "loitering" 2 "live" 2 "live life" 2 "lecture" 2 "lay in bed" 2 "lab work" 2 "jogging" 2 "ice skating" 2 "hit the club" 2 "history homework" 2 "have dinner" 2 "hackathon" 2 "groceries" 2 "going_number_two!" 2 "go to wisconsin for conference" 2 "go to track meet" 2 "go to office hours" 2 "go to math class" 2 "go to lunch" 2 "go to classes" 2 "go to buffalo 2 "go to beach" 2 "go swimming" 2 "go jogging" 2 "go grocery shopping" 2 "go groccery shopping" 2 "go for a walk" 2 "go for a run" 2 "get my car fixed" 2 "get food" 2 "game" 2 "gala" 2 "four hours" 2 "food shopping" 2 "fold laundry" 2 "fishing" 2 "first event" 2 "feed fish" 2 "feed cat" 2 "exam" 2 "event3" 2 "event1" 2 "evening slither" 2 "errands" 2 "english" 2 "eat meal" 2 "eat at 886" 2 "early morning slither" 2 "drunk time" 2 "driving" 2 "drive to work" 2 "drive to bayfield 2 "drive from nyc" 2 "drive back" 2 "drinks" 2 "drink water" 2 "drink oj" 2 "dreaming" 2 "do washing" 2 "do something" 2 "do physics homework" 2 "do assigment 3" 2 "diving" 2 "dishes" 2 "dinner with friend" 2 "cs1110" 2 "cs homework" 2 "cook" 2 "cook dinner" 2 "contemplating the meaning of life" 2 "concert" 2 "code" 2 "club" 2 "chilling at home" 2 "chill" 2 "chef" 2 "chat with trump" 2 "chat with hillary" 2 "chasing bag" 2 "carrying my existential burden" 2 "calculate expense bill" 2 "bye" 2 "bye bye" 2 "buzzin all day long" 2 "breathing" 2 "big event" 2 "be amazing" 2 "be a cornell student" 2 "bathroom_time!" 2 "ball with the boys" 2 "bake a cake" 2 "bahubali 1&2" 2 "back to russa" 2 "back to china" 2 "asleep" 2 "anything" 2 "all day full" 2 "a3" 2 "a list" 2 "a clause" 2 "5 to 7" 2 "24 hour race" 2 "2 hour task" 2 "1hour task" 1 nothing 1 4 1 24 hours filled) 1 2 1 1 1 0) 1 'writing' 1 'wow!' 1 'workout' 1 'work2' 1 'work1' 1 'work work work work work' 1 'woodwork') 1 'wear green' 1 'watch netflix' 1 'watch a movie' 1 'wash carpet' 1 'walk' 1 'walk a dog' 1 'wake' 1 'tv' 1 'testing' 1 'testing 2' 1 'test4' 1 'test3' 1 'test2' 1 'test1' 1 'test' 1 'test 8c' 1 'test 8b' 1 'test 8' 1 'test 7' 1 'test 6' 1 'test 5' 1 'test 4' 1 'test 3' 1 'task 2' 1 'task 1' 1 'take back the sudetenland' 1 'swimming1' 1 'swimming' 1 'survive' 1 'studying') 1 'study' 1 'study for physics' 1 'study for math' 1 'study for math quiz' 1 'standing' 1 'sleep all day' 1 'sledding' 1 'sitting' 1 'single multiple hours' 1 'shleep' 1 'second task' 1 'run' 1 'reflect' 1 'reading' 1 'read' 1 'ping pong') 1 'party time' 1 'partay' 1 'one hour event' 1 'okurttt' 1 'office hour' 1 'not enough time' 1 'new task' 1 'new 24 hour task' 1 'netflix' 1 'multiple hours' 1 'multi-hour task' 1 'morning' 1 'more studying' 1 'midday hike' 1 'meeting' 1 'medium task' 1 'make hitler commit old age' 1 'make \"brownies\"' 1 'lunch_break' 1 'looong shower' 1 'look at the stars' 1 'lolol' 1 'little middle' 1 'liberate france' 1 'length of 1' 1 'layover' 1 'late night' 1 'labor relations lecture' 1 'judo' 1 'jogging' 1 'hour-long lecture' 1 'hist' 1 'have a picnic' 1 'have a coffee' 1 'hangout with friends' 1 'grub big' 1 'golfing') 1 'go to vegas' 1 'go to school' 1 'go to dtla' 1 'go for a run' 1 'go for a hike' 1 'get ready' 1 'get nasties' 1 'frolic in a meadow' 1 'free time' 1 'four hour book' 1 'food break' 1 'flight2' 1 'flight1' 1 'flight') 1 'first task' 1 'essay crunch' 1 'econ' 1 'eat breakfast' 1 'early lift sesh' 1 'drive' 1 'drink' 1 'doing nothing' 1 'do my homework' 1 'do homework' 1 'dinner' 1 'dating' 1 'cs project' 1 'cramming for prelim' 1 'contemplate my existence' 1 'clean' 1 'clean the mayonaize out of my socks' 1 'classes') 1 'classes' 1 'buy flowers' 1 'busy at random time' 1 'busy all day' 1 'brunch') 1 'bruh moment' 1 'breakfast' 1 'bool' 1 'biking' 1 'before drive' 1 'bedtime' 1 'beach volleyball' 1 'apply for girth certificate' 1 'another 12 hour test' 1 '24 hour long exam' 1 '2 hour exam' 1 '12 hour test' 1 '12 hour long exam' 1 "you should slow down..." 1 "yoga class" 1 "yeeheet" 1 "yay!" 1 "y" 1 "x" 1 "writing code" 1 "write to my pen pal" 1 "write testcases" 1 "write letters to old friends" 1 "write an essay" 1 "write a book" 1 "worry") 1 "world domination" 1 "work on my thesis" 1 "work on a3" 1 "work in garden" 1 "work hard" 1 "work at office" 1 "within task 3" 1 "within task 1" 1 "winning the lottery" 1 "win lottery" 1 "why are you still awake?" 1 "weed" 1 "water" 1 "water the plants" 1 "water polo" 1 "watching movie" 1 "watching hulu" 1 "watching disney+" 1 "watch the superbowl" 1 "watch the sunrise" 1 "watch the nba game" 1 "watch the game" 1 "watch northern lights" 1 "watch movies" 1 "watch honey we shrunk ourselves" 1 "watch honey i shrunk the kids" 1 "watch concert" 1 "watch cats" 1 "watch big bang theory" 1 "watch bachelor" 1 "watch air bud" 1 "watch air bud in the morning" 1 "wasting time" 1 "wash the dishes" 1 "wash hair" 1 "wash dog" 1 "wash car" 1 "walmart shopping" 1 "walking" 1 "walking to canada" 1 "walk to the park" 1 "walk to china" 1 "walk dog" 1 "walk at boardwalk" 1 "walk around times square" 1 "walk around the high line" 1 "walk around nyc" 1 "waking" 1 "waking up" 1 "wake" 1 "wake up half an hour early" 1 "wake up and great ready for the day" 1 "wake up and eat" 1 "wake up 1 "wait for a letter" 1 "vote" 1 "volunteer" 1 "volleyball" 1 "visit time square" 1 "visit friends" 1 "visit friend" 1 "visit cousin" 1 "violating" 1 "video game" 1 "uris" 1 "uncut gems" 1 "ultra-run" 1 "two hours" 1 "two hour increment event" 1 "turn in project" 1 "tsk" 1 "try to wake up" 1 "try to go to sleep" 1 "try and get the reporter to fall for me" 1 "trip" 1 "treason" 1 "travel to" 1 "training" 1 "tournament" 1 "tour animation studio" 1 "tofu" 1 "time to rest" 1 "time for netflix") 1 "thrift shopping" 1 "three hour task" 1 "this event overlaps with first" 1 "third task for space_available_day" 1 "the initial task" 1 "the first event" 1 "the big one" 1 "testing" 1 "test2" 1 "test conquer enemies" 1 "tennis practice" 1 "team practice" 1 "team dinner" 1 "teach arun cs" 1 "tea" 1 "taskb" 1 "taska" 1 "task_6" 1 "task_5" 1 "task_4" 1 "task_3" 1 "task_2" 1 "task_1" 1 "task9" 1 "task8" 1 "task7" 1 "task3/3" 1 "task2/3" 1 "task10" 1 "task1/3" 1 "task that will take multiple hours" 1 "task that will take an hour" 1 "task number" + str(task_number) 1 "task b" 1 "task a" 1 "task 9") 1 "task 9" 1 "task 8") 1 "task 73" 1 "task 72" 1 "task 71" 1 "task 7") 1 "task 6") 1 "task 5 1" 1 "task 4 1" 1 "task 3 2" 1 "task 3 1" 1 "talk on the phone with friend" 1 "taking classes12" 1 "taking classes" 1 "take taxi to airport" 1 "take shower" 1 "take second class" 1 "take python prelim" 1 "take prelim" 1 "take practice prelim" 1 "take physics exam" 1 "take out trash" 1 "take nyc subway" 1 "take first class" 1 "take bus" 1 "take a long nap" 1 "swing dance" 1 "survive the day" 1 "survive assasination" 1 "supper" 1 "super task" 1 "super late task" 1 "suffer" 1 "submit assignment 3" 1 "submission" 1 "studying for finals" 1 "studyc" 1 "studyb" 1 "studya" 1 "study' 1 "study test" 1 "study study study" 1 "study python" 1 "study python more" 1 "study piano" 1 "study physics" 1 "study math" 1 "study hard" 1 "study for two hours" 1 "study for the prelim" 1 "study for some class" 1 "study for prelim #2" 1 "study for other courses" 1 "study for four hours" 1 "study for exams" 1 "study for cs prelime" 1 "study for cs 1110" 1 "study cs" 1 "study compsci" 1 "study at library" 1 "study after class" 1 "study after class for exam" 1 "studio crit" 1 "stuck in hk" 1 "strike the enemy" 1 "steal the mayor's car and the groundhog" 1 "staying awake" 1 "stay up watching tiktoks instead of sleeping" 1 "stay at family's house" 1 "starting to want it that way" 1 "start" 1 "start a3" 1 "staring at a wall" 1 "squirrel watching" 1 "squating" 1 "spring cleaning" 1 "spa day" 1 "something new" 1 "socialize" 1 "snooze it" 1 "sneak the army to the river side" 1 "snap" 1 "snacking" + str(index) 1 "snack4" 1 "snack3" 1 "snack2" 1 "snack1" 1 "snack 2" 1 "snack 1" 1 "smile" 1 "slumber" 1 "sleepy time" 1 "sleepover!" 1 "sleeping11" 1 "sleeping in" 1 "sleeping all day" 1 "sleepin" 1 "sleep4" 1 "sleep3" 1 "sleep time" 1 "sleep ten hours" 1 "sleep study" 1 "sleep like a beauty" 1 "sleep in more" 1 "sleep eight hours" 1 "sleep all day" 1 "sleep again" 1 "skip breakfast" 1 "ski" 1 "ski on slopes" 1 "sitting" 1 "site model construction" 1 "sit in class" 1 "sit around" 1 "singing" 1 "shorttask" 1 "shorter task" 1 "shop for groceries" 1 "shop for furniture" 1 "shop at soho" 1 "set up tents" 1 "senior thesis" 1 "semi" 1 "sell lemonade" 1 "self care" 1 "see show" 1 "second_test_task" 1 "second half of day" 1 "scroll thru twitter" 1 "screaming" 1 "scream" 1 "schoolwork" 1 "save the world" 1 "sailing" 1 "sabor practice" 1 "run away" 1 "run a marathon" 1 "rule the world" 1 "rpcc" 1 "roll around in bed" 1 "rock climbing" 1 "rock climb" 1 "rise 'n shine" 1 "ride the bike" 1 "ride my bike" 1 "ride llama" 1 "ride bike" 1 "review the battle" 1 "review session" 1 "return home without your shoe" 1 "retreat" 1 "resting" 1 "rest" 1 "research" 1 "repeating2" 1 "repeating1" 1 "relax with friends" 1 "relax while eating breakfast" 1 "relax on the beach" 1 "relax and unwind" 1 "regretting going for a run" 1 "recover from watching the mgmt kids music video" 1 "realize that it's happening again" 1 "read kafka on the shore" 1 "read derrida" 1 "read cs testbook" 1 "rave" 1 "random" 1 "quick nap" 1 "python" 1 "python prelim" 1 "python prelim 1 "python class" 1 "python assignment" 1 "put gas in car" 1 "purchase snacks" 1 "proposal request" 1 "proofread" 1 "project team meeting" 1 "program a3" 1 "procrastinating" 1 "presents" 1 "prepare to leave" 1 "prepare lunch" 1 "prepare for the prelim 1110" 1 "prepare for class" 1 "prepare for a long day" 1 "prepar for the prelim 1110" 1 "prelim1&2 study" 1 "prelim studying" 1 "prelim #1" 1 "pre gala" 1 "practice violin" 1 "practice throwing cards into a hat" 1 "pot plants" 1 "post office" 1 "pop" 1 "ponder meaning of life" 1 "polish silverware" 1 "poker w the boys" 1 "playing pokemon go" 1 "play water polo" 1 "play war" 1 "play videogames" 1 "play video games" 1 "play pubg" 1 "play piano" 1 "play hard" 1 "play guitar" 1 "play games" 1 "play cod" 1 "play bach" 1 "plant flowers" 1 "plane flight" 1 "pilates" 1 "picking up mail" 1 "pick up grandma" 1 "piano lessons" 1 "piano lessons" 1 "piano class" 1 "physics lecture" 1 "physics lab" 1 "physics i lecture" 1 "physics homework" 1 "physics heat & mechanics" 1 "physics class" 1 "phys 1112" 1 "pet llamas" 1 "partying?" 1 "party with friends" 1 "party time" 1 "party start" 1 "party set up" 1 "party end" 1 "partay time" 1 "part workout" 1 "part workout 3" 1 "part workout 2" 1 "parasite" 1 "panic" 1 "paint pots" 1 "overlap task 3" 1 "open presents" 1 "online shopping" 1 "one" 1 "one hour" 1 "one hour task" 1 "one hour increment event" 1 "olin" 1 "nothing") 1 "nothing to do" 1 "nothing to do all day" 1 "not sleeping" 1 "none") 1 "nightly sleep" 1 "night" 1 "night task" 1 "night squash" 1 "night shift" 1 "night run" 1 "night owl" 1 "new year countdown" 1 "nes 1922" 1 "need to exhale" 1 "navs 1102" 1 "nap time" 1 "naaaap" 1 "music" 1 "multiple_hour_task" 1 "multiple hours" 1 "much needed sleep" 1 "mozart" 1 "moving" 1 "movie with dylan " 1 "movie marathon" 1 "movie date" 1 "morning" 1 "morning workout" 1 "morning swim" 1 "morning sleep" 1 "morning devotion" 1 "morning commute" 1 "morning class" 1 "morning at the beach" 1 "more study" 1 "more python" 1 "money on my mind" 1 "mixer to open" 1 "minecraft" 1 "midnight task" 1 "midday nap" 1 "meeting with trump" 1 "meet with friend" 1 "meet friends" 1 "meet client" 1 "mechanical synthesis" 1 "meandering" 1 "mealtime" 1 "math lecture" 1 "math hw" 1 "math class" 1 "massage" 1 "make universe reboot" 1 "make breakfast" 1 "make bouquets!" 1 "make a wish" 1 "make a sandwich" 1 "make a dank quesadilla" 1 "makan" 1 "mad gym sesh" 1 "lunch2" 1 "lunch1" 1 "lunch with sister" 1 "lunch with grandma" 1 "lunch with bob" 1 "lunch date" 1 "lunch celebration" 1 "love herself" 1 "lounging" 1 "lose control of life" 1 "look for a job" 1 "look at shoes" 1 "longtask" 1 "longevent" 1 "long dinner" 1 "live your best life" 1 "literally anything else" 1 "listentox0" 1 "listentop2" 1 "listen to sad music" 1 "listen to kids" 1 "listen music" 1 "listen bach" 1 "linear algebra" 1 "light studying" 1 "light jog" 1 "lift" 1 "leo's crazy concert" 1 "length5-7" 1 "length5 task" 1 "length2 task" 1 "length1" 1 "lengt4 task" 1 "leisure time" 1 "lee's birthday" 1 "leave resort" 1 "learning how to sew 1 "learn soci" 1 "learn cs" 1 "lazy day" 1 "laundry again oops" 1 "laugh uncontrollably" 1 "late popcorn" 1 "late night snack" 1 "late class" 1 "last one" 1 "last class" 1 "lari" 1 "land" 1 "lab" 1 "lab course" 1 "kill a cow" 1 "karaoke" 1 "just chilling" 1 "jumping" 1 "jetlag adjustment" 1 "intro to python" 1 "intro to python class" 1 "integration bee" 1 "instagrm" 1 "instagram" 1 "imprison the hostages" 1 "important nap" 1 "idk" 1 "i guess i'll save the kid in the tree again" 1 "hunt animals" 1 "hum" 1 "huge party" 1 "house" 1 "horro movie" 1 "homework 4" 1 "homework 3" 1 "homework 2" 1 "homework 1" 1 "hold a victory banquet" 1 "hit the roulette table" 1 "hike" 1 "hibernating" 1 "hibernate" 1 "hibachi dinner" 1 "help" 1 "have dinner with mom" 1 "have dinner with friends" 1 "have dinner with families" 1 "have breakfast" 1 "have a bubble tea chat" 1 "hangout with friends!" 1 "hanging out with friends" 1 "hang with the boys" 1 "hang with friends" 1 "gym again!" 1 "guide the army across the river" 1 "grubhub" 1 "grocery_shopping" 1 "grocery store" 1 "grind" 1 "grind don't stop" 1 "graduation celebration" 1 "grading" 1 "grading assignments" 1 "grab dinner" 1 "gotta clean" 1 "going to the dmv" 1 "going to sports game" 1 "going for a run" 1 "go to work shift at tatkon center" 1 "go to work shift at olin library" 1 "go to the opera" 1 "go to the mall" 1 "go to the mall with mom" 1 "go to the club" 1 "go to target" 1 "go to sleep") 1 "go to sleep at what feels like midnight" 1 "go to second class" 1 "go to school" 1 "go to party" 1 "go to office hour" 1 "go to mass" 1 "go to mall" 1 "go to linear algebra class" 1 "go to library" 1 "go to lecture" 1 "go to lab" 1 "go to green room accel oh" 1 "go to friend\'s party" 1 "go to first class" 1 "go to cs class" 1 "go to cornell" 1 "go to comic con" 1 "go to class") 1 "go to church" 1 "go to chem lab" 1 "go to career fair" 1 "go to bio class" 1 "go to a party" 1 "go sledding" 1 "go shopppping" 1 "go sailing...again" 1 "go sailing" 1 "go out" 1 "go on a picnic" 1 "go hiking" 1 "go for run" 1 "go for a jog" 1 "go eat breakfast" 1 "go back to sleep" 1 "give up and eat more junk food" 1 "getting out of bed" 1 "get_lit" 1 "get some sleep" 1 "get ready for class" 1 "get ready for bed 1 "get out of bed" 1 "get lunch" 1 "get icecream" 1 "get ice cream" 1 "get hair done" 1 "get groceries" 1 "get drinks" 1 "get dressed" 1 "get dressed 1 "get dog food" 1 "get dinner with friends" 1 "get dinner 1 "get coffee" 1 "get brunch" 1 "get breakfast" 1 "gather food" 1 "game for the whole day" 1 "fws" 1 "futsal" 1 "futsal shuffle through album" 1 "fun" 1 "fulltask" 1 "full workout" 1 "full day" 1 "full day task 2" 1 "full day plan" 1 "full day plan pt 2" 1 "full day plan pt 1" 1 "frolick" 1 "friends want to hang out" 1 "friend's concert" 1 "freekisses" 1 "free" 1 "forget how to breathe" 1 "foot massage" 1 "food" 1 "fly: jfk - hkg - lhr" 1 "fly to the moon" 1 "fly to texas" 1 "fly to russia" 1 "fly to melbourne" 1 "fly to lax" 1 "fly to hong kong" 1 "fly to florida" 1 "fly to chicago" 1 "fly to asia" 1 "fly around the world" 1 "flight" 1 "flight to lax" 1 "flight to california" 1 "flight from nyc to shanghai" 1 "first overlap task" 1 "first half of day" 1 "finish project" 1 "finish problem sets" 1 "finish physics prelim" 1 "finish function" 1 "finish assignment 3" 1 "finish a4" 1 "finish a3 assignment" 1 "find parking in nyc" 1 "find an apartment" 1 "final study" 1 "fifth task" 1 "fencing" 1 "feel like a champion" 1 "feed the horses" 1 "feed the fishies" 1 "feed the cats" 1 "feed the cat" 1 "feed the bears" 1 "feed sparky" 1 "feed pigeons" 1 "feast" 1 "fasting3" 1 "fasting2" 1 "fasting1" 1 "fasting" 1 "fancy dinner" 1 "family dinner" 1 "falling" 1 "falling asleep" 1 "fall" 1 "failing" 1 "explore the city" 1 "explore the beach town" 1 "exist outside" 1 "exist inside" 1 "exam 2" 1 "exam 1" 1 "event4" 1 "event two." 1 "event oooooonnee" 1 "event day" 1 "event 3" 1 "event 2separate " 1 "event 1 separate" 1 "evening lecture" 1 "evening at the beach" 1 "evade taxes" 1 "essay" 1 "environmental systems" 1 "enjoy a night out in the city" 1 "english hw" 1 "english discussion" 1 "end" 1 "empty day" 1 "emails" 1 "ece lecture" 1 "eboard meeting" 1 "eatmorefood" 1 "eating with friends" 1 "eating lunch" 1 "eating dinner" 1 "eat2" 1 "eat watermelon" 1 "eat sum lunch" 1 "eat strawberries" 1 "eat poke bowl" 1 "eat pizza" 1 "eat pigeons" 1 "eat pie" 1 "eat pasta" 1 "eat ice cream" 1 "eat hotpot" 1 "eat honeydew" 1 "eat hamburgers" 1 "eat girl scout cookies" 1 "eat fanvy breakfast" 1 "eat dinner with friends" 1 "eat dinner 1 "eat coconut" 1 "eat cheeseburger" 1 "eat cheesburgers" 1 "eat carrots" 1 "eat cake" 1 "eat breakfast and dinner" 1 "eat blueberries" 1 "eat a meal" 1 "eat a bagel" 1 "early coffee" 1 "dungeons and dragons" 1 "drop eternal atake" 1 "drive with the groundhog off the cliff" 1 "drive to yonkers" 1 "drive to the beach" 1 "drive to ski resort" 1 "drive to school" 1 "drive to sc" 1 "drive to rochester" 1 "drive to philidephia" 1 "drive to philadelphia" 1 "drive to pa" 1 "drive to ny" 1 "drive to nc" 1 "drive to location" 1 "drive to krum's house" 1 "drive to hotel" 1 "drive to hawaii" 1 "drive to grandma" 1 "drive to florida" 1 "drive to dallas" 1 "drive to ctb" 1 "drive to class" 1 "drive to chicago" 1 "drive to camp" 1 "drive to california" 1 "drive to baltimore" 1 "drive to adidonracks" 1 "drive the batmobile" 1 "drive out of town" 1 "drive back from pa" 1 "drive back from a place 24hrs away" 1 "drinks and dinner" 1 "drinking" 1 "drink water again" 1 "drink tea" 1 "drink juice" 1 "drink coffee" 1 "dressing" 1 "dream" 1 "drawing" 1 "don't dance" 1 "domination" 1 "doing yet another bad thing" 1 "doing stuff" 1 "doing stuff again" 1 "doing homework" 1 "doing cs assignment part 2" 1 "doing cs assignment part 1" 1 "doing another bad thing" 1 "do yoga" 1 "do yardwork" 1 "do the assignment 3" 1 "do something full day" 1 "do some yoga" 1 "do schoolwork" 1 "do other thing" 1 "do nothing") 1 "do nothing productive" 1 "do nothing 1 "do nails" 1 "do my best at completing the assignment" 1 "do dishes" 1 "do cs" 1 "do cs homework" 1 "do cs a3" 1 "do chem hw" 1 "do assignment 2" 1 "do assignment 1" 1 "do another thing") 1 "do another thing" 1 "do absolutely nothing" 1 "disney marathon" 1 "dinner with wife" 1 "dinner with versace" 1 "dinner with trump" 1 "dinner party" 1 "dinner date" 1 "dinner at restaurant" 1 "dinner at mcdonalds" 1 "dinner at ctb" 1 "destroy some folk at mariokart" 1 "dessert time" 1 "deepper sleep" 1 "debussy" 1 "debugging" 1 "debug test cases" 1 "day5 task" 1 "day4 task" 1 "day task 3" 1 "day task 2" 1 "day task 1" 1 "day drinking with diddy" 1 "date with dianna" 1 "date with denice" 1 "date night" 1 "dance-a-thon" 1 "dance with prince" 1 "dance practice" 1 "dance class" 1 "cut sleeping" 1 "cut school" 1 "cs2800" 1 "cs1110 prelim practice" 1 "cs1110 lecture" 1 "cs1110 lab" 1 "cs prelim" 1 "cs prelim prep" 1 "cs lab" 1 "cs homework2" 1 "cs final" 1 "cs class" 1 "cs 1110 hw" 1 "crying over cs" 1 "cry uncontrollably" 1 "cry myself to sleep" 1 "cry about python" 1 "critique" 1 "create a version for electric field(haha 1 "cramming" 1 "cramming for prelims" 1 "cram" 1 "cram for prelims" 1 "cram for prelim" 1 "crackle" 1 "count sheep" 1 "cornell fight team! ha! ha! ha!" 1 "cooking class" 1 "cook lunch" 1 "cook elaborate lunch" 1 "cook breakfast" 1 "cook & eat dinner" 1 "contemplate life" 1 "consume" 1 "consume food" 1 "conflicting schedule task" 1 "conflict within task 4" 1 "conflict within task 2" 1 "conflict task" 1 "conflict overlap task" 1 "conflict overlap task 4" 1 "computer games10" 1 "computer games" 1 "complete the write-up" 1 "complete the 3d project" 1 "complete project" 1 "complete homework" 1 "complete cs assignment" 1 "complete assignments" 1 "commute to work" 1 "commute to apartment" 1 "coffee chat" 1 "coding assignment3" 1 "club track" 1 "clown show" 1 "close fridge" 1 "climb" 1 "climb trees" 1 "climb tree" 1 "client presentation" 1 "client call" 1 "cleaning" 1 "clean up the battlefield" 1 "clean room") 1 "clean room" 1 "clean dishes" 1 "class2" 1 "class1" 1 "class two" 1 "class one" 1 "city tour" 1 "chores" 1 "chimes" 1 "chilling" 1 "chilling at the office" 1 "chill out" 1 "chem lecture" 1 "check in at airport" 1 "check code" 1 "chat with mom" 1 "chat with bernie" 1 "chapter" 1 "celebrate marathon finish" 1 "car repair" 1 "canvas" 1 "canoeing" 1 "campus tour" 1 "camping activities" 1 "call" 1 "call home" 1 "call friend in hong kong" 1 "calculate life sins" 1 "calc" 1 "buy party supplies" 1 "buy hand sanitizer" 1 "buy groceries" 1 "buy bread" 1 "buy book" 1 "buy a pool" 1 "buy a new dog" 1 "busy morning" 1 "busy life" 1 "busy busy" 1 "busy all day" 1 "business call" 1 "bungee jump" 1 "build the batmobile" 1 "build shed" 1 "build a spaceship" 1 "build a shed" 1 "build a desk" 1 "build a chair" 1 "brush your teeth" 1 "brush teeth" 1 "brunch time" 1 "broadway show" 1 "breakfast date" 1 "breakfast and get dressed" 1 "breakdance" 1 "bowling with family " 1 "bobo" 1 "blow_nose" 1 "birthday party" 1 "biology hw" 1 "binge watch netflix" 1 "binge watch how it's made") 1 "bike" 1 "bike ride" 1 "bellagio water fountains" 1 "being busy" 1 "beginning" 1 "bed time" 1 "becoming a werewolf" 1 "beauty sleep" 1 "be sad" 1 "be joyjul" 1 "be joyful" 1 "be in a coma" 1 "be home by 5" 1 "be happy" 1 "be cool" 1 "be beautiful" 1 "be awake" 1 "be asleep" 1 "bathe my lizard" 1 "bath" 1 "bar night" 1 "bank deposit" 1 "ballet" 1 "ball" 1 "baking" 1 "bake cake" 1 "back to china2" 1 "back from ny" 1 "babysitting" 1 "awards" 1 "awake" 1 "at moma" 1 "at alp's house" 1 "archery lessons" 1 "apple picking" 1 "answer emails" 1 "another" 1 "another ten" 1 "another task" 1 "an unenviable task" 1 "already big task" 1 "allnighter" 1 "allday" 1 "all day" 1 "all day task" 1 "all day event" 1 "afternoon jog" 1 "afternoon at the beach" 1 "aem 6600" 1 "aem 6390" 1 "acquire coronavirus" 1 "aaa" 1 "a3 project" 1 "a third task" 1 "a task" 1 "a long task" 1 "7 hour event" 1 "6 hour task" 1 "6 hour event" 1 "5-7" 1 "4hours" 1 "3hoursnack" 1 "3hour" 1 "3 hour task" 1 "2task" 1 "2nd task" 1 "2hoursnack" 1 "24hours" 1 "24hourmarathon" 1 "2 overlaps task 3" 1 "2 overlaps task 2" 1 "2 overlaps task 1" 1 "1task" 1 "1hoursnack" 1 "1hour" 1 "12-hour run" 1 "12-hour meditation" 1 "11:00 pm snack" 1 "" 1 " attend math support"