The main text for CS1110 is Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, Second Edition, by Allen B. Downey. Although we like and refer to the text, it does present material in a fundamentally different order than we do. Consider it a good supplementary reference.
We recommend that you get the PDF or eBook, which is available free online. You can download it from Green Tree Press. If you prefer a paper copy, you can buy one from Amazon.
We will use iClickers in most lectures. Everyone is expected to have an iClicker and to bring it to class every day. They help us assess how the lecture is going and help you assess how well you understand what has been presented. They will contribute to your participation grade. Participation is the key word here; you do not get additional points for correct answers.
You must use a physical iClicker. (Reef Polling is not supported.) You can buy an iClicker online or at the Campus bookstore, and you should be able to use it in several of your courses over the years. You will need to register your clicker on Canvas.
Python comes in several shapes and sizes. To make sure that everything works properly, we require everyone in the course to use the same version of Python. If you're exclusively using the lab computers, you're good to go. But if you wish to use your own machine, even if you already have Python installed on your computer, we ask that you install our version so you can be consistent with everyone else.
Technically, you can write Python in any text editor (e.g., a Word processor that only produces text and does not have fonts or fancy formatting). NotePad and WordPad are text editors in Windows, while TextEdit is provided by OS X. We recommend that you install and use Atom becasue it is the same across all platforms. That allows you to collaborate with partners who might be working on other operating systems. Some people prefer Sublime Text, but that program is not free.