# temperature.py # Walker M. White (wmw2) # August 30, 2015 """Conversion functions between fahrentheit and centrigrade This module shows off two functions for converting temperature back and forth between fahrenheit and centigrade. It also shows how to use variables to represent "constants", or values that we give a name in order to remember them better.""" # Functions def to_centigrade(x): """Returns: x converted to centigrade The value returned has type float. Parameter x: the temperature in fahrenheit Precondition: x is a number """ return 5*(x-32)/9.0 def to_fahrenheit(x): """Returns: x converted to fahrenheit The value returned has type float. Parameter x: the temperature in centigrade Precondition: x is a number """ return 9*x/5.0+32 # Constants FREEZING_C = 0.0 # Temperature water freezes in centrigrade FREEZING_F = to_fahrenheit(FREEZING_C) BOILING_C = 100.0 # Temperature water freezes in centrigrade BOILING_F = to_fahrenheit(BOILING_C)