Source code for view.actors

The actors.

# FILE VERSION: released 5/5/2017 @ 15:05

import json
import random
import textwrap
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui

import constants
from view.display import randomColor

[docs]class Actor(QtGui.QGraphicsItem): ''' The primary base class for all Actors that are to be added to the scene for game play. If you decide to extend the game and introduce more types of actors, you must inherit from this class. :Parameters: ``scene`` (:class:`model.Scene`) The Scene that this actor is bound to. ``cx`` (float) The starting location :math:`c_x` of this Actor, saved so that the game can be reset. ``cy`` (float) The starting location :math:`c_y` of this Actor, saved so that the game can be reset. :Attributes: ``scene`` (:class:`model.Scene`) The Scene that this actor is bound to. ``moveFlags`` (int) An integer that embeds the representation of the direction this Actor is currently moving in. This integer is used in conjunction with bitmasking, and may only contain the values represented by :data:`constants.STATIONARY` ``|`` :data:`constants.MOVE_NORTH` ``|`` :data:`constants.MOVE_SOUTH` ``|`` :data:`constants.MOVE_EAST` ``|`` :data:`constants.MOVE_WEST`. ``cx`` (float) The starting location :math:`c_x` of this Actor, saved so that the game can be reset. ``cy`` (float) The starting location :math:`c_y` of this Actor, saved so that the game can be reset. The coordinate :math:`(c_x, c_y)` represents the **center** of the Actor's starting location, and should never change. To acquire the *current* position of the actor, use the ``x()`` and ``y()`` methods respectively, these methods are inherited from the :class:`PyQt4.QtGui.QGraphicsItem` class. ''' NORTH = QtCore.QPointF(0.0, -1.0) ''' A :class:`PyQt4.QtCore.QPointF` representing the direction ``North``. ''' SOUTH = QtCore.QPointF(0.0, 1.0) ''' A :class:`PyQt4.QtCore.QPointF` representing the direction ``South``. ''' EAST = QtCore.QPointF(1.0, 0.0) ''' A :class:`PyQt4.QtCore.QPointF` representing the direction ``East``. ''' WEST = QtCore.QPointF(-1.0, 0.0) ''' A :class:`PyQt4.QtCore.QPointF` representing the direction ``West``. ''' def __init__(self, scene, cx, cy): super(Actor, self).__init__(scene=scene) = cx = cy self.scene = scene self.moveFlags = constants.STATIONARY
[docs] def boundingRect(self): ''' Returns the bounding rectangle for this Actor. This is used by the graphics backend to determine things such as collisions, whether or not the Actor should be drawn (e.g. if it is not visible, don't waste time). .. note:: **All** subclasses must override this method. :Return: :class:`PyQt4.QtCore.QRectF` The bounding rectangle of the actor's current position. ''' return NotImplemented
[docs] def paint(self, painter, option, widget): ''' The method that is responsible for drawing this Actor. You need not be concerned with the details of this method. Refer to the parent class :class:`PyQt4.QtGui.QGraphicsItem` documentation on this method for more information. .. note:: **All** subclasses must override this method. ''' pass
[docs] def queueMove(self, direction, press): ''' Adds or removes the direction to this Actors' move flags. :Parameters: ``direction`` (int) The direction to add or remove from ``self.moveFlags``. ``press`` (bool) Whether the key corresponding to this direction is being pressed. ``True`` if coming from a key press event, ``False`` if the key is being released. :Preconditions: *Direction Value* ``direction`` may only be one of :data:`constants.MOVE_NORTH`, :data:`constants.MOVE_SOUTH`, :data:`constants.MOVE_EAST`, or :data:`constants.MOVE_WEST`. Any other values will yield varied and unreliable results. ''' if press: self.moveFlags |= direction else: self.moveFlags &= ~direction
[docs] def isStationary(self): ''' Returns whether or not this Actor is currently moving. :Return: ``bool`` ``True`` if this Actor is **not** moving, ``False`` otherwise. ''' return self.moveFlags == constants.STATIONARY
[docs] def setStationary(self): ''' Stops the actor from moving by settings its ``moveFlags`` to be :data:`constants.STATIONARY`. ''' self.moveFlags = constants.STATIONARY
[docs] def isMoveDirection(self, direction): ''' Returns whether or not this Actor is currently moving in the specified direction. :Parameters: ``direction`` (int) The direction to test whether or not the Actor is currently moving in. :Return: ``bool`` ``True`` if the Actor is moving in the specified direction, ``False`` otherwise. :Preconditions: *Direction Value* ``direction`` may only be one of :data:`constants.MOVE_NORTH`, :data:`constants.MOVE_SOUTH`, :data:`constants.MOVE_EAST`, or :data:`constants.MOVE_WEST`. Any other values will yield varied and unreliable results. ''' return (self.moveFlags & direction) == direction
[docs] def reset(self): ''' Resets the starting position of this Actor and makes it stationary. This implementation can be overriden, but it is important that this code is actually executed. Refer to the implementation of :func:`view.actors.Food.reset` for how to do this. The position is reset to ``(,``, and ``self.moveFlags`` is reset to be :data:`constants.STATIONARY`. ''' self.setPos(, self.setStationary()
[docs] def advance(self, phase): ''' Updates the current position of this Actor depending on the value of its current move flags. :Parameters: ``phase`` (int) The update phase. For this framework, we only need to worry about when the second phase occurs, which is when ``phase == 1``. Refer to the ``advance`` documentation for the parent class :class:`PyQt4.QtGui.QGraphicsItem` ''' if phase == 1: # Short-circuit if we are not supposed to move if self.isStationary(): return move = QtCore.QPointF(0.0, 0.0) # TODO: update the variable `move` accordingly. # Using the computed move direction, update the position. currPos = QtCore.QPointF(self.x(), self.y()) self.setPos(currPos + constants.gameSpeed * move) self.update()
[docs]class Food(Actor): ''' Animated food. :Parameters: ``scene`` (:class:`model.Scene`) The Scene that this food is bound to. ``cx`` (float) The starting location :math:`c_x` of this Food, saved so that the game can be reset. ``cy`` (float) The starting location :math:`c_y` of this Food, saved so that the game can be reset. ``color`` (:class:`PyQt4.QtGui.QColor`) The color for the outer circle of this Food. ``radius`` (float) The radius of the Food (should be :data:`constants.FOOD_RADIUS`). :Attributes: ``outerRadius`` (float) The input ``radius``. ``innerRadius`` (float) Exactly half the ``outerRadius``. ``outerColor`` (:class:`PyQt4.QtGui.QColor`) The input ``color``. ``innerColor`` (:class:`PyQt4.QtGui.QColor`) The inverse of ``outerColor``. ``outerSweep`` (float) The value between ``[0,360]`` representing how far the outer food circle should be swept. ``innerSweep`` (float) The value between ``[0,360]`` representing how far the inner food circle should be swept. ``decreasing`` (bool) Whether or not at each time step the radii should be increased or decreased. When ``True``, the ``outerSweep`` is *decreased* by ``1`` and the ``innerSweep`` is *increased* by one. When ``False``, the ``outerSweep`` is *increased* by ``1`` and the ``innerSweep`` is *decreased* by ``1``. ``outerBoundingRect`` (:class:`PyQt4.QtCore.QRectF`) The bounding rectangle for the circle described by ``outerRadius``. ``innerBoundingRect`` (:class:`PyQt4.QtCore.QRectF`) The bounding rectangle for the circle described by ``innerRadius``. ``startAngle`` (float) A random number in the range ``[0, 360.0]`` representing where the sweep should begin from. ''' def __init__(self, scene, cx, cy, color, radius): super(Food, self).__init__(scene, cx, cy) self.outerRadius = radius self.innerRadius = 0.5 * self.outerRadius self.outerColor = color red = 255 - green = 255 - blue = 255 - self.innerColor = QtGui.QColor(red, green, blue) self.outerSweep = 360.0 self.innerSweep = 0.0 self.decreasing = True self.outerBoundingRect = self.computeBoundingRect(self.outerRadius) self.innerBoundingRect = self.computeBoundingRect(self.innerRadius) self.startAngle = random.random() * 360.0
[docs] def computeBoundingRect(self, radius): ''' Computes the bounding rectangle for the specified radius, based off the food's current position. :Parameters: ``radius`` (float) The radius of the circle. :Return: :class:`PyQt4.QtCore.QRectF` The bounding rectangle defined by the circle of the specified ``radius``. :Preconditions: *Radius Size* The radius must be strictly greater than ``0``. ''' # Find the top left corner left = self.x() - radius top = self.y() - radius topLeft = QtCore.QPointF(left, top) # Find the bottom right corner right = self.x() + radius bottom = self.y() + radius bottomRight = QtCore.QPointF(right, bottom) # Return the bounding rectangle return QtCore.QRectF(topLeft, bottomRight)
[docs] def boundingRect(self): ''' The current bounding rectangle for this food. Currently, it just returns ``self.outerBoundingRect``, but if the animation slowed down significantly it would be feasible to change it to return ``self.innerBoundingRect`` when the animation has reached a state where only the inner circle is drawn. ''' return self.outerBoundingRect
[docs] def paint(self, painter, option, widget): ''' Displays the food at its current sweep state. ''' # Paint the outer path first outerPath = QtGui.QPainterPath() outerPath.arcTo(self.outerBoundingRect, self.startAngle, self.outerSweep) # outerPath.addEllipse(self.outerBoundingRect) outerPath.closeSubpath() painter.setBrush(self.outerColor) painter.drawPath(outerPath) # Paint the inner path second innerPath = QtGui.QPainterPath() innerPath.arcTo(self.innerBoundingRect, self.startAngle, self.innerSweep) # innerPath.addEllipse(self.innerBoundingRect) innerPath.closeSubpath() painter.setBrush(self.innerColor) painter.drawPath(innerPath)
[docs] def advance(self, phase): ''' Increases / decreases both radii depending on ``self.decreasing``. When the ``outerSweep`` reaches ``0.0``, ``decreasing`` is set to ``False``. When ``outerSweep`` reaches ``360.0``, ``decreasing`` is set to ``True``. :Parameters: ``phase`` (int) The update phase, either ``0`` or ``1``. Updates to the radii are applied at phase ``1``. ''' if phase == 1: # If decreasing, reduce outer radius and increase inner radius if self.decreasing: self.outerSweep -= 1.0 self.innerSweep += 1.0 if self.outerSweep == 0.0: self.decreasing = False # Otherwise, reverse: increase outer radius and decrease inner radius else: self.outerSweep += 1.0 self.innerSweep -= 1.0 if self.outerSweep == 360.0: self.decreasing = True self.update()
[docs] def reset(self): ''' This method resets the ``self.innerSweep`` and ``self.outerSweep`` to the initial starting positions, and sets ``self.decreasing`` to ``False``, thus "restarting" the animation of the Food. After, it calls the ``super`` class ``reset`` method (:func:`view.actors.Actor.reset`) so that the position will be reset as well. This is necessary, for example, if you wanted to incorporate moving Food into the game as well. ''' self.outerSweep = 360.0 self.innerSweep = 0.0 self.decreasing = True super(Food, self).reset()
[docs]class SplineDrawer(Actor): ''' **Do not edit this class.** :Parameters: ``scene`` (:class:`model.Scene`) The Scene that this ghost is bound to. ``cx`` (float) The starting location :math:`c_x` of this Ghost, saved so that the game can be reset. ``cy`` (float) The starting location :math:`c_y` of this Ghost, saved so that the game can be reset. ``dataResource`` (str) The Qt Resource string that points to the ``json`` formatted file to load. ``sx`` (float) The :math:`x` scaling factor :math:`s_x` of this Ghost, should be the value of :data:`constants.SPLINE_COORD_SCALE`. ``sy`` (float) The :math:`y` scaling factor :math:`s_y` of this Ghost, should be the value of ``-1.0 *`` :data:`constants.SPLINE_COORD_SCALE`. :Attributes: ``path`` (:class:`PyQt4.QtGui.QPainterPath`) The painter path as parsed by :func:`view.actors.SplineDrawer.parseResourceJson`. ``pathRect`` (:class:`PyQt4.QtCore.QRectF`) The bounding rectangle *for the painter path*. ``poly`` (:class:`PyQt4.QtCore.QPolygonF`) The minimal polygon that describes the ``path``. ``polyRect`` (:class:`PyQt4.QtCore.QRectF`) The bounding rectangle *for the polygon*. This class exists to take Bezier data points from Blender's representation and use Qt's representation instead. A valid input data ``json`` looks like this: .. code-block:: json { "0": { "handle_left": [ 2.777250289916992, 0.6249623894691467, 0.0 ], "co": [ 2.992664337158203, -0.2417435348033905, 0.0 ], "handle_right": [ 1.0, -0.10000000149011612, 0.0 ] }, "1": { "handle_left": [ 0.4000000059604645, -1.0, 0.0 ], "co": [ 0.0, -2.1055381298065186, 0.0 ], "handle_right": [ -0.4000000059604645, -1.0, 0.0 ] }, "closed": true } **Every** key must be an integer, except for the last key, which must be exactly **closed**. Each integer key represents a control point, which must have nested keys of ``handle_left`` The left handle of the blender control point. ``co`` The blender control point. ``handle_right`` The right handle of the blender control point. .. note:: Observe that all points have a ``z`` value of ``0``. Nothing will break if you have non-zero ``z`` values, but they will **be ignored**. AKA the resultant spline will be a projection into the XY plane, which may look nothing like the spline you intended to have drawn. Using Blender's Interactive Console, you can acquire the properly formatted ``json`` of your own model using this adaptation of an `excellent blog post <>`__ modified to suit the needs of this program. .. code-block:: py import bpy import sys import json # Make sure you have your Bezier Curve selected obj = bpy.context.active_object # Store all points in the same dictionary all_points = {} # Go through the curve if obj.type == 'CURVE': for subcurve in # Only support bezier curves curvetype = subcurve.type if curvetype == 'BEZIER': idx = 0 for bp in subcurve.bezier_points: co_x, co_y, co_z = hL_x, hL_y, hL_z = bp.handle_left hR_x, hR_y, hR_z = bp.handle_right as_dict = { "co": [co_x, co_y, co_z], "handle_left": [hL_x, hL_y, hL_z], "handle_right": [hR_x, hR_y, hR_z] } all_points[idx] = as_dict idx += 1 # I only support closed curves, make sure yours is all_points["closed"] = True # Save everything, or print if testing save_file = True all_data = json.dumps(all_points, indent=2) save_filebase = "/home/sven/Downloads" # set this to where you want it saved save_filetail = "ghost_body.json" # use absolute paths! save_filename = "{}/{}".format(save_filebase, save_filetail) if save_file: with open(save_filename, "w") as file: file.write("{}\\n".format(all_data)) else: print(all_data) We gratefully acknowledge Ian Scott for his excellent tutorials on Blender, and as tribute used his `using curves <>`__ Bat unadulterated for CitizenPac. The Ghost and CitizenPac in Blender form are available here: :download:`citizen_pac_curves.blend <data/citizen_pac_curves.blend>`. Once you have the interactive console open (it should open by default for this file) you can run in the console: .. code-block:: py exec([0].as_string()) .. tip:: If you want to add some more characters to your game, this would be a good file to work in so that they all stay in the same coordinate system / can have the same scaling factor (:data:`constants.SPLINE_COORD_SCALE`) applied :) ''' def __init__(self, scene, cx, cy, dataResource, sx, sy): super(SplineDrawer, self).__init__(scene, cx, cy) # Since we went through the effort of reading in a spline, enable reuse of # this directly if desired. The main game board will not use these because # the resolution at which they are drawn makes replacing them with polygons # just as good, and takes a fraction of the time to render. # # Splines are cubic polynomials... self.path = SplineDrawer.parseResourceJson(dataResource, sx, sy) self.pathRect = self.path.boundingRect() # Only compute this once. # Extract a usable polygon from the parsed spline drawing path sub_poly = self.path.toSubpathPolygons() self.poly = QtGui.QPolygonF() for sub in sub_poly: for point in sub: self.poly.append(point) self.polyRect = self.poly.boundingRect() self.color = randomColor() @classmethod
[docs] def parseResourceJson(cls, dataResource, sx, sy): ''' Responsible for parsing the *properly formatted* (see class documentation) and scaling the points, returning a painter path representing the same spline created using Qt's cubic methods. :Parameters: ``dataResource`` (str) The Qt Resource descriptor that contains the ``json`` data to parse. ``sx`` (float) The :math:`x` scaling factor :math:`s_x` of this Ghost, should be the value of :data:`constants.SPLINE_COORD_SCALE`. ``sy`` (float) The :math:`y` scaling factor :math:`s_y` of this Ghost, should be the value of ``-1.0 *`` :data:`constants.SPLINE_COORD_SCALE`. :Return: :class:`PyQt4.QtGui.QPainterPath` The cubic painter path representing the same spline as modeled by Blender. ''' # NOTE: yes, this is longer than 40 lines. Particularly when dealing with # IO code (input / output), it tends to get verbose. # # Use the Qt Resource system to get a file handle on the input json data # Throughout this method we rely on "duck-typing", an interesting feature of # Python. For example, note that the `data` variable is only declared when # the `if` statement below is True. The significance is that, if you decide to # write code like this, you better be sure that you either (1) error out or # (2) define `data` in the else statement. It depends on the scenario. stream = QtCore.QFile(dataResource) if data = str(stream.readAll()) stream.close() else: # Qt style files are more like C/C++, always make sure you close() them. # The Python `with` statement does this for you automatically. stream.close() raise RuntimeError("Unable to read [{}]: {}".format(dataResource, stream.errorString())) # Parse the json file as a dictionary and obtain the keys we need to construct # the spline (every key except for the `closed` key). # # We use `key=int` to implicitly cast each string key into an integer so that # we can sort based off numeric value rather than the ascii value. try: all_points = json.loads(data) all_keys = sorted(set(all_points.keys()) - set([u"closed"]), key=int) num_keys = len(all_keys) closed = bool(all_points[u"closed"]) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError( "Unable to extract all relevant keys from the json:\n{}".format(e) ) # Declare the necessary bookeeping variables for the loop, and the painter path # that we will eventually be returning at the end of the method. # # The index variable `idx` helps us keep track of when we are at an edge case, # refer the the class documentation. Technically `prev_hL` and `first_hR` do # not need to be saved, but if this ever needs to be updated better to have them # all available. idx = 0 prev_co = prev_hL = prev_hR = None first_co = first_hL = first_hR = None painterPath = QtGui.QPainterPath() for key in all_keys: # Read in the current control point data control = all_points[key] try: # They are stored as lists of strings, convert to float now. Scale by # sx and sy come from differing coordinate systems. We assume the z # value is 0.0 (2D game), so we just need to adjust x and y. co = [float(pt) for pt in control[u"co"]] co[0] *= sx co[1] *= sy hL = [float(pt) for pt in control[u"handle_left"]] hL[0] *= sx hL[1] *= sy hR = [float(pt) for pt in control[u"handle_right"]] hR[0] *= sx hR[1] *= sy except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError( "Could not parse all floats for key [{}]: {}".format(key, e) ) # With how blender stores things, we cannot start making any of the path # until we have seen at least two control points. Save first and move on. if idx == 0: first_co, first_hL, first_hR = co, hL, hR # noqa F841 # For all remaining keys, use previous control point (prev_co) and previous # handle_right in conjunction with current handle_left and current control # point to draw using Qt's framework. elif idx < num_keys: painterPath.moveTo(prev_co[0], prev_co[1]) painterPath.cubicTo( prev_hR[0], prev_hR[1], hL[0], hL[1], co[0], co[1] ) # Update for next loop prev_co, prev_hL, prev_hR = co, hL, hR # noqa F841 idx += 1 # If the spline was closed (which we need it to be), then link up the last # control point with the first. if closed: painterPath.moveTo(prev_co[0], prev_co[1]) painterPath.cubicTo( prev_hR[0], prev_hR[1], first_hL[0], first_hL[1], first_co[0], first_co[1] ) else: # Being strict, because we are converting to *closed* polygons raise RuntimeError("Only closed Bezier Paths from Blender are supported.") return painterPath
[docs] def paint(self, painter, option, widget): ''' Paints this spline. Currently, since the actors in the game are small, the polygon path is used instead of the cubic path. If you desire to draw any of the actors at a higher resolution, you should draw with ``self.path`` instead. ''' painter.setBrush(self.color) # If you wanted to draw a higher resolution spline, you should uncomment this # and comment out the drawPolygon call. For the size that the SplineActor # instances in the framework are drawn, there is no benefit. But for a larger # image you will definitely notice the difference! # painter.drawPath(self.path) painter.drawPolygon(self.poly)
[docs] def boundingRect(self): ''' Returns the bounding rectangle of this spline. :Return: :class:`PyQt4.QtCore.QRectF` The bounding rectangle, currently it returns ``self.polyRect`` but if you need to draw the spline (see :func:`view.actors.SplineDrawer.paint`) then you should return ``self.pathRect`` instead. ''' return self.polyRect
[docs]class GhostActor(SplineDrawer): ''' The ghosts. :Parameters: ``scene`` (:class:`model.Scene`) The Scene that this ghost is bound to. ``cx`` (float) The starting location :math:`c_x` of this Ghost, saved so that the game can be reset. ``cy`` (float) The starting location :math:`c_y` of this Ghost, saved so that the game can be reset. ``sx`` (float) The :math:`x` scaling factor :math:`s_x` of this Ghost, should be the value of :data:`constants.SPLINE_COORD_SCALE`. ``sy`` (float) The :math:`y` scaling factor :math:`s_y` of this Ghost, should be the value of ``-1.0 *`` :data:`constants.SPLINE_COORD_SCALE`. :Attributes: ``moveTimer`` (:class:`PyQt4.QtCore.QTimer`) The timer to control when a ghost will randomly change its move pattern, connected directly to :func:`view.actors.GhostActor.timerEvent` and refreshes at the interval defined by :data:`view.actors.GhostActor.GHOST_MOVE_TIME`. That is, Ghosts change their direction independent of the game loop. ''' DATA_FILE = ":/view/qt_configs/data/ghost_body.json" ''' The data file needed to instantiate a Ghost. ''' GHOST_MOVE_TIME = 1000 ''' How frequently a GhostActor should randomly change its direction. This time is specified in milliseconds, i.e. ``1000`` means **1 second**. ''' def __init__(self, scene, cx, cy, sx, sy): super(GhostActor, self).__init__(scene, cx, cy, GhostActor.DATA_FILE, sx, sy) self.moveTimer = QtCore.QTimer() self.moveTimer.timeout.connect(self.timerEvent) self.moveTimer.start(GhostActor.GHOST_MOVE_TIME)
[docs] def timerEvent(self): ''' When called the ghost will randomly choose with probability :math:`p = \\frac{1}{2}` to either add or remove a direction from its ``moveFlags``. ''' # shuffle so there is no direction bias dirs = [constants.MOVE_NORTH, constants.MOVE_SOUTH, constants.MOVE_EAST, constants.MOVE_WEST] random.shuffle(dirs) # Either try and remove a direction or add one r1 = random.random() self.rotate(random.random() * 359.0) if r1 < 0.5: removed = False for d in dirs: if (self.moveFlags & d) == d: self.moveFlags &= ~d removed = True break # If no directions could be removed, make sure that the moveFlags attribute # is set to constants.STATIONARY for consistency if not removed: self.moveFlags = constants.STATIONARY else: for d in dirs: if not (self.moveFlags & d) == d: self.moveFlags |= d break
[docs]class CitizenPacActor(SplineDrawer): ''' Citizen Pac. :Parameters: ``scene`` (:class:`model.Scene`) The Scene that this ghost is bound to. ``cx`` (float) The starting location :math:`c_x` of this Ghost, saved so that the game can be reset. ``cy`` (float) The starting location :math:`c_y` of this Ghost, saved so that the game can be reset. ``sx`` (float) The :math:`x` scaling factor :math:`s_x` of this Ghost, should be the value of :data:`constants.SPLINE_COORD_SCALE`. ``sy`` (float) The :math:`y` scaling factor :math:`s_y` of this Ghost, should be the value of ``-1.0 *`` :data:`constants.SPLINE_COORD_SCALE`. ''' DATA_FILE = ":/view/qt_configs/data/bat_points.json" ''' The data file needed to instantiate a CitizenPac. ''' def __init__(self, scene, cx, cy, sx, sy): super(CitizenPacActor, self).__init__(scene, cx, cy, CitizenPacActor.DATA_FILE, sx, sy) # undocumented; used to help with the printMoveFlags, set in the advance method # we don't want students to think that this method even remotely resembles how # they should be computing their move directions because it is not!!! = 0.0 = 0.0
[docs] def advance(self, phase): ''' See parent class documentation in :func:`view.actors.Actor.advance`. ''' # Grab the current coordinates, call the student move code, then # calculate what their move direction was if phase == 1 and not constants.FULL_GAME_MODE: if phase == 1: sx = self.x() sy = self.y() super(CitizenPacActor, self).advance(phase) if phase == 1: ex = self.x() ey = self.y() = ex - sx = ey - sy self.printMoveFlags() else: # If not the right phase or not debug mode, just call super class super(CitizenPacActor, self).advance(phase)
[docs] def printMoveFlags(self): ''' Prints the current move direction, and what the previously computed move direction was. Only intended to be called after :func:`view.actors.CitizenPacActor.advance`. ''' # Current move flags stationary = self.isStationary() north = self.isMoveDirection(constants.MOVE_NORTH) south = self.isMoveDirection(constants.MOVE_SOUTH) east = self.isMoveDirection(constants.MOVE_EAST) west = self.isMoveDirection(constants.MOVE_WEST) # Print out what the actual directions should be nx, ny = Actor.NORTH.x(), Actor.NORTH.y() sx, sy = Actor.SOUTH.x(), Actor.SOUTH.y() ex, ey = Actor.EAST.x(), Actor.EAST.y() wx, wy = Actor.WEST.x(), Actor.WEST.y() print(textwrap.dedent(''' Move Flags for CitizenPac: - Stationary: {} - North -- ({:4.1f}, {:4.1f}): {} - South -- ({:4.1f}, {:4.1f}): {} - East -- ({:4.1f}, {:4.1f}): {} - West -- ({:4.1f}, {:4.1f}): {} The move direction you just computed was: (x = {:4.1f}, y = {:4.1f}) Recall that the game speed affects this directly! The current gameSpeed from is: {:4.4f} {} '''.format(stationary, nx, ny, north, sx, sy, south, ex, ey, east, wx, wy, west,,, constants.gameSpeed, "*" * 44)))