# Spiral.py # skeleton by the 2016sp cs 1110 profs (cs-1110profs-l@cornell.edu) # PUT YOUR NAME(S) AND NETID(S) HERE # PUT YOUR DATE OF COMPLETION HERE """ Display Spirals """ from SimpleGraphics import * from math import cos, sin, pi def DrawRing(n,r,alpha,c1,c2): pass def DrawSpiral(n,r,alpha,c1,c2,p): pass if __name__ == '__main__': MakeWindow(6.5,bgcolor=BLACK,labels=False) r = 6 n = 256 p = 8 alpha = 87 c1 = CYAN c2 = MAGENTA DrawSpiral(n,r,alpha,c1,c2,p) s = 'n = %3d p = %3d alpha = %3d ' % (n,p,alpha) Title(s,FontSize=24) ShowWindow()