# lab11.py # YOUR NAME(S) AND NETID(S) HERE # DATE COMPLETED HERE """Loop functions for lab 11""" def numberof(seq, v): """Returns: number of times v occurs in thelist. Parameter seq: list to search Precondition: seq is a list of ints Parameter v: value to search for Precondition: v is an int""" count = 0 # Accumulator k = 0 # Loop variable # IMPLEMENT A WHILE LOOP HERE # END WHILE LOOP # Return result return count def replace_copy(seq,a,b): """Returns: a COPY of thelist but with all occurrences of a replaced by b. Example: replace([1,2,3,1], 1, 4) is [4,2,3,4]. Parameter seq: list to search Precondition: seq is a list of ints Parameter a: value to search for Precondition: a is an int Parameter b: value to replace Precondition: b is an int""" copy = [] # Accumulator k = 0 # Loop variable # IMPLEMENT A WHILE LOOP HERE # END WHILE LOOP # Return result return copy def replace(seq,a,b): """MODIFY thelist so that all occurrences of a replaced by b. This function should have NO RETURN STATEMENT Example: if a = [1,2,3,1] then a becomes [4,2,3,4] after the function call replace(a,1,4). Parameter seq: list to search Precondition: seq is a list of ints Parameter a: value to search for Precondition: a is an int Parameter b: value to replace Precondition: b is an int""" # IMPLEMENT A WHILE LOOP HERE # END WHILE LOOP pass # OPTIONAL FUNCTION def exp(x,err=1e-6): """Returns: the value of (e ** x) to with the given margin of error. Do NOT return (math.E ** x). This function is more exact that that answer. The value (e ** x) is given by the Power Series 1 + x + (x ** 2)/2 + (x ** 3)/3! + ... + (x ** n)/ n! + ... We cannot add up infinite values in a program. So we APPROXIMATE (e ** x) by choosing a value n and stopping at that: 1 + x + (x ** 2)/2 + (x ** 3)/3! + ... + (x ** n)/ n! The error of this approximation is abs( (x ** (n+1))/(n+1)!) which we want less than err. So to compute e ** x, we just keep computing term = (x ** n)/ n! in a loop until this value is less than our error. If it is not less than the error, we add it to the accumulator, which we return at the end. Hint: (x**(n+1))/(n+1)! == (x**n)/n! * x/(n+1) Use this fact to simplify your loop. Parameter x: the exponent for e ** x Precondition: x is a numbers Parameter err: The margin of error (OPTIONAL: default is e-6) Precondition: err > 0 is a number""" approx = 0.0 # Approximation of e ** x term = 1.0 # 1 is the first term in the Power Series n = 0 # term 1 corresponds to (x ** 0)/0! # IMPLEMENT A WHILE LOOP HERE # END WHILE LOOP # Return result return approx