# lab07.py # YOUR NAME(S) AND NETID(S) HERE # Initial skeleton by W. White (WMW2) # October 7, 2015 """Functions for Lab 7""" def lesser_than(thelist,value): """Returns: number of elements in thelist strictly less than value Example: lesser_than([5, 9, 1, 7], 6) evaluates to 2 Parameter thelist: the list to check (WHICH SHOULD NOT BE MODIFIED) Precondition: thelist is a list of ints Parameter value: the value to compare to the list Precondition: value is an int""" pass # Implement me def uniques(thelist): """Returns: The number of unique elements in the list. Example: unique([5, 9, 5, 7]) evaluates to 3 Example: unique([5, 5, 1, 'a', 5, 'a']) evaluates to 3 Parameter thelist: the list to check (WHICH SHOULD NOT BE MODIFIED) Precondition: thelist is a list.""" pass # Implement me def clamp(thelist,min,max): """Modifies the list so that every element is between min and max. Any number in the list less than min is replaced with min. Any number in the list greater than max is replaced with max. Any number between min and max is left unchanged. This is a PROCEDURE. It modified thelist, but does not return a new list. Example: if thelist is [-1, 1, 3, 5], then clamp(thelist,0,4) changes thelist to have [0,1,3,4] as its contents. Parameter thelist: the list to modify Precondition: thelist is a list of numbers (float or int) Parameter min: the minimum value for the list Precondition: min <= max is a number Parameter max: the maximum value for the list Precondition: max >= min is a number""" pass # Implement me