# string_puzzle_soln.py # Lillian Lee (LJL2) and Steve Marschner (SRM2) # Jan 30, 2014 """Demonstrate putting a sequence of commands into a python file. This version is the starting point for altering in class. Given: variable data contains a string with at least two ','s. Goal: give an expression for the part of the string after the 2nd ','. """ # let's use the example from lecture data="LL, '14, 1-800-OPYTHON, 1-555-TYPHOON" # (1) Store in variable j the index of the first ',' in data. j = data.index(',') # (2) Store in variable tail the part of data starting after j tail = data[j+1:] # (3) print the part of tail starting after ',' print 'result string is "' + tail[tail.index(',')+1:] +'"' # here's a version as a one-liner # data[data.index(',')+1:][data[data.index(',')+1:].index(',')+1:]