T-Th 9:05
T-Th 11:15
in Olin 155

CS 1110: Introduction to Computing Using Python

Spring 2014

CS 1110 Staff

Name E-Mail/Contact Office Availability
Prof. Lillian Lee Send a single email with both our addresses in the To: line: llee@cs.cornell.edu, srm@cs.cornell.edu

Phone: 255-8119
Gates 419 (but office hours held elsewhere)

During study/finals weeks: by appointment (via e-mail; include several available time slots)

Prof. Steve Marschner Send a single email with both our addresses in the To: line: llee@cs.cornell.edu, srm@cs.cornell.edu

Phone: 255-8367
Gates 313 (but office hours held elsewhere)

During study/finals week: by appointment (via e-mail)

Administrative Assistant
Maria Witlox mwitlox@cs.cornell.edu
Phone: 255-3313
Gates 437 Contact for administrative issues.

Get in the habit of dropping in on the TAs if you have questions. You should drop in on any available TA, not just your section/lab TA. To see which TAs lead which labs, see the Times & Places page.

Head TA Dongwook Yoon DY252@cornell.edu Gates 235

April 28 (M) Office hour is changed to April 25 (F) 10-12 AM
M 9:30-11:30 AM (Gates 235)

Ope Akanji OA73@cornell.edu

May 12th Office hour is moved to 4:30-5:30pm @ Upson 328B, the same day
M 3pm-4pm (Gates G21 Tutoring, G11 only for 3/Mar)

Soroush Alamdari SH954@cornell.edu

M/F 12pm-1pm (Gates G19)

Xiang Long XL483@cornell.edu

March 4 (Tu) Office hour is changed to March 5 (W) 12 @ Gates G21
M 1:30pm-2:30pm (Gates G21 Tutoring)
Tu 4pm-5pm (Carpenter 103C)

Ranjit G. Murali RG555@cornell.edu

Office hour at 14th May (W) will be moved to 12th (M) 3:30-4:30 at Upson 328B
W 3:30pm-4:30pm (Upson 328B)

Alec Regulinski APR74@cornell.edu

Office hour at 13th May (Tu) will be moved to 12th (M) 11am-12pm at Upson 328B
Tu 1:30pm-2:30pm (Carpenter Green Room)

The supervising consultants are Mary Pisaniello (MCP88) and Daniel Rong (DDR42).

The consultants are as follows: Xuanyu An (XA27), Abigail Birnbaum (ANB65), Shiwani Bisht (SB854), Danran Chen (DC683), Roger Chen (RC554), Nicholas Cheng (NAC67), Daniel Donenfeld (DBD64), Dileen Hui Feng Ee (DE222), Husam Eldawi (HME36), Jonathan Fox (JMF369), Amy Frankhouser (ADF53), Ethan Fuld (EF325), Pablo Garcia-Quesada, (PG339), Nick Gavalas (NJG57), Kyle Genova (KAG278), Jennifer Goto (JG567), Houmin Huang (HH342), Austin Jordan (CAJ86), Chaein/Jay Jung (CJ329), Natalie Kim (NK428), Yujin Koh (YK583), Brendan Lee (BL345), Ji Young Lim (JL2494), Linda Liu (LL538), Annika Lutan (ALL239), Solomon Maina (SAM524), Arnesh Nagavalli (AMN79), Elly Nakahara (EN254), Jordan Needle (JMN89), Amin Nikbin (AN357), Alex Parkhurst (ANP56), Matthew Persons (MSP248), Mary Pisaniello (MCP88), Manuela Rios (MR779), Daniel Rong (DDR42), Akshay Sawhney (AS2755), Stephanie Schneider (SNS74), Sarah Sinclair (SJS334), Lucia Song (LS662), Carolyn Soo (CJS366), Adam Stewart (AJS426), Kejia Tao (KT454), Mofei Mandy Teng (MT455), Shela Wang (SW679), Chen Rebecca Yang (CY255), and Jim Yu (JLY29).

The schedule for drop-in consulting hours (no appointment needed) is below. It is changed on a regular basis, so please be sure to check this calendar again the day you are interested in going. Consulting hours are held whenever there is a time slot listing a consultant's name (do not try to attend something called "Consultant meeting"), and are located in the ACCEL lab green room.

Course Material Authors: D. Gries, L. Lee, S. Marschner, & W. White (over the years)