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Java Software Solutions by John Lewis and William Loftus.
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Getting Started with Matlab by Rudra Pratap.
You may do the programming assignments on a Macintosh or a PC. Cornell Information Technologies (CIT) provides Metrowerks CodeWarrior and Matlab on Macs and PCs in its public labs. Anyone is free to use CodeWarrior. To access Matlab, you will be given a user name and password (identical for all students in the class). Do not give this password to others. If you forget the password you must see your instructor.
Copies of CodeWarrior for personal machines are available at substantial educational discount from the Campus Store, MetroWerks, and other software outlets. Here are some helpful documents should you decide to go that route:
More information about CodeWarrior, including bug fixes and other updates, can be found on the company's website.
If you are going to be working on your own machine, then you should install the "CUCS Java stationary". Below are links to two files: one for the PC and the other for the Mac. Each contains "Java stationary" . If you have your own computer, then (1) choose the appropriate file, (2) download it, and (3) extract the files from it. Then read and follow the README file, which gives directions on storing the two projects into your CodeWarrior IDE (Interactive Development Environment) so you can use this "stationary".
If you want a personal copy of Matlab you can purchase a copy of The Student Edition of Matlab at the Campus Store or other bookstores. Be sure to get the correct version (PC or Mac).
You will need a few 3.5" floppy disks for your assignments. No personal files may be left on CIT's public machines. You must store your files on your own disks. You should also keep back-up copies of all your work on separate disks.