Prelim 3 Grading Guide


Results (each x = about 5 students) :

95-100  xx
90-94   xxxxxx
85-89   xxxxxxxxxx
80-84   xxxxxxxxxxxx
75-79   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
70-74   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
65-69   xxxxxxxxxxx
60-64   xxxxxxxxxxx
55-59   xxxxxxxxx
50-54   xxxx
45-49   xxx
< 444 xxxx

Median = 74

Roughly: A 85-100, B 70-80, C 45-65

Problem 1 A (10 points)


70  30
80  50

Not changing c. -10 if that is all there is. -5 if there is an "80 50" someplace in the shown work.

70 30
70 30

Change both a and c. -5

80 50
80 50 

Wrong order. -2

80 50
70 30

Problem 1b (10 points)


11  22
1   2

Simple aritrmetic mistake. -1

11 12
1 2

Wrong alias -5

11 22
11 22

Wrong order -2

1  2
11 22

Problem 2a (10 points)

The blue/red values are worth 7 points and the schematic is worth 3 points. Correct Values:

blue 8 times and red 7 times. 

-1 for

blue 7 times and red 8 times. 

-2 for

(blue 9 times and red 7 times) or (blue 8 times and red 9 times)


-3 if one is right and the other is completely wrong.

Schematic is 3 points. Need a binary tree with 8 leaves. A step thru a simple n=8 example in the style of the P5 write-up is also ok.

Problem 2b (10 point)


20 30 10
30 10 30

-3 for

20 30 10
30 10 20

-7 for

20 30 10

-5 for two lines of output but the second all wrong

20 30 10
10 10 10
-3 for extra line of output

Problem 3 (20 points)

Count how many array entries are different from their predecessor:

int n = a.length;                   // 2 points   -2 if use n in loop but do not initialize it,
int s = 1;                          // 3 points   -2 for int s = 0;
for (int k=1; k < n ; k++)        // 6 points   -3 if starting value wrong, -3 if last value wrong
   if (a[k-1] < a[k])             // 5 points
      s++;                          // 2 points
return s;                           // 2 points

-5 for correct solutions that involve a nested loop. Other inefficiencies overlooked. -1 max for forgetting "int" in the declarations.

-2 for n without setting it to n.length

Problem 4 (20 points)

// After this loop finishes, k is the index of the first array entry that is greater than or equal to L:

int k = 0;              // 2 points
while(a[k] < L)       // 4 points    -2 if > , -1 if <=
  k++;                  // 2 points

// Set up the right output array

int m = a.length - k;             // 2 points
int[] b = new int[m];             // 2 points   -1 for missing new, -1 if [] missing

// fill up the array
for (int j=0; j < m; j++)       // 3 points
   b[j] = a[k]; k++;              // 3 points. Note that b[j] =  a[j+k] is equivalent

return b;                   // 2 points
extra loops are inefficient, -1. A nested loop solution = -5. Printing the values but
not returning them in the required array is -14. Returning a length n array with just the
>= L entries initialized is -10.


-2 for uninitialized value
-1 if j loop goes to n
-1 if m = a.lenhth-k+1

Problem 5a (6 points)

D = D98;
n1 = sum(D(2,:)>32)

Also ok is

D = D98;
i = find(D(2,:)>32);
n1 = length(i);

-1 if D is not set up by calling D98.

-2 for missing D, i.e.,

D = D98;
n1 = sum((2,:)>32)

-2 for correct loop solution.

-1 max for syntax violation, e.g., n1++, for loops with no for, missing end.

-3 if use of find mixed up

Problem 5b (6 points)


D = D98;
n2 = sum((D(1,:)-D(2,:))>20)     
% or n2 = length( find( (D(1,:)-D(2,:))>20 ) )

-2 for correct loop solution.

-1 max for syntax violation, e.g., n2++, for loops with no for, missing end.

-1 if D is not set up by calling D98.


Problem 5c (8 points)


D = D98;
n3 = sum(D(1,1:363) < D(1,2:364) & D(1,2:364) < D(1,3:365) )

1 point for each correct column range (4 max),

1 point for the correct comparisons (2 max)

1 point for and

1 point for sum.


-1 if D not set up

-2 for a correct loop solution.