Meeting Times

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The 9:05 and 11:15 lectures are identical.If space permits, then attendance at either lecture is allowed. However, until we see how the enrollment stabilizes, we ask that you attend the lecture for which you are registered.

Lecture 1 TTh 9:05-9:55 Olin 155 Van Loan
Lecture 2 TTh 11:15-12:05 Olin 155 Van Loan



Sections are required. They are used to clarify topics covered in lecture and concepts associated with the current programming assignment. There will be a Section Assignment each week that defines the agenda.

Until further notice, you must attend the section for which you are registered. Some of the duplicate sections may be replaced with sections offered at other times. Watch for announcements during the first two weeks of class. SECTIONS DO NOT MEET DURING THE FIRST WEEK.


Section 1 T 1:25-2:15 Hollister 401 Ban
Section 2 T 1:25-2:15 Upson 111 Van Loan
Section 11 T 1:25-2:15 Upson 111A Kozen
Section 3 T 2:30-3:20 Upson 111 Van Loan
Section 5 T 2:30-3:20 Hollister 401 Ban
Section 4 T 3:35-4:25 Upson 111 Wagstaff
Section 6 W 1:25-2:15 Upson 111 Kozen
Section 7 W 1:25-2:15 Hollister 401 Ban
Section 10 W 1:25-2:15 Hollister 306 Wagstaff
Section 8 W 2:30-3:20 Hollister 401 Ban
Section 9 W 3:35-4:25 Hollister 401 Ban
Section 12 Th 1:25-2:15 Hollister 401 Hopkinson