Information Assurance Institute
The AFRL/Cornell Information Assurance Institute (IAI) was started this spring with a $1M grant from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR). The Institute is intended to support a broad spectrum of research aimed at developing a science and technology base to enhance information assurance and networked information systems trustworthiness. This includes problems in system and network security, reliability, and assurance. Thus, IAI leverages Cornell's
BOOM, short for "Bits On Our Mind," is our annual undergraduate research fair, highlighting work done by students from around the university in the general area of digital information systems. The fair provides an opportunity for Cornell University students to showcase exceptional projects, research results, and creative applications involving computer-related technologies that they developed or helped to develop.
BOOM '00, held on February 23, 2000, was hosted by the Department of Computer Science and the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and sponsored by Microsoft and Dell. Over one hundred students participated in a record forty-two projects.
The BOOM '00 web site, http://www.cs.cornell.edu/boom/, has more information, including links to descriptions of the projects and photos of the event.
Teaching Awards
Graeme Bailey: Kenneth A. Goldman
’71 Excellence in Teaching Award.
Ken Birman: Stephen ’57 and Marilyn Miles Excellence in Teaching Award.
Jon Kleinberg: Fiona Ip Li ’78 and Donald Li ’75 Excellence in Teaching
Fred Schneider: Daniel M. Lazar ’29 Excellence in Teaching Award.
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Awards
Daisy Fan, Randy Fernando, Debra Goldberg, Amanda Holland-Minkley, David Kempe, Evan Moran, Wei-tsang Ooi, Fabio Pellacini, Raju Rohde, Steve Zdancewic.
Other Awards
Sergei Artemov: Spinoza Lecture
’99 from the European Association for Language, Logic and
Graeme Bailey: Association for Computer Science Undergraduates Faculty
of the Year Award.
Johannes Gehrke: IBM Faculty Development Award.
Carla Gomes: Best Consultant to the Air Force Research Laboratory, Information
Sciences Directorate. Joe Halpern: 2000 Milner Lecturer, University of
Edinburgh Division of Informatics.
Juris Hartmanis: Computing Research Association’s Distinguished Service
Award for 2000.
Jon Kleinberg: 1999 Packard Fellowship.
Jon Kleinberg: “best paper” award, ACM Symposium on Principles of Database
Systems, 2000.
Dexter Kozen: Class of 1960 Scholar, Williams College.
Greg Morrisett, Steve Zdancewic, and Daniel Grossman: “best paper” award
from the European Association for Programming Languages
and Systems, 1999 Joint Conference on Principles, Logics,
and Implementation of High-Level Programming Languages.
Keshav Pingali: Rama Rao Chaired Visiting Professorship for 2000-2001
at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India.
Keshav Pingali, Induprakas Kodukula, Dror Maydan, and Robert Cox: “best
paper” award, International Conference on Supercomputing
(ICS 99).
Bart Selman: Fellow of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence
Undergraduate Student Awards
1999 Association for Computing
Machinery Greater NY Regional Programming Contest winners:
the first-place team consisted of Hubie Chen, Jacob Hoffman-Andrews, and
Gun Srijuntongsiri; the second-place team was Joel Chestnutt,
Kang-hoe Kim, and Mon-Jed Liu. The team was coached
by Adam Florence and David Kempe.
Jonathan Marx Senior Prizes: Helen C. Jen and Priya Rajan.
Alan Marx Teaching Award: Lisa Faith Fishman.
Microsoft Junior Award: Danny Falkov.
Microsoft Women’s Technical Scholarship in CS: Sarah Brian.
Computer Science Prize for Academic Excellence: Long Yin Ronnie Choy.
Cornell Society of Engineers/College of Engineering Leadership Award:
Ruban Selvakumar, President of the Association for Computer
Science Undergraduates.
The Lockheed Martin Engineering Scholars Award: John Blitzer, Daniel Dantas,
Nidhi Kalra, Benjamin Ragheb, and Jeffrey Vinocur.
Merrill Fellow: Antonio Cuadra ’00 (EE/CS Double Major).
The following undergraduates were recognized for their outstanding contributions
as course consultants and undergraduate teaching assistants: Brandon Bray,
Lisa Fishman, Tony Frasso, Henry Hsu, Douglas Kong, Corinna Krantz, Adam
Kravetz, Alvin Mai, Thomas Salter.