Brian Smith
Assistant Professor
PhD UC Berkeley, 1994
My research is aimed at developing tools and techniques for bringing
multimedia data into the computing environment, with the goal of making computing with
video as easy as computing with text and numbers.
My research this last year focused on programming language support
for building processing-intensive multimedia applications. We developed a library, called
Dali, that allows programmers to easily write high performance processing-intensive
multimedia applications. The functions and abstractions in Dali allow |
programmers to concisely write programs
that process multimedia data, but whose performance is competitive with hand-tuned C code.
For example, an MPEG decoder written using Dali is 150 lines long and 10% faster than the
Berkeley MPEG player. |
We used Dali to build the Lecture Browser, which has
three main goals:
1. Automatically construct high-quality interactive
multimedia documents from a lecture or presentation, providing a "rich" viewing
2. Provide content-based access to these documents,
via mechanisms such as a table of contents and a full-text index.
3. Accomplish the first two goals without requiring
lecturers to appreciably change their style of presentation.
We equipped a large lecture hall at Cornell with two
computer controlled cameras. One camera automatically tracks the lecturer while the other
provides an overview of the stage. The camera data is automatically captured and encoded
using MPEG. The captured data is then indexed using electronic masters of the slides and
combined to form an edited presentation that can be viewed over the Web. The resulting
presentation contains synchronized audio, video, and slides, and is indexed by time and
slide number. The system is fully automatic_the only requirements are that the lecturer
must start the system and provide it with electronic masters of the slides. A demo of the
Lecture Browser can be seen at http://www.cs.cornell.edu/demo
Fellow, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, 1997-1998
Professional Activities
Associate Program Chair: ACM Multimedia 97, Seattle,
WA Nov., 1997; SPIE Multimedia Computing and Networking 98, San Jose, CA, Feb. 1998; IEEE
Multimedia 97, Austin, TX, July 1997.
High performance tools for multimedia data
processing. Computer Science, SUNY Buffalo, NY, Feb. 25, 1998.
___. Computer Science, Univ. Illinois,
Urbana-Champaign, IL, Feb. 28, 1998.
___. Computer Science, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor,
MI, Feb. 18, 1998.
___. Computer Science, Univ. Utah, Salt Lake City,
UT, Jan. 29, 1998.
A toolkit for multimedia processing. Keynote
address, IDMS 97, Darmstadt, Germany, Sept. 1997.
Compressed domain transcoding of MPEG. Proc.
IEEE Multimedia 98, Austin, TX (July 1998) (with S. Acharya).
An experiment to characterize videos stored on the
web. Proc. Multimedia Computing and Networking (MMCN'98), San Jose, CA (Jan 1998)
(with S. Acharya).
Motion and feature based video metamorphosis. Proc.
ACM Multimedia 97, Seattle, WA (Nov. 1997) (with R. Szewczyk, A. Ferencz, and H.
Jacl: A Tcl implementation in Java. Proc. Fifth
Ann. Tcl/TkWorkshop, Boston, MA (July 14-17, 1997) (with I. Lam).
Software Publications
Dali, a high-performance multimedia processing
system, http://www.cs.cornell.edu/dali/
Teki, a Tcl extension installer, http://www/zeno/projects/TEKI/
Jacl, A Tcl interpreter written in Java, http://sunscript.sun.com/java/