Greg Morrisett
Assistant Professor
PhD CMU, 1995
My primary research interests are in the development of programming
language and compiler technology. I am particularly interested in exploring high-level
language facilities for building reliable, secure, and high-performance systems software
(e.g. run-time systems, distributed systems). I have concentrated on producing code that
is faster and consumes less memory without sacrificing safety or robustness. |
My recent work has focused on type systems for
extremely low-level languages. Our group has just designed and implemented a type checker
for the Intel x86 architecture, and we showed how high-level languages, such as ML,
Scheme, Safe-C, and Java, may be compiled to assembly language, yet still be type-checked.
This technology provides a means to safely extend systems such as kernels, web browsers,
or hand-helds without the overheads of a virtual machine or just-in-time compiler.
I also work with the TILT group at Carnegie-Mellon
to produce a type-theoretic compiler for Standard ML and with the Advanced Programming
Languages group at Microsoft to explore next-generation implementations of Java.
1998 Sloan Foundation Fellow
University Activities
Computer Science PhD admissions committee
Professional Activities
IFIP Working Group 2.8 on Functional Programming
Program Committee Chair: 1998 ACM Workshop on ML
Program Committees: 1997 ACM Workshop on Types in
Compilation, 1998 ACM Conf. Programming Language Design and Implementation, 1998 Asian
Computing Conf., 1999 Latin American Conf. Functional Programming
Referee: ACM Trans. Programming Languages and
Systems, Information Processing Letters, J. Functional Programming
Typed assembly language. Computer Science, Univ.
Pennsylvania, April, 1998.
___. IFIP Working Group 2.8, Portland, OR, March
From System-F to typed assembly language. ACM
Symp. Principles of Programming Languages, San Diego, CA, Jan. 1998.
Type-safe assembly language. Workshop on Security
and Languages, Palo Alto, CA, Oct. 1997.
Types in compilation. ACM SIGPLAN Int. Conf.
Functional Programming, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 1997.
TIL/C and the FAC collector. IFIP Working Group
2.8, Manchester, England, June 1997.
Fast, secure, and interoperable code. Microsoft
Research, Redmond, WA, Feb. 1997.
Stack-based typed assembly language. Proc. ACM
Workshop on Types in Compilation, Kyoto Japan, (April 1998) (with K. Crary, N. Glew,
and D. Walker).
Type-based assembly language. Proc. ACM Symp.
Principles of Programming Languages, San Diego, CA (Jan. 1998) (with D. Walker, K.
Crary, and N. Glew).