Yuying Li
Senior Research Associate
PhD Waterloo, 1988
My general research interests are in numerical optimization and
scientific computation. In addition, I am interested in the application of optimization
methods to medical, engineering, and economic problems.
My current interests include generalizing the trust region theory
for unconstrained minimization to nonlinearly constrained minimization using an affine
scaling and trust region minimization approach. My research focus is on both theoretical
analysis and computational performance. On the application front, my current research is
directed at developing efficient and reliable methods for medical imaging and optimal
structural design problems. |
Interior point methods for nonlinear programming.
Invited lecture. Nonlinear Programming cluster at DALLAS INFORMS. Oct. 26-29, 1997.
A trust region and affine scaling interior point
method for nonlinear minimization with linear inequality constraints. Mathematical
Programming, Switzerland, Aug. 1997.
Exploiting structure of large QPs arising in
statistical learning theory. Applications of Large-Scale Optimization, 1998 SIAM Annual
Meeting, Toronto, CA, July 13-24, 1998.
Combining trust region and affine scaling for
linearly constrained nonconvex minimization. Advances in Nonlinear Programming (Y.
Yuan, ed.) Kluwer Academic Publishers, (1998), 219-250 (with T. Coleman). |