Cornell Robotics and Vision Laboratory
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About the CSRVL
The Cornell Computer Science Robotics and Vision Laboratory is located
at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y. We have three main areas of
Here is a pictoral tour of the CSRVL.
Current Projects
The following projects are active at the CSRVL. They are supervised by
Ramin Zabih.
We have a list of potential Master's
projects, maintained by
Justin Miller.
Most of our work has been done under Unix, but we are currently
considering a move to WindowsNT. There is a discussion of some of the
We are hopeful that this move will be supported by
Selected Publications
The following is a list of selected papers of research done at the
CSRVL. Many of these papers are available via
anonymous FTP.
Many publications from the Cornell Robotics and Vision Laboratory are
available from the
Cornell CS Tech-Reports server. (See below.)
Only those papers not available from the CS-TR server
are listed here.
Program Mobile Robots in Scheme (B. Donald and J. Rees)
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
Nice, France (May, 1992), pp. 2681-2688.
On the Complexity of Computing the Homology Type of a Triangulation
(B. Donald and D. Chang),
Revised MS based on the paper IEEE Symposium on the Foundations of
Computer Science San Juan, (October 1991), pp. 650-661.
Information Invariants for Distributed Manipulation (B. Donald, J.
Jennings and D. Rus) in The First Workshop on the Algorithmic
Foundations of Robotics, A. K. Peters, Boston, MA. ed. R. Wilson and
J.-C.Latombe (1994).
Information Invariants in Robotics (B. Donald)
Revised MS based on a paper submitted to Artificial Intelligence.
Automatic Sensor Configuration for Task-Directed Planning (B. Donald,
A. Briggs), Proceedings 1994 IEEE International Conference on
Robotics and Automation, San Diego, CA (May 1994).
Sensorless Manipulation Using Massively Parallel Microfabricated Actuator
K.-F. Böhringer, B. R. Donald, R. Mihailovich, and N. C. MacDonald,
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,
San Diego, CA (May, 1994).
A Theory of Manipulation and Control for Microfabricated Actuator Arrays,
K.-F. Böhringer, B. R. Donald, R. Mihailovich, and N. C. MacDonald,
Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems,
Oiso, Japan (January, 1994).
A Computational Approach to the Design of Micromechanical Hinged Structures
(extended abstract),
K.-F. Böhringer,
Proceedings of the ACM/SIGGRAPH Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications
, Montréal, Quebéc, Canada (May, 1993).
Some other papers are listed
Technical Reports by Author
These lists are generated dynamically by the Cornell CS-TR Server.
Here is the CS-TR server index,
where you can search for technical reports by author, title, and keyword.
People at the CSRVL