Computer Graphics Seminar—Fall 2007

CS 718
Mondays, 12:15–1:15 pm
551 Rhodes Hall (PCG Conference Room)

The talks in the Graphics Seminar stem from current research, and they can be of various types:

Talks about research that is already written up and submitted are generally not allowed; you should present work in seminar when you are still ready to get feedback on it.

Schedule for Fall 2007

August 27 Conference attendees
Conference paper roundup
September 3 Milos Hasan
Eikonal Rendering and Antiradiance
September 10 Fredo Durand, MIT
Computational Photography: From Image Enhancement to Computational Cameras
September 17 Jon Moon
—talk cancelled—
September 24 Nicolas Holzschuch
Frequency Analysis of Light Transport... and beyond
October 1 Changxi Zheng
Toward Fluid Sound Generation
October 8 —Fall Break—
October 15 Wenzel Jakob
Accelerating the bidirectional path tracing algorithm using a dedicated intersection processor
October 22 David Kaplan & Brendan Holt
Modeling the Biomechanics and Aerodynamics of Bird Flight
October 29 Ganesh Ramanarayanan
Dimensionality of Visual Complexity in Computer Graphics Scenes
November 5 Adam Arbree
Recent Advances in Subsurface Scattering
November 12 Edgar Velázquez-Armendáriz
Digital Cinematographic Lighting using GPUs
November 19 Yin Wang
3D Display Technologies
November 26 Steven An

Previous semesters:

Steve Marschner (