% @string{cpaior=" International Conference on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming"} % @string{cpaior07="CPAIOR-07: 4th" # cpaior} % @string{lncs="Lecture Notes in Computer Science"} @string{cpaior=" CPAIOR"} @string{cpaior07="4th" # cpaior} @string{lncs="LNCS"} @inproceedings{cghss07:connection, author={Conrad, Jon and Gomes, Carla P. and {van Hoeve}, Willem-Jan and Sabharwal, Ashish and Suter, Jordan}, title={Connections in Networks: Hardness of Feasibility versus Optimality}, booktitle=cpaior07, month=may, year=2007, series=lncs, volume=4510, address={Brussels, Belgium}, pages={16-28}}