FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20081029meeting--220.txt MR. PLOSSER In thinking about the appropriate monetary policy going forward , it 's important that we not let our policy be whipsawed by volatile market data . FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20081216meeting--59.txt MR. MEYER Corporate bond yields should decline with Treasury bond yields , though perhaps less if supply effects are the main reason Treasury yields fall . FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20081216meeting--269.txt MS. DUKE 267 , MS. DUKE. , '' Mr. Chairman , just one response to President Lacker 's and President Plosser 's observations , which I think are related . FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20081216meeting--88.txt MS. PIANALTO I support your view , Mr. Chairman , that we should keep our focus on expanding the asset side of our balance sheet . FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20080430meeting--180.txt MR. KOHN I do n't expect a small decrease in interest rates to result in higher inflation through this dollar commodity price inflation expectations channel either . FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20080310confcall--3.txt MR. DUDLEY On the third point -- the issue of credit risk to the Federal Reserve -- we conclude that there will inevitably be some increase in credit risk . FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20081216meeting--90.txt MS. CUMMING In normal times setting the fed funds rate influences financial conditions , especially credit markets , in a fairly predictable manner , and this Committee from time to time has discussed where overnight rates and financial conditions have diverged . FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20081216meeting--90.txt MS. CUMMING In particular , when we try to lean against expectations expressed in the yield curve that rates are going to rise soon , and we 're seeing some of that today , we can intervene in markets that directly affect major elements of aggregate demand , and I would see that as a very important role of our agency MBS program and also the CPFF to address where firms are really being starved of working capital . FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20081216meeting--90.txt MS. CUMMING The root problems , I think , are worth focusing on for a second : insufficient global demand , hurdles to economic activity from a severely impaired financial system , and as I 'll report tomorrow , behavior that is influenced by confusion and fear among businesses and households that are tending to reinforce the downward trend of the economy . FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20081216meeting--271.txt MR. ROSENGREN I would remove the reference to the Treasury securities , and for the future I would certainly want to think about expanding the purchase of GSE and agency mortgagebacked securities beyond $ 600 billion . FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20080130meeting--74.txt MS. LIANG Forward spreads -LRB- not shown -RRB- rose especially in the near-term , suggesting particular concern about credit risk in the next few years . FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20080130meeting--311.txt MS. DANKER Chairman Bernanke Vice Chairman Geithner President Fisher Governor Kohn Governor Kroszner Governor Mishkin President Pianalto President Plosser President Stern Governor Warsh Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes '' FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20080929confcall--56.txt MR. MADIGAN The Federal Reserve staff believes that we 're ready to start paying interest on reserve balances beginning with the reserve maintenance period that starts on October 9 . FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20080430meeting--3.txt MR. DUDLEY I also want to inform the Committee of a small technical change that the staff plans to make in the TSLF program . FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20080318meeting--3.txt MR. DUDLEY Before talking about what markets have been doing over the six weeks since the last FOMC meeting , I 'm going to talk a bit about the Bear Stearns situation . FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20080805meeting--124.txt MR. LACKER At the national level , my outlook for real growth is broadly consistent with the Greenbook 's this time . CongressionalHearings/TARP/CHRG-110shrg50420/CHRG-110shrg50420--13.txt Mr. Dodaro , '' In terms of oversight boards generally , Mr. Chairman , you know , we would point to a couple models that have been used before . FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20080318meeting--198.txt MS. DANKER Chairman Bernanke Vice Chairman Geithner President Fisher Governor Kohn Governor Kroszner Governor Mishkin President Pianalto President Plosser President Stern Governor Warsh Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes '' FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20080430meeting--208.txt MS. DANKER Chairman Bernanke Vice Chairman Geithner Yes Yes President Fisher Governor Kohn Governor Kroszner Governor Mishkin President Pianalto President Plosser President Stern Governor Warsh No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes '' FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20081216meeting--60.txt MR. MADIGAN Or would you emphasize the increase in excess reserves and the monetary base that would accompany such purchases and the possible effects on bank lending ? FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20080430meeting--172.txt MR. EVANS Calibrating the current policy stance against these divergent economic and inflation risks is important and challenging , as you pointed out yesterday , Mr. Chairman . FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20080121confcall--53.txt MS. DANKER Chairman Bernanke Vice Chairman Geithner President Evans President Hoenig Governor Kohn Governor Kroszner President Poole Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No '' FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20080430meeting--56.txt MR. MADIGAN You typically attributed the downside growth risks to the potential for sharper declines in house prices and persisting financial strains . FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20080805meeting--3.txt MR. DUDLEY As you know , our liquidity facilities have placed significant demands on the Federal Reserve 's balance sheet , as the Chairman mentioned . FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20080430meeting--170.txt MR. PLOSSER At past meetings this Committee has spoken a lot about the need for rapid reversals of our rate cuts that we took out for insurance . FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20080805meeting--140.txt MS. DUKE I have n't seen the confidence in banking and banking institutions this low since we were well into the S&L crisis back in the early 1990s . FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20081216meeting--82.txt MR. KOHN But I agree with your point at the beginning , Mr. Chairman -- and President Plosser and others said this -- we should emphasize the conditions rather than the time period . FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20080430meeting--213.txt MR. MADIGAN Finally , the Federal Reserve remains unable to pay explicit interest on balances held at the Federal Reserve by the Treasury and by foreign central banks . CongressionalHearings/TARP/CHRG-110shrg50416/CHRG-110shrg50416--171.txt What is the total sum of money the Federal Reserve System has lent to AIG through any and all actions undertaken by the Federal Reserve , including the Commercial Paper Funding Facility -LRB- CPFF -RRB- ? FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20080625meeting--181.txt MS. DANKER Chairman Bernanke Vice Chairman Geithner President Fisher Governor Kohn Governor Kroszner Governor Mishkin President Pianalto President Plosser President Stern Governor Warsh Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes '' FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20081029meeting--315.txt MS. DANKER Chairman Bernanke Vice Chairman Geithner Governor Duke President Fisher Governor Kohn Governor Kroszner President Pianalto President Plosser President Stern Governor Warsh Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes '' CongressionalHearings/TARP/CHRG-110shrg50416/CHRG-110shrg50416--29.txt As provided in the Act , the Federal Reserve Board and its staff are consulting with Treasury regarding the TARP and Chairman Bernanke serves as Chairman of the Oversight Board for TARP . FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20080121confcall--12.txt CHAIRMAN BERNANKE `` The Federal Open Market Committee has decided to lower its target for the federal funds rate 75 basis points to 3 percent .