FOMC/FOMC20061025meeting/FOMC20061025meeting--98.txt CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. I think it 's clear that oil price declines will lower both total and core inflation , but will also increase growth . CongressionalHearings/Other/House_Agriculture_Committee/HAC_-_Derivatives/CHRG-111hhrg51698--9.txt The legislation also requires the CFTC to study and report on the effects of potential position limits within OTC trading . FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20080430meeting--53.txt MR. STOCKTON. Nathan will then discuss trade and foreign activity before turning to global commodity markets and our forecast for import prices . FOMC/FOMC20070509meeting/FOMC20070509meeting--63.txt MS. PIANALTO. My business contacts are telling me that capital investment is a bit soft , but it should not at this point pose a serious problem for the overall economy . FOMC/FOMC20061212meeting/FOMC20061212meeting--71.txt MR. LACKER. Third , as we 've discussed at previous meetings , the projected increase in unemployment is not likely to have much of an effect on inflation , over the forecast period at least . CongressionalHearings/MonetaryPolicy/Senate_Banking,_Housing_and_Urban_Affairs/SBHUA_-_July_21,_2005_Fed_Reserve/CHRG-109shrg24852--19.txt Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee , I am pleased to be here to present the Federal Reserve 's Monetary Policy Report to the Congress . FOMC/FOMC20050630meeting/FOMC20050630meeting--250.txt MR. LEAHY. 248 , MR. LEAHY. , '' The top left panel of exhibit 11 presents our outlook for foreign real GDP growth . FOMC/FOMC20060808meeting/FOMC20060808meeting--72.txt MR. KOHN. The consumption and investment data for late months in the quarter do n't suggest an acceleration going into the third quarter . FOMC/FOMC20060920meeting/FOMC20060920meeting--129.txt MR. HOENIG. Generally speaking , I am more optimistic than the Greenbook , especially with regard to housing and consumer spending , and I 'm not nearly as pessimistic as the Greenbook on potential output . CongressionalHearings/MonetaryPolicy/Senate_Banking,_Housing_and_Urban_Affairs/SBHUA_-_July_19,_2006_Fed_Reserve/CHRG-109shrg30354--2.txt Chairman Bernanke , your testimony and report this morning note the economy 's strong performance in the first half of 2006 . FOMC/FOMC20070807meeting/FOMC20070807meeting--57.txt MS. YELLEN. The modest amount of slack that this entails should help bring about the desired gradual reduction of inflation in the future . FOMC/FOMC20060920meeting/FOMC20060920meeting--127.txt MR. PLOSSER. In the other scenario , stimulative monetary policy during the past five years has been a major contributor to the rise in core inflation . FOMC/FOMC20060131meeting/FOMC20060131meeting--60.txt MR. STOCKTON. 58 , MR. STOCKTON. , `` 2 As we see it , the recent configuration of data suggests that , to the extent that there was any noticeable weakness in the fourth quarter , it was short-lived , and we are Thank you , Mr. Chairman . FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20080130meeting--75.txt MR. SHEETS. The individual contributions of exports and imports to U.S. GDP growth have both risen about percentage point in recent years . CongressionalHearings/MonetaryPolicy/Senate_Banking,_Housing_and_Urban_Affairs/SBHUA_-_July_19,_2006_Fed_Reserve/CHRG-109shrg30354--32.txt Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee I am pleased to be here again to present the Federal Reserve 's Monetary Policy Report to the Congress . CongressionalHearings/Other/House_Agriculture_Committee/HAC_-_Derivatives/CHRG-111hhrg51698--23.txt We provide producers and processors with necessary information to make important economic decisions and serve their global risk management needs . FOMC/FOMC20060920meeting/FOMC20060920meeting--131.txt MS. PIANALTO. The Greenbook baseline captures very well the pattern that I 've been describing in its projection for nonresidential investment over the next few years . FOMC/FOMC20071031meeting/FOMC20071031meeting--45.txt MR. FISHER. We differ significantly , Mr. Chairman , from the central assumption of the Greenbook in our views on headline inflation looking forward . CongressionalHearings/Dodd-Frank/CHRG-111hhrg52397/CHRG-111hhrg52397--16.txt Mr. Lucas , '' Thank you , Mr. Chairman , and Ranking Member Garrett , for holding today 's hearing . FOMC/FOMC20050920meeting/FOMC20050920meeting--74.txt MS. JOHNSON. We model energy demand , energy consumption , energy production , and the implied change in inventories on a global basis . FOMC/FOMC20061025meeting/FOMC20061025meeting--13.txt MS. JOHNSON. To some extent , the double-digit growth of U.S. real exports early this year reflected rapid real GDP growth abroad at that time . FOMC/FOMC20050322meeting/FOMC20050322meeting--3.txt MR. KOS. The spreads between the June ’06 and June ’05 contracts widened to reflect this more aggressive expected path of tightening . FCIC/FCICFinalReport/fcic_final_report_full--429.txt THE CREDIT BUBBLE : GLOBAL CAPITAL FLOWS , UNDERPRICED RISK , AND FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY The financial and economic crisis began with a credit bubble in the United States and Europe . FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20080805meeting--119.txt MR. PLOSSER. Banks expect somewhat sluggish growth in overall lending for the rest of the year , although compared with some regions , banks in our District are in pretty good shape . CongressionalHearings/Other/House_Agriculture_Committee/HAC_-_Derivatives/CHRG-111hhrg51698--12.txt Removing that significant market liquidity and making transactions more opaque to U.S. regulators would be detrimental to the public interest . FOMC/FOMC20050809meeting/FOMC20050809meeting--135.txt MR. FISHER. 133 , MR. FISHER. , '' Mr. Chairman , as reported in the Beige Book , activity in our District has picked up substantially . FOMC/FOMC20070807meeting/FOMC20070807meeting--89.txt MR. ROSENGREN. My own view is that residential investment is likely to be as weak as in the Greenbook forecast but that potential may be closer to Boston 's estimate . FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20081029meeting--163.txt MR. MORIN. In addition , we cut back the size of the judgmental adjustments for financial turmoil to their September Greenbook levels . FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20081029meeting--163.txt MR. MORIN. The shaded area shows the range of results from the model-based estimates detailed in Part 1 of the October Greenbook . FOMC/FOMC20060629meeting/FOMC20060629meeting--95.txt MS. YELLEN. Moreover , part of the recent uptick traces to large increases in housing costs that are finally showing up in the CPI just as the housing market is slowing . CongressionalHearings/MonetaryPolicy/Senate_Banking,_Housing_and_Urban_Affairs/SBHUA_-_Feb_28,_2008_Fed_Reserve/CHRG-110shrg50369--125.txt And beyond that concern , is that decline in the dollar -- does that decline represent a decrease in confidence in the U.S. financial system ? FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20080625meeting--99.txt CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. I think that the objective of the Federal Reserve ought to be to avoid a very bad outcome , and so my concerns are primarily with tail risks on both sides of our mandate . FOMC/FOMC20050322meeting/FOMC20050322meeting--36.txt MR. STOCKTON. 34 , MR. STOCKTON. , '' It is the case , however , Mr. Chairman , that there has been a broad - based upward movement in commodity prices in the last four weeks . FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20080318meeting--51.txt MR. ROSENGREN. Some indicators of inflation are higher than we want , but during previous recessions , commodity prices and inflation rates fell . FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20080130meeting--294.txt MR. FISHER. Mr. Chairman , I think we 've gone as far as is prudent for now , and that 3 percent , together with the other initiatives we 've taken to restore liquidity , is sufficient . FOMC/FOMC20070131meeting/FOMC20070131meeting--136.txt MR. FISHER. At home , we 're seeing unacceptably high and sustained wage developments for certain critical components of labor , which I mentioned earlier . FOMC/FOMC20071211meeting/FOMC20071211meeting--40.txt MR. SHEETS. Continued concerns about the longer-term supply-demand balance , however , have kept the far-futures price at its late-November level , near $ 87 per barrel -- up about $ 7 since the last FOMC meeting . FOMC/FOMC20060808meeting/FOMC20060808meeting--50.txt MS. YELLEN. However , the employment cost index was in line with expectations in June and continues to show moderate growth . FOMC2008_csv/FOMC20080625meeting--92.txt MR. KOHN. I continue to believe that the 2 percent nominal funds rate is not indicative of a highly accommodative financial condition , given the current state of financial markets .