
Denoising Vision Transformers

In Submission Investigating positional embedding artifacts in ViTs, and denosing them.

Augmenting Lane Perception and Topology Understanding with Standard Definition Navigation Maps

ICRA 2024 The first work to investigate how to leverage standard definition maps to augment lane topology reasoning.

Better Monocular 3D Detectors with LiDAR from the Past

Accurate 3D object detection is crucial to autonomous driving. Though LiDAR-based detectors have achieved impressive performance, the high cost of LiDAR sensors precludes their widespread adoption in affordable vehicles. Camera-based detectors are …

Pre-training LiDAR-based 3D Object Detectors through Colorization

Accurate 3D object detection and understanding for self-driving cars heavily relies on LiDAR point clouds, necessitating large amounts of labeled data to train. In this work, we introduce an innovative pre-training approach, Grounded Point …

Learning to Detect Mobile Objects from LiDAR Scans Without Labels

NeurIPS 2023 Discovering 3D objects with reward fine-tuning, drawing inspiration from the RL community.

Unsupervised Adaptation from Repeated Traversals for Autonomous Driving

For a self-driving car to operate reliably, its perceptual system must generalize to the end-user's environment -- ideally without additional annotation efforts. One potential solution is to leverage unlabeled data (e.g., unlabeled LiDAR point …

Learning to Detect Mobile Objects from LiDAR Scans Without Labels

CVPR 2022 Discovering 3D objects from repeated traversals and self training.

Stay Positive: Non-Negative Image Synthesis for Augmented Reality

CVPR 2021  __(Oral)__ Solving non-negative image generation for Augmented Reality.

Safety-Oriented Pedestrian Motion and Scene Occupancy Forecasting

In this paper, we address the important problem in self-driving of forecasting multi-pedestrian motion and their shared scene occupancy map, critical for safe navigation. Our contributions are two-fold. First, we advocate for predicting both the …