Require Import Coq.QArith.QArith.
Require Import Coq.QArith.Qabs.
Require Import Coq.QArith.QOrderedType.

Require Export CoRN.ftc.MoreIntervals.

Notation := IR.

Require Export Coq.ZArith.ZArith.

Require Export IRMisc.CoRNMisc.

Require Export IRMisc.ContField.

Require Export StdlibMisc.

Definition N2R (n: nat) : IR := (inj_Q IR (inject_Z n)).

Notation "a < b < c" := (Qlt a b Qlt b c) : Q_scope .

Time is the type of non-negative real numbers. Its definition is slightly complicated because it is defined as a Setoid to get the equality right
Definition Time : CSetoid := (RInIntvl (closel 0)).

Open Scope Q_scope.

Definition tdiff (t tl : Time) : Time.

   (AbsIR (tl [-] t)).
  unfold iprop. apply AbsIR_nonneg.

Hint Resolve plus_resp_nonneg : CoRN.
 Definition tadd (t tl : Time) : Time.
    (t [+] tl).
   unfold iprop. destruct t. destruct tl.
   eauto using plus_resp_nonneg.


 Lemma N2RNonNeg : n, 0<=N2R n.
   intro n. unfold N2R. rewrite <- inj_Q_Zero.
   apply inj_Q_leEq.
   apply Q.Qle_nat.

Definition N2T (n: nat) : Time.
    (N2R n). unfold iprop.
   apply N2RNonNeg.

Definition mkTime (t:) (p: 0 <= t) : Time.
  exact p.

Definition QNNeg : Type := {q : Q | (if Qlt_le_dec q 0 then False else True) : Prop}.
Definition QTime := QNNeg.

if q is a closed non-negative rational, then p:=I is guaranteed to work
Definition mkQTime (q:Q) (p: (if Qlt_le_dec q 0 then False else True)) : QTime
:= exist _ q p.

Definition QT2Q (t : QTime) : Q := let (x, _) := t in x.

Definition QT2T (q: QTime) : Time.
  destruct q as [q qp].
   (Q2R q). simpl.
  unfold Q2R.
  rewrite <- inj_Q_Zero.
  apply inj_Q_leEq. simpl.
  destruct (Qlt_le_dec q 0); auto.

Definition QT2R (q: QTime) : .
  exact (Q2R (QT2Q q)).

Coercion N2T : nat >-> st_car.

Coercion QT2T : QTime >-> st_car.
Coercion QT2Q : QTime >-> Q.

Definition equalUpto {Value : Type} (t: Time) (f1 f2 : TimeValue) :=
   (ti: Time), (ti <= t) → f1 ti = f2 ti.

Open Scope R_scope.

Require Export CoRN.reals.Q_in_CReals.

Definition Z2R (n: Z) : := (inj_Q (inject_Z n)).

Definition overApproximate (t: ) : { z: Z | t [<] Z2R z}.
  remember (start_of_sequence _ t).
  clear Heqs. destruct s as [qf Hp]. destruct Hp as [qc Hpp].
   (Qround.Qceiling qc).
  unfold Z2R. pose proof (Qround.Qle_ceiling qc) as Hq.
  apply (inj_Q_leEq IR) in Hq.
  eauto using less_leEq_trans.

Definition RTime :=Time.

Close Scope R_scope.

TContR is a ring of continuous functions over time. It is defined by first using a pointwise ring constructor (FS_as_PointWise_CRing) and then a subsetoid ring constructor SubCRing

Definition TContR : CRing := (IContR (closel 0)) I.

asserts that F' is the constructive derivative of F w.r.t. Time
Definition isDerivativeOf (F' F : TContR) : CProp :=
  @isIDerivativeOf (closel 0) I F' F.

Notation "{ f }" := (getF f).

Lemma Qlt_le_decLeft {T} : (a b : Q)(x y : T),
   (a b)
  → (if Qlt_le_dec b a then x else y) =y.
  intros ? ? ? ? Hlt.
  destruct (Qlt_le_dec b a); [|reflexivity].
  apply Qlt_not_le in q.

Definition mkQTimeSnd (t : Q ) (p: 0 t) :
    (if Qlt_le_dec t 0 then False else True).
  intros. rewrite Qlt_le_decLeft; trivial.

Definition QTimeD {t : Q} (tp : (if Qlt_le_dec t 0 then False else True))
    : 0 t .
  destruct (Qlt_le_dec t 0);[contradiction| trivial].

Definition mkQTime1 (t : Q) (tl: QTime) (p: tl t) : QTime.
  apply mkQTimeSnd.
  destruct tl as [tq tp].
  simpl in p.
  apply QTimeD in tp.
  eauto using Qle_trans.

Definition mkQTimeT (t : Q) (tl: Time) (p: tl <= t) : QTime.
  apply mkQTimeSnd.
  destruct tl as [tq tp].
  simpl in p.
  simpl in tp.
  apply (leEq_inj_Q IR).
  rewrite inj_Q_Zero.
  eauto using leEq_transitive.

Definition mkQTimeInj (t : Q) (tl: QTime) (p: Q2R tl <= Q2R t) : QTime.
  eapply mkQTime1.
  apply leEq_inj_Q in p.
  apply p.

Lemma timeIncludedQ : (ta tb : QTime),
  included (clcr (QT2Q ta) (QT2Q tb)) (closel 0).
  destruct ta as [ra pa].
  destruct tb as [rb pb].
  simpl. simpl in pa. simpl in pb.
  unfold included. intros ? Hlft.
  simpl in Hlft.
  destruct Hlft. simpl.
  apply QTimeD in pa.
  apply QTimeD in pb.
  apply (inj_Q_leEq IR) in pa.
  rewrite inj_Q_Zero in pa.
  eauto using leEq_transitive.

Lemma getFToPart (f : TContR) : (t : Time),
  ({f} t) [=] (toPart f) t (scs_prf _ _ t).
  intros ?.
  apply extToPart3.

Lemma getFToPart2 (f : TContR) : (t : IR)
  (p : Dom (toPart f) t), (toPart f) t p [=] {f} (mkTime t p).
  intros ? ?. symmetry.
  destruct f.
  apply extToPart.

Lemma TDerivativeUB : {F F' : TContR}
   (ta tb : Time) (Hab : ta[<]tb) (c : ),
   isDerivativeOf F' F
   → UBoundInCompInt Hab (toPart F') c
   → ({F} tb [-] ({F} ta))[<=]c[*](tb[-]ta).
 intros ? ? ? ? ? ? Hisd Hub.
 rewrite getFToPart.
 rewrite getFToPart.
 apply (AntiderivativeUB2 (toPart F) (toPart F') ta tb Hab); auto.
 unfold isDerivativeOf, isIDerivativeOf in Hisd.
 apply Included_imp_Derivative with
   (I:=closel 0) (pI := I); trivial;[].
 apply intvlIncluded.

Lemma TDerivativeLB : {F F' : TContR}
   (ta tb : Time) (Hab : ta[<]tb) (c : ),
   isDerivativeOf F' F
   → LBoundInCompInt Hab (toPart F') c
   → c[*](tb[-]ta) <= ((getF F) tb[-] (getF F) ta).
 intros ? ? ? ? ? ? Hisd Hub.
 rewrite getFToPart.
 rewrite getFToPart.
 apply (AntiderivativeLB2 (toPart F) (toPart F') ta tb Hab); auto.
 unfold isDerivativeOf in Hisd.
 apply Included_imp_Derivative with
   (I:=closel 0) (pI := I); trivial;[].
 apply intvlIncluded.

Definition toTime (t : Time) (r : ) (p :t<=r) : Time.
  destruct t as [rt pt].
  simpl in pt.
  eauto using leEq_transitive.

Lemma TDerivativeUB2 : (F F' : TContR)
   (ta tb : Time) (Hab : ta[<]tb) (c : ),
   isDerivativeOf F' F
   → ( (t:Time), (clcr ta tb) t({F'} t) <= c)
   → ({F} tb[-] {F} ta)[<=]c[*](tb[-]ta).
  intros ? ? ? ? ? ? Hder Hub.
  eapply TDerivativeUB with (Hab0 := Hab); eauto;[].
  unfold UBoundInCompInt.
  intros r Hc ?. unfold compact in Hc.
  destruct Hc as [Hca Hcb].

  specialize (Hub (toTime _ _ Hca)).
  rewrite <- extToPart2.
  unfold getF in Hub.
  assert ((toTime ta r Hca) [=] (mkRIntvl (closel 0) r Hx)) as Heq
    by (simpl; apply eq_reflexive).
  rewrite <- Heq.
  apply Hub.
  split; auto.

Lemma TDerivativeLB2 : (F F' : TContR)
   (ta tb : Time) (Hab : ta[<]tb) (c : ),
   isDerivativeOf F' F
   → ( (t:Time), (clcr ta tb) tc <= ({F'} t))
   → c[*](tb[-]ta) <= ({F} tb[-] {F} ta).
  intros ? ? ? ? ? ? Hder Hub.
  eapply TDerivativeLB with (Hab0 := Hab); eauto;[].
  unfold UBoundInCompInt.
  intros r Hc ?. unfold compact in Hc.
  unfold getF in Hub.
  destruct Hc as [Hca Hcb].
  specialize (Hub (toTime _ _ Hca)).
  rewrite <- extToPart2.
  unfold getF in Hub.
  assert ((toTime ta r Hca) [=] (mkRIntvl (closel 0) r Hx)) as Heq
    by (simpl; apply eq_reflexive).
  rewrite <- Heq.
  apply Hub.
  split; auto.

Definition opBind {A B : Type}
  (f : Aoption B) (a : option A) : option B :=
match a with
| Some a'f a'
| NoneNone

Definition opBind2 {A B : Type}
  (f : AB) (a : option A) : option B :=
match a with
| Some a'Some (f a')
| NoneNone

Definition opExtract {A : Type}
   (a : option A) (def: A ): A :=
match a with
| Some a'a'
| Nonedef

Definition op2List {A} (a : option A) : list A :=
match a with
| Some a'cons (a') nil
| Nonenil

Definition opApPure {A B : Type}
  (f : AB) (def : B) (a : option A)
  : B :=
match a with
| Some a'f a'
| Nonedef

Definition opLiftF {A : Type}
  (f : AProp) (a : option A)
  : Prop := opApPure f False a.

Definition nextInterval (tstart : QTime)
    (nextMesgTime : option QTime) : interval :=
match nextMesgTime with
| Some tmclcr (QT2R tstart) (QT2R tm)
| Noneclosel (QT2R tstart)

Definition nbdAround ( radius center : ) :=
clcr (radius [-] center) (radius [+] center).

Ltac parallelExist Hyp :=
      match type of Hyp with
      | _ : ?A, _
            match goal with
            [ |- _ : A, _] ⇒
              let xx := fresh "x" in
              destruct Hyp as [xx Hyp]; xx

Ltac parallelForall Hyp :=
      match type of Hyp with
      | _ : ?A, _
            match goal with
            [ |- _ : A, _] ⇒
              let xx := fresh "x" in
              intro xx; specialize (Hyp xx)

Ltac Parallel Hyp :=
  repeat progress (parallelForall Hyp || parallelExist Hyp).

Require Import Coq.QArith.Qfield.
Require Import Coq.QArith.Qring.
Require Import Psatz.

Lemma qSubLt : (qa qb diff: Q),
  qa < qb + diff
  → qa - qb < diff.
  intros ? ? ? Hsendlrrr.

Lemma realCancel : (R: CReals) (cpvt cpst : R),
      (cpst[+](cpvt[-]cpst) [=] cpvt).
  rewrite cg_minus_unfolded.
  rewrite cag_commutes.
  rewrite <- CSemiGroups.plus_assoc.
  rewrite (cag_commutes _ ([--]cpst) cpst).
  rewrite CSemiGroups.plus_assoc.
  rewrite <- cg_minus_unfolded.
  rewrite grp_inv_assoc.

Hint Rewrite realCancel : CoRN.

Ltac TrimAndRHS Hyp :=
let H99 := fresh "H99" in
destruct Hyp as [Hyp H99]; clear H99.

Ltac TrimAndLHS Hyp :=
let H99 := fresh "H99" in
destruct Hyp as [H99 Hyp]; clear H99.

Definition subset {A} (la lb : list A) : Prop :=
   a:A, In a laIn a lb.

Require Import Coq.Logic.Eqdep_dec.

Lemma UIPReflDeq: { A : Type} (deq : DecEq A)
  (a: A) (p: a=a), p= eq_refl.
  remember (@eq_refl A a) as eqr.
  apply UIP_dec.
  destruct deq. auto.

Ltac exrepd :=
   repeat match goal with
           | [ H : _ _ |- _ ] ⇒ destruct H
           | [ H : prod _ _ |- _ ] ⇒ destruct H
           | [ H : v : _,_ |- _ ] ⇒
               let name := fresh v in
               let Hname := fresh v in
               destruct H as [name Hname]
           | [ H : { v : _ | _ } |- _ ] ⇒
               let name := fresh v in
               let Hname := fresh v in
               destruct H as [name Hname]
           | [ H : { v : _ | _ & _ } |- _ ] ⇒
               let name := fresh v in
               let Hname := fresh v in
               destruct H as [name Hname]

Definition inBetween (l m r: Q) := l < m < r.

Lemma inBetweenFold : (l m r: Q),
   l < m < r (inBetween l m r).
Proof. intros. reflexivity.

Lemma Q2RClCr : (a b c : Q),
  (clcr a c) b
  → a b c.
  intros ? ? ? pr.
  simpl in pr.
  destruct pr as [pl pr].
  split; apply (leEq_inj_Q IR); trivial.

Lemma contTfQ : (tf : TContR) (ta tb : QTime),
    Continuous (clcr (QT2Q ta) (QT2Q tb)) (toPart tf).
  intros ? ? ?.
  pose proof (scs_prf _ _ tf) as Hc.
  simpl in Hc.
  eapply Included_imp_Continuous; eauto.
  apply timeIncludedQ.

Lemma TContRExtQ : (f : TContR) (a b : QTime),
  a = b{f} a [=] {f} b.
  intros ? ? ? H.
  unfold getF. rewrite H.
  apply eq_reflexive.

Lemma TContRExtQ2 : (f : TContR) (a b : QTime),
  inj_Q IR (QT2Q a) [=] inj_Q IR (QT2Q b) → {f} a [=] {f} b.
  intros ? ? ? H.
  unfold getF. apply TContRExt. simpl. destruct a. destruct b.
  simpl. simpl in H.

Lemma TContRR2QCompactIntUB : (tf : TContR) (ta tb : QTime) (c : IR),
( (t:QTime), (ta t tb) → ((getF tf) ( t)) <= c)
→ ( (t:Time), ((clcr (QT2Q ta) (QT2Q tb)) t) → ({tf} t) <= c).
  intros ? ? ? ? Hq ? Hint.
  rewrite getFToPart.
  apply ContFunQRLe with (a:=ta) (b:=tb); trivial;
  [apply contTfQ|].
  intros tq ? pp.
  specialize (Hq (mkQTimeInj _ _ (fst pp))).
  specialize (Hq (Q2RClCr _ _ _ pp)).
  rewrite getFToPart2.
  erewrite csf_fun_wd;[apply Hq|simpl; apply eq_reflexive].

  Hint Rewrite <- inj_Q_One : QSimpl.
  Hint Rewrite <- inj_Q_inv : QSimpl.
  Hint Rewrite <- inj_Q_plus : QSimpl.
  Hint Rewrite <- inj_Q_minus : QSimpl.
  Hint Rewrite <- inj_Q_inv : QSimpl.

Ltac simplInjQ :=
  unfold Q2R, Z2R; autorewrite with QSimpl;
let H99 := fresh "HSimplInjQ" in
match goal with
[|- context [inj_Q _ ?q]] ⇒ let qs := eval compute in q in
                         assert (q = qs) as H99 by reflexivity;
                         rewrite H99; clear H99
Ltac UnfoldLRA :=
   (unfold Q2R, Z2R, inject_Z;
      try apply inj_Q_leEq;
      try apply inj_Q_less;
      simpl; lra).

Lemma QT2T_Q2R : (qt:QTime),
  inj_Q IR (QT2Q qt) = (QT2T qt).
  intros. destruct qt as [q p].
  unfold QT2T, QT2Q, QT2R.
  simpl. reflexivity.

Lemma timeNonNeg: t:Time,
  (closel 0) t.
  intros. destruct t. simpl. trivial.

Lemma timeNonNegUnfolded: t:Time,
  0 <= t.
  intros. destruct t. simpl. trivial.
Hint Immediate timeNonNeg timeNonNegUnfolded: ROSCOQ.

Lemma TContRR2QUB : (tf : TContR) (c : ),
( (t:QTime), ({tf} t) <= c)
→ ( (t:Time), ({tf} t) <= c).
  intros ? ? Hq ?.
  pose proof (less_plusOne _ t) as Hl.
  apply Q_dense_in_CReals' in Hl.
  destruct Hl as [q Htq Hqt].
  apply less_leEq in Htq.
  apply TContRR2QCompactIntUB with (ta:= mkQTime 0 I)
        (tb:=mkQTimeT q _ Htq); trivial.
  trivial. simplInjQ.
  split;[rewrite inj_Q_Zero|]; simpl; auto.
  eauto with ROSCOQ.

Lemma TContRR2QCompactIntLB : (tf : TContR) (ta tb : QTime) (c : ),
( (t:QTime), (ta t tb) → c <= ({tf} t))
→ ( (t:Time), ((clcr (QT2Q ta) (QT2Q tb)) t) → c <= ({tf} t)).
  intros ? ? ? ? Hq ? Hint.
  rewrite getFToPart.
  apply ContFunQRGe with (a:=ta) (b:=tb); trivial;
  [apply contTfQ|].
  intros tq ? pp.
  specialize (Hq (mkQTimeInj _ _ (fst pp))).
  specialize (Hq (Q2RClCr _ _ _ pp)).
  rewrite getFToPart2.
  erewrite csf_fun_wd;[apply Hq|simpl; apply eq_reflexive].

Lemma TContRR2QLB : (tf : TContR) (c : ),
( (t:QTime), c <= ({tf} t))
→ ( (t:Time), c <= ({tf} t)).
  intros ? ? Hq ?.
  pose proof (less_plusOne _ t) as Hl.
  apply Q_dense_in_CReals' in Hl.
  destruct Hl as [q Htq Hqt].
  apply less_leEq in Htq.
  apply TContRR2QCompactIntLB with (ta:= mkQTime 0 I)
        (tb:=mkQTimeT q _ Htq); trivial.
  trivial. simplInjQ.
  split;[rewrite inj_Q_Zero|]; simpl; auto.
  eauto with ROSCOQ.

Lemma TDerivativeUBQ : (F F' : TContR)
   (ta tb : QTime) (Hab : ta tb) (c : ),
   isDerivativeOf F' F
   → ( (t:QTime), ta t tb({F'} t) <= c)
   → ({F} tb[-] {F} ta)[<=]c[*](tb-ta).
  intros ? ? ? ? ? ? Hder Hub.
  apply Qle_lteq in Hab.
  destruct Hab as [Hlt| Heq].
- unfold Q2R. rewrite inj_Q_minus.
  rewrite QT2T_Q2R.
  rewrite QT2T_Q2R.
  eapply TDerivativeUB2; eauto;
    [ rewrite <- QT2T_Q2R;
      rewrite <- QT2T_Q2R;
      apply inj_Q_less; trivial|].
  rewrite <- QT2T_Q2R.
  rewrite <- QT2T_Q2R.
  apply TContRR2QCompactIntUB.
- symmetry in Heq. apply (inj_Q_wd IR) in Heq.
  unfold Q2R. rewrite inj_Q_minus.
  rewrite x_minus_x;
    [rewrite x_minus_x; trivial|];
    [rewrite cring_mult_zero; apply leEq_reflexive|].
  apply csf_fun_wd.

   rewrite QT2T_Q2R in Heq. rewrite QT2T_Q2R in Heq. simpl.
    destruct ta. destruct tb. simpl. apply Heq.

Lemma TDerivativeLBQ : (F F' : TContR)
   (ta tb : QTime) (Hab : ta tb) (c : ),
   isDerivativeOf F' F
   → ( (t:QTime), ta t tbc <= ({F'} t))
   → c[*](tb-ta)[<=]({F} tb[-] {F} ta).
  intros ? ? ? ? ? ? Hder Hub.
  apply Qle_lteq in Hab.
  destruct Hab as [Hlt| Heq].
- unfold Q2R. rewrite inj_Q_minus.
  rewrite QT2T_Q2R.
  rewrite QT2T_Q2R.
  eapply TDerivativeLB2; eauto;
    [ rewrite <- QT2T_Q2R;
      rewrite <- QT2T_Q2R;
      apply inj_Q_less; trivial|].
  rewrite <- QT2T_Q2R.
  rewrite <- QT2T_Q2R.
  apply TContRR2QCompactIntLB.
- symmetry in Heq. apply (inj_Q_wd IR) in Heq.
  unfold Q2R. rewrite inj_Q_minus.
  rewrite x_minus_x;
    [rewrite x_minus_x|]; trivial;
    [rewrite cring_mult_zero; apply leEq_reflexive|].
  apply csf_fun_wd.

   rewrite QT2T_Q2R in Heq. rewrite QT2T_Q2R in Heq. simpl.
    destruct ta. destruct tb. simpl. apply Heq.

Ltac AndProjNAux n H :=
match n with
| Otry (apply proj1 in H)
| S ?n'apply proj2 in H; AndProjNAux n' H

Tactic Notation "AndProjN" constr(n) ident(H) "as " ident(Hn) :=
  pose proof H as Hn;
  AndProjNAux n Hn.

Lemma qtimePos : t:QTime, 0 t.
  intros t. destruct t. simpl.
  apply QTimeD. trivial.

Definition notNone {T : Type} (op : option T) : bool :=
match op with
| Some _true
| Nonefalse

Lemma mapNil {A B}: f : AB,
    map f nil = nil.
intros. reflexivity.

Lemma AbsIR_ABSIR: x, ABSIR x = AbsIR x.
  intros. reflexivity.

Lemma IVTTimeMinMax: (F : TContR) (ta tb : Time) (e y : IR),
   ({F} ta[<]{F} tb)
   → 0[<]e
   → (clcr ({F} ta) ({F} tb)) y
   → {x : QTime | (clcr (Min ta tb) (Max ta tb)) (QT2Q x) ×
                    AbsIR ({F} x [-]y)<=e}.
  intros ? ? ? ? ?.
  intros Hflt He Hy. simpl in Hy.
  apply extToPartLt2 in Hflt.
  destruct F.
  simpl. simpl in Hy. simpl in Hflt.
  eapply Weak_IVTQ with (y:=y) (F:= (toPart scs_elem)) (HFab := Hflt) in He;
    eauto 1 with ROSCOQ;
    [|destruct ta; destruct tb; exact Hy].
  destruct He as [t H99]. destruct H99 as [He Ha].
  unfold compact in He.
  pose proof (leEq_Min _ _ _ (timeNonNeg ta) (timeNonNeg tb)) as HH.
  destruct He as [Hel Her].
  pose proof Hel as Helb.
  eapply leEq_transitive in Hel;[|apply HH].
  unfold Q2R in Hel.
  rewrite <- inj_Q_Zero in Hel.
  apply leEq_inj_Q in Hel.
  simpl in Hel.
  apply mkQTimeSnd in Hel.
   (mkQTime _ Hel).
  rewrite AbsIR_ABSIR.
  dands; auto.
  rewrite extToPart3; auto.

Lemma MinTAdd : (tx ty : Time),
  MIN tx (tx[+]ty) [=] tx.
  apply leEq_imp_Min_is_lft.
  rewrite cag_commutes.
  apply shift_leEq_plus.
  rewrite cg_minus_correct.
  eauto 1 with ROSCOQ.

Lemma MaxTAdd : (tx ty : Time),
  MAX tx (tx[+]ty) [=] (tx[+]ty).
  apply leEq_imp_Max_is_rht.
  rewrite cag_commutes.
  apply shift_leEq_plus.
  rewrite cg_minus_correct.
  eauto 1 with ROSCOQ.

Lemma injQGt0 : q:Q, 0 < q0[<] inj_Q IR q.
  intros ? Hq.
  eapply less_wdl;[| apply inj_Q_Zero].
  apply inj_Q_less.

Lemma QT2TGt0 : q:QTime, 0 < q0[<] QT2T q.
  intros ? Hq.
  destruct q as [q qp]. simpl.
  simpl in Hq.
  apply injQGt0.

Definition mkQTimeLt (t : Q) (tl: Time) (p: tl [<] t) : QTime.
  apply mkQTimeSnd.
  apply (leEq_inj_Q IR).
  rewrite inj_Q_Zero.
  unfold Q2R in p.
  eauto using timeNonNegUnfolded, leEq_less_trans, less_leEq.

Lemma TContRlt: (p : TContR) x y,
        {p} x [<]{p} y
        → x<=y
        → x[<]y.
  intros ? ? ? Hpp Hle.
  apply extToPartLt2 in Hpp.
  apply pfstrlt in Hpp; auto.

Lemma TContRgt: (p : TContR) x y,
        {p} x [<]{p} y
        → y<=x
        → y[<]x.
  intros ? ? ? Hpp Hle.
  apply extToPartLt2 in Hpp.
  apply pfstrgt in Hpp; auto.

 Definition Qtadd (t tl : QTime) : QTime.
   (t + tl).
  destruct t as [qt qp].
  destruct tl as [qlt qlp].
  apply mkQTimeSnd.
  apply QTimeD in qlp.
  apply QTimeD in qp.

Ltac DestImp H :=
 lapply H;[clear H; intro H|].

Definition between (b a c eps : IR)
  := ((Min a (c [-] eps) <= b) (b <= Max a (c [+] eps))) .

Require Import Coq.QArith.Qminmax.
Ltac InjQRingSimplify :=
  unfold Q2R, Z2R; autorewrite with QSimpl;
let H99 := fresh "HSimplInjQ" in
let H98 := fresh "HSimplInjQ" in
match goal with
[|- context [inj_Q _ ?q]] ⇒ pose proof (Qeq_refl q) as H99;
                            ring_simplify in H99;
                            match type of H99 with
                            | (?qn == _)%Q
                             assert (q == qn)%Q as H98 by ring;
                             rewrite H98; clear H99; clear H98

Definition qbetween (b : IR) (a c : Q) (eps: QTime)
  := ((Q2R(Qmin a (c - eps)) <= b) (b <= Qmax a (c + QT2Q eps))) .

Require Export Coq.Unicode.Utf8.
Lemma qbetweenRAbs : (b : ) (a c : Q) (eps : QTime),
  qbetween b a c eps
  → AbsIR (b[-]c) <= ((Qabs (a-c)) +eps)%Q.
  intros ? ? ? ? Hb.
  unfold qbetween in Hb.
  apply AbsSmall_imp_AbsIR.
  unfold AbsSmall.
    Local Opaque Qabs.
  - ring_simplify.
    apply shift_leEq_minus'.
    eapply leEq_transitive;[|apply Hbl].
    clear Hbl Hbr.
    unfold Q2R. autorewrite with QSimpl.
    apply inj_Q_leEq.
    destruct eps as [eps epsp]. simpl.
    apply QTimeD in epsp.
    apply Q.min_glb;
    apply Qabs_case; intros; lra.
  - apply shift_minus_leEq.
    eapply leEq_transitive;[apply Hbr|].
    clear Hbl Hbr.
    unfold Q2R. autorewrite with QSimpl.
    apply inj_Q_leEq.
    destruct eps as [eps epsp]. simpl.
    apply QTimeD in epsp.
    apply Q.max_lub;
    apply Qabs_case; intros; lra.

Definition changesTo (f : TContR)
  (atTime uptoTime : QTime)
  (toValue : )
  (reactionTime eps : Q) :=
( (qt : QTime),
  atTime qt (atTime + reactionTime)
   (( t : QTime,
          (qt t uptoTimeAbsIR ({f} t [-] toValue) <= eps)))
   ( t : QTime, (atTime t qt)
          → (between ({f} t) ({f} atTime) toValue eps)))%Q.
using eps here with between is great. it means that receiving a request to set velocity to the current value is a no-op

Instance TContR_proper (f : TContR) :
  Proper ((fun (x y : QTime) ⇒ Qeq x y) ==> (@st_eq IR)) (fun (q : QTime) ⇒ {f} q).
  intros ? ? Heq. apply csf_fun_wd. unfold Basics.flip in Heq.
  destruct x,y. simpl. simpl in Heq. apply inj_Q_wd. exact Heq.

Hint Rewrite Max_id Min_id cring_mult_zero_op : CoRN.

Lemma TDerivativeEqQ : (F F' : TContR)
   (ta tb : QTime) (Hab : ta tb) (c : ),
   isDerivativeOf F' F
   → ( (t:QTime), ta t tb({F'} t) [=] c)
   → ({F} tb[-] {F} ta)[=]c[*](tb-ta).
  intros ? ? ? ? ? ? Hder Hub.
  apply leEq_imp_eq;
    [apply TDerivativeUBQ with (F':=F') | apply TDerivativeLBQ with (F':=F')];
      auto; intros ? Hbw; rewrite (Hub _ Hbw); apply leEq_reflexive.

Require Import Ring.
Require Import CoRN.tactics.CornTac.
Require Import CoRN.algebra.CRing_as_Ring.

Add Ring RisaRing: (CRing_Ring IR).

Ltac IRRing :=
  unfold cg_minus; ring; idtac "ring failed; try unfolding definitions to make the ring structure visible, Also note that ring does not look at Hypothesis".

Lemma TDerivativeEqQ0 : (F F' : TContR)
   (ta tb : QTime) (Hab : ta tb),
   isDerivativeOf F' F
   → ( (t:QTime), ta t tb({F'} t) [=] 0)
   → ({F} tb[=] {F} ta).
  intros ? ? ? ? ? Hder Hub.
  eapply TDerivativeEqQ in Hub; eauto.
  rewrite cring_mult_zero_op in Hub.
  remember ({F} ta) as fta.
  remember ({F} tb) as ftb.
  assert (fta[=]fta [+] 0) as H by ring.
  rewrite H.
  rewrite <- Hub. unfold cg_minus. IRRing.

Lemma qtimePosIR : y, 0<=QT2R y.
  intros. rewrite <- inj_Q_Zero.
  apply inj_Q_leEq.
  apply qtimePos.
Hint Resolve qtimePosIR : ROSCOQ.

Lemma changesToDerivSameDeriv : (F': TContR)
  (atTime uptoTime : QTime) (val : IR) (eps : QTime)
  (reactionTime : Q),
  atTime uptoTime
   changesTo F' atTime uptoTime val reactionTime eps
   {F'} atTime [=] val
   (t : QTime), atTime t uptoTime
       AbsIR({F'} t [-] val) <= QT2Q eps.
  intros ? ? ? ? ? ? Hle Hc Hf0.
  unfold changesTo in Hc.
  destruct Hc as [qtrans Hm]. repnd.
  pose proof (Q_dec atTime uptoTime) as Htric.
  intros ? Hbw. repnd.
  destruct Htric as [Htric | Htric].
  Focus 2.
    assert (t==atTime) as Heq by lra.
    apply TContR_proper with (f:=F') in Heq.
    rewrite Heq, Hf0.
    rewrite cg_minus_correct, AbsIRz_isz.
    fold (QT2R eps).
    eauto with ROSCOQ; fail.

  destruct Htric as [Htric | Htric] ;[|lra].
  assert (proper (clcr (QT2Q atTime) (QT2Q uptoTime))) as pJ by UnfoldLRA.
  unfold between in Hmrr.
  setoid_rewrite Hf0 in Hmrr.
  setoid_rewrite Min_comm in Hmrr.
  pose proof (leEq_imp_Min_is_lft (val[-]QT2R eps) val) as Hm.
  DestImp Hm;[|eauto 3 with CoRN ROSCOQ; fail].
  setoid_rewrite Hm in Hmrr. clear Hm.
  pose proof (leEq_imp_Max_is_rht val (val[+]QT2R eps)) as Hm.
  DestImp Hm;[|eauto 3 with CoRN ROSCOQ; fail].
  setoid_rewrite Hm in Hmrr.
  unfold QT2R in Hmrr.
  rename t into qt.
  pose proof (Qlt_le_dec qt qtrans) as Hdec.
  Dor Hdec;[clear Hmrl | clear Hmrr].
- apply Qlt_le_weak in Hdec.
  specialize (Hmrr qt (conj Hbwl Hdec)). repnd.
  apply AbsSmall_imp_AbsIR.
  unfold AbsSmall. repnd.
  split; [apply shift_leEq_minus| apply shift_minus_leEq];
    eapply leEq_transitive; eauto;
    apply eqImpliesLeEq; unfold cg_minus; ring.
- assert (qt uptoTime) as Hup by lra.
  specialize (Hmrl qt (conj Hdec Hup)).

Lemma changesToDeriv0Deriv : (F': TContR)
  (atTime uptoTime : QTime)
  (reactionTime : Q),
  atTime uptoTime
   changesTo F' atTime uptoTime 0 reactionTime 0
   {F'} atTime [=] 0
   (t : QTime), atTime t uptoTime
       {F'} t [=] 0.
  intros ? ? ? ? Hle Hc Hf0 ? Hb.
  assert (0= QT2Q (mkQTime 0 I)) as Heq by reflexivity.
  rewrite Heq in Hc.
  eapply changesToDerivSameDeriv in Hc; eauto.
  Local Opaque Q2R AbsIR.
  simpl in Hc.
  setoid_rewrite minusQ2R0 in Hc.
  rewrite Q2R0IsR0 in Hc.
  rewrite Q2R0IsR0.
  apply AbsIRLe0; assumption.

Lemma changesToDeriv0Integ : (F' F: TContR)
  (atTime uptoTime : QTime)
  (reactionTime : Q),
  atTime uptoTime
   changesTo F' atTime uptoTime 0 reactionTime 0
   {F'} atTime [=] 0
   isDerivativeOf F' F
   (t : QTime), atTime t uptoTime
       {F} t [=] {F} atTime.
  intros ? ? ? ? ? Hle Hc Hf0 Hd.
  pose proof (Q_dec atTime uptoTime) as Htric.
  intros ? Hbw.
  destruct Htric as [Htric | Htric];
    [|apply TContR_proper;auto; simpl; lra; fail].
  destruct Htric as [Htric | Htric] ;[|lra].
  apply TDerivativeEqQ0 with (F':=F');try tauto.
  intros ? Hlt. simpl. remember ({F'} t0) as xx.
  rewrite <- (inj_Q_Zero IR). subst xx.
  eapply changesToDeriv0Deriv in Hc; eauto.
  repnd. split; lra.

Lemma changesToDeriv0Comb : (F' F: TContR)
  (atTime uptoTime : QTime)
  (reactionTime : Q),
  atTime uptoTime
   changesTo F' atTime uptoTime 0 reactionTime 0
   {F'} atTime [=] 0
   isDerivativeOf F' F
   (t : QTime), atTime t uptoTime
       ({F'} t [=] 0 {F} t [=] {F} atTime).
  eauto using changesToDeriv0Integ, changesToDeriv0Deriv.

Local Transparent Q2R.
Lemma TDerivativeAbsQ : (F F' : TContR)
   (ta tb : QTime) (Hab : ta tb) (c eps: ),
   isDerivativeOf F' F
   → ( (t:QTime), ta t tbAbsIR ({F'} t [-] c) <= eps)
   → AbsIR({F} tb[-] {F} ta [-] c[*](tb-ta)) <= eps [*] (tb - ta).
  intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Hder Habs.
  pose proof (λ t p, (AbsMinusUB _ _ _ (Habs t p))) as Hub.
  pose proof (λ t p, (AbsMinusLB _ _ _ (Habs t p))) as Hlb.
  clear Habs.
  apply AbsSmall_imp_AbsIR.
  unfold AbsSmall.
  apply TDerivativeUBQ with (F:=F) in Hub; auto.
  apply TDerivativeLBQ with (F:=F) in Hlb; auto.
  clear Hder.
  split;[clear Hub | clear Hlb].
- apply shift_leEq_minus'.
  eapply leEq_transitive;[| apply Hlb].
  apply eqImpliesLeEq.
  unfold Q2R.
  remember (inj_Q IR (tb - ta)) as ba.
- apply shift_minus_leEq.
  eapply leEq_transitive;[apply Hub|].
  apply eqImpliesLeEq.
  unfold Q2R.
  remember (inj_Q IR (tb - ta)) as ba.

  Hint Rewrite inj_Q_One : InjQDown.
  Hint Rewrite inj_Q_inv : InjQDown.
  Hint Rewrite inj_Q_plus : InjQDown.
  Hint Rewrite inj_Q_minus : InjQDown.
  Hint Rewrite inj_Q_inv : InjQDown.
  Hint Rewrite inj_Q_mult : InjQDown.

Lemma Qminus0 : x : Q, x - x == 0.
Proof. intros. ring.

Hint Rewrite Qminus0 : CoRN.
Lemma changesToDerivSameEpsInteg : (F' F: TContR)
  (atTime uptoTime : QTime) (val : IR)
  (reactionTime : Q) (eps : QTime),
  atTime uptoTime
   changesTo F' atTime uptoTime val reactionTime eps
   {F'} atTime [=] val
   isDerivativeOf F' F
   (t : QTime), atTime t uptoTime
       AbsIR({F} t[-] {F} atTime [-] val[*](t-atTime))
         <= (QT2R eps) [*] (t - atTime).
  intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Hle Hc Hf0 Hd.
  pose proof (Q_dec atTime uptoTime) as Htric.
  intros ? Hbw. repnd.
  destruct Htric as [Htric | Htric].
    Focus 2.
      assert (t==atTime) as Heq by lra.
      rewrite Heq.
      apply TContR_proper with (f:=F) in Heq.
      rewrite Heq.
      autorewrite with CoRN.
      unfold Q2R. rewrite inj_Q_Zero.
      autorewrite with CoRN. eauto 1 with CoRN; fail.

  destruct Htric as [Htric | Htric] ;[|lra].
  apply TDerivativeAbsQ with (F':=F');try tauto.
  intros tl Hb.
  eapply changesToDerivSameDeriv in Hc; eauto.
  repnd. lra.

Lemma changesToDerivSameEpsIntegWeaken : (F' F: TContR)
  (atTime uptoTime : QTime) (val : IR)
  (reactionTime : Q) (eps : QTime),
  atTime uptoTime
   changesTo F' atTime uptoTime val reactionTime eps
   {F'} atTime [=] val
   isDerivativeOf F' F
   (t : QTime), atTime t uptoTime
       AbsIR({F} t[-] {F} atTime [-] val[*](t-atTime))
         <= (QT2R eps) [*] (uptoTime - atTime).
  intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Hle Hc Hf0 Hd t Hb.
  eapply changesToDerivSameEpsInteg in Hc; eauto.
  eapply leEq_transitive;[apply Hc|].
  apply mult_resp_leEq_lft;[|eauto 2 with ROSCOQ; fail].
  repnd. apply inj_Q_leEq. simpl.

Lemma changesToDerivSameEpsIntegEnd : (F' F: TContR)
  (atTime uptoTime : QTime) (val : IR)
  (reactionTime : Q) (eps : QTime),
  atTime uptoTime
   changesTo F' atTime uptoTime val reactionTime eps
   {F'} atTime [=] val
   isDerivativeOf F' F
   AbsIR({F} uptoTime[-] {F} atTime [-] val[*](uptoTime-atTime))
         <= (QT2R eps) [*] (uptoTime - atTime).
  intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Hle Hc Hf0 Hd.
  eapply changesToDerivSameEpsInteg; eauto.
  repnd. lra.

Lemma triangleMiddle :
y x z: ,
  AbsIR (x[-]z)<=AbsIR (x [-] y)
                  [+]AbsIR (y [-] z).
  assert (x[-]z [=] (x [-] y) [+](y [-] z)) as Hm
    by IRRing.
  rewrite Hm.
  apply triangle_IR.

Lemma TwoOnePlusOne : 2 [=] [1][+][1].
  assert (2==1+1) as H by reflexivity.
  rewrite H. unfold Q2R. autorewrite with QSimpl.

Lemma Min_plus : (a b c : IR),
Min (a[+]c) (b[+]c) [=] Min a b [+] c.
 apply equiv_imp_eq_min; intros.
   apply shift_leEq_plus.
   apply leEq_Min; apply shift_minus_leEq; auto.
  apply leEq_transitive with (Min a b [+]c); auto.
  apply plus_resp_leEq.
  apply Min_leEq_lft.
 apply leEq_transitive with (Min a b [+]c); auto.
 apply plus_resp_leEq.
 apply Min_leEq_rht.

Lemma betweenRAbs : (b a c eps : IR),
  0 <= eps
  → between b a c eps
  → AbsIR (b[-]c) <= (AbsIR (a[-]c)) [+]eps.
  intros ? ? ? ? Hle Hb.
  unfold between in Hb.
  apply AbsSmall_imp_AbsIR.
  unfold AbsSmall.
  split;[clear Hbr| clear Hbl].
  - ring_simplify.
    apply shift_leEq_minus'.
    eapply leEq_transitive;[|apply Hbl].
    clear Hbl.
    assert (c[+]([--](AbsIR (a[-]c))[-]eps)
            [=] (c[-]AbsIR (a[-]c))[-]eps) as Heq by
            (unfold cg_minus; ring).
    rewrite Heq. clear Heq. apply leEq_Min.
    + apply minusSwapLe. eapply leEq_transitive;[| apply Hle].
      assert (c[-]AbsIR (a[-]c)[-]a [=] (c[-]a[-]AbsIR (a[-]c)))
        as Heq by (unfold cg_minus; ring).
      rewrite Heq.
      apply shift_minus_leEq. ring_simplify.
      rewrite AbsIR_minus.
      apply leEq_AbsIR.
    + apply minus_resp_leEq.
      apply shift_minus_leEq.
      apply addNNegLeEq.
      apply AbsIR_nonneg.
  - apply shift_minus_leEq.
    eapply leEq_transitive;[apply Hbr|].
    clear Hbr.
    assert (AbsIR (a[-]c)[+]eps[+]c
            [=] (c[+]AbsIR (a[-]c))[+]eps) as Heq by
            (unfold cg_minus; ring).
    rewrite Heq. clear Heq. apply Max_leEq.
    + assert (a[+]0<=c[+]AbsIR (a[-]c)[+]eps) as Hx;
        [| ring_simplify in Hx; assumption].
      apply plus_resp_leEq_both; [|assumption].
      apply shift_leEq_plus'.
      apply leEq_AbsIR.
    + apply plus_resp_leEq.
      apply addNNegLeEq.
      apply AbsIR_nonneg.

Lemma betweenLAbs : (b a c eps : IR),
  0 <= eps
  → between b a c eps
  → AbsIR (b[-]a) <= AbsIR (a[-]c) [+]eps.
  intros ? ? ? ? Hle Hb.
  unfold between in Hb.
  apply AbsSmall_imp_AbsIR.
  unfold AbsSmall.
  split;[clear Hbr| clear Hbl].
  - ring_simplify.
    apply shift_leEq_minus'.
    eapply leEq_transitive;[|apply Hbl].
    clear Hbl.
    assert (a[+]([--](AbsIR (a[-]c))[-]eps)
            [=] (a[-]AbsIR (a[-]c))[-]eps) as Heq by
            (unfold cg_minus; ring).
    rewrite Heq. clear Heq. apply leEq_Min.
    + apply minusSwapLe. eapply leEq_transitive;[| apply Hle].
      assert (a[-]AbsIR (a[-]c)[-]a [=] (a[-]a[-]AbsIR (a[-]c)))
        as Heq by (unfold cg_minus; ring).
      rewrite Heq.
      apply shift_minus_leEq. ring_simplify.
      rewrite cg_minus_correct.
      apply AbsIR_nonneg.
    + apply minus_resp_leEq.
      apply shift_minus_leEq.
      apply shift_leEq_plus'.
      apply leEq_AbsIR.
  - apply shift_minus_leEq.
    eapply leEq_transitive;[apply Hbr|].
    clear Hbr.
    assert (AbsIR (a[-]c)[+]eps[+]a
            [=] (a[+]AbsIR (a[-]c))[+]eps) as Heq by
            (unfold cg_minus; ring).
    rewrite Heq. clear Heq. apply Max_leEq.
    + assert (a[+]0<=a[+]AbsIR (a[-]c)[+]eps) as Hx;
        [| ring_simplify in Hx; assumption].
      apply plus_resp_leEq_both; [|assumption].
      apply shift_leEq_plus'.
      rewrite cg_minus_correct.
      apply AbsIR_nonneg.
    + apply plus_resp_leEq.
      apply shift_leEq_plus'.
      rewrite AbsIR_minus.
      apply leEq_AbsIR.

Local Opaque Q2R.

Lemma mult_resp_AbsSmallR: (x y e : IR),
   AbsSmall e x
   AbsSmall (e[*]y) (x[*]y).
  intros ? ? ? Hle Hs.
  rewrite mult_commutes.
  setoid_rewrite mult_commutes at 2.
  apply mult_resp_AbsSmall;

Lemma mult_resp_AbsSmallRQt: (x e : IR) (y : QTime),
 AbsSmall e x
   AbsSmall (e[*] QT2R y) (x[*] QT2R y).
  intros ? ? ? Hle. apply mult_resp_AbsSmallR; trivial;[].
  apply qtimePosIR.
  Hint Rewrite <- inj_Q_mult : QSimpl.

Lemma changesToDerivInteg : (F' F: TContR)
  (atTime uptoTime reacTime : QTime) (oldVal newVal : IR)
  ( eps : QTime),
  atTime < uptoTime
   changesTo F' atTime uptoTime newVal reacTime eps
   {F'} atTime [=] oldVal
   isDerivativeOf F' F
   let eps1 := (AbsIR ({F'} atTime[-]newVal)) in
     qtrans : QTime, atTime qtrans atTime + reacTime
       AbsIR({F} uptoTime[-]{F} atTime[-]newVal[*](uptoTime - atTime))
          <= eps1[*](qtrans - atTime) [+] (QT2Q eps)[*](uptoTime - atTime).
  intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Hr Hc Hf0 Hd eps1.
  pose proof (Q_dec atTime uptoTime) as Htric.
  pose proof (qtimePos reacTime).
  destruct Htric as [Htric | Htric];[|lra].
  destruct Htric as [Htric | Htric] ;[|lra].
  unfold changesTo in Hc.
  destruct Hc as [qtrans Hm].
  split;[tauto|]. repnd.
  pose proof (λ t p, (betweenRAbs _ _ _ _ (qtimePosIR eps) (Hmrr t p)))
     as Hqt. clear Hmrr.
  fold eps1 in Hqt.
  destruct (Qlt_le_dec uptoTime qtrans) as [Ht | Ht].
- pattern qtrans in Hqt.
  match type of Hqt with
   ?f _assert (f uptoTime) as Hqtt by
      (intros; apply Hqt;split; lra)
  clear Hqt. simpl in Hqtt. rename Hqtt into Hqt.
  apply TDerivativeAbsQ with (F:=F) in Hqt;[|lra|auto].
  eapply leEq_transitive;[apply Hqt|].
  revert Ht. clear. intro Ht.
Local Transparent Q2R.
  unfold QT2R, Q2R.
  autorewrite with QSimpl.
  apply plus_resp_leEq.
  apply mult_resp_leEq_lft;
    [|subst eps1;eauto 1 with CoRN].
  apply inj_Q_leEq.
  simpl. lra.
- apply TDerivativeAbsQ with (F:=F) in Hqt;[|auto|auto].
  apply TDerivativeAbsQ with (F:=F) in Hmrl;[|lra|auto].
  pose proof (plus_resp_leEq_both _ _ _ _ _ Hqt Hmrl) as Hp.
  eapply leEq_transitive in Hp;[| apply triangle_IR].
Local Transparent Q2R.
  unfold Q2R. ring_simplify in Hp.
  rewrite <- plus_assoc in Hp.
  unfold QT2R in Hp. autorewrite with QSimpl in Hp.
  assert ((QT2Q eps)[*](qtrans - atTime)[+](QT2Q eps)[*](uptoTime - qtrans)
        == (QT2Q eps)[*](uptoTime - atTime))%Q as Heq by (simpl; ring).
  rewrite Heq in Hp.
  clear Heq.
  eapply leEq_transitive;[| apply Hp].
  apply eqImpliesLeEq.
  apply AbsIR_wd.
  unfold Q2R.
  rewrite inj_Q_minus.
  rewrite inj_Q_minus.
  rewrite inj_Q_minus.

Hint Resolve AbsIR_nonneg : CoRN.

Hint Resolve qtimePos : ROSCOQ.

we didn't have a direct handle on qtrans This spec is more extensional
Lemma changesToDerivInteg2 : (F' F: TContR)
  (atTime uptoTime reacTime : QTime) (oldVal newVal : IR)
  ( eps : QTime),
  atTime < uptoTime
   changesTo F' atTime uptoTime newVal reacTime eps
   {F'} atTime [=] oldVal
   isDerivativeOf F' F
   let eps1 := (AbsIR ({F'} atTime[-]newVal)) in
     AbsIR({F} uptoTime[-]{F} atTime[-]newVal[*](uptoTime - atTime))
          <= (eps1)[*](QT2R reacTime) [+] eps*(uptoTime - atTime).
  intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Hr Hc Hf0 Hd eps1.
  eapply changesToDerivInteg in Hc; eauto.
  destruct Hc as [qtrans Hc].
  eapply leEq_transitive;[apply Hcr|].
  fold (eps1).
  apply plus_resp_leEq_both.
- unfold Q2R.
  destruct reacTime.
  simpl QT2R.
  simpl in Hclr, Hr.
  apply mult_resp_leEq_lft;
    [apply inj_Q_leEq; simpl; lra|].
  pose proof (qtimePos eps).
  subst eps1. autorewrite with QSimpl. apply AbsIR_nonneg.
- unfold Q2R.
  apply inj_Q_leEq. simpl.
  apply Q.Qmult_le_compat_l;[lra|].
  apply qtimePos.

Lemma TDerivativeAbsQ0 : (F F' : TContR)
   (ta tb : QTime) (Hab : (ta tb)%Q) (eps: ),
   isDerivativeOf F' F
   → ( (t:QTime), (ta t tb)%QAbsIR ({F'} t) <= eps)
   → AbsIR({F} tb[-] {F} ta) <= eps [*] (tb - ta)%Q.
  intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Hub.
  assert ( t : QTime, (ta t tb)%Q AbsIR ({F'} t [-] 0)<=eps)
    as Has by (intros; autorewrite with CoRN; auto).
  clear Hub.
  eapply TDerivativeAbsQ in Has; eauto.
  autorewrite with CoRN in Has.

Definition TIntgBnds : Type := IntgBnds (closel 0).

Lemma TContRR2QCompactIntEq:
   (tf : TContR) (ta tb : QTime) (c : ),
  ( t : QTime, ta t t tb {tf} t[=]c)
   t : Time, (clcr (QT2R ta) (QT2R tb)) t {tf} t[=]c.
  intros ? ? ? ? Hq ? ?.
  apply leEq_imp_eq.
- eapply TContRR2QCompactIntUB; eauto. intros. rewrite Hq; auto.
    apply leEq_reflexive.
- eapply TContRR2QCompactIntLB; eauto. intros. rewrite Hq; auto.
    apply leEq_reflexive.

Lemma TContRR2QCompactIntEq2:
   (tf : TContR) (ta tb : QTime) (c : ),
  ( t : QTime, ta t t tb {tf} t[=]c)
   t : Time, ((QT2R ta) <= t t <= (QT2R tb)) {tf} t[=]c.
  intros. eapply TContRR2QCompactIntEq; eauto.
  simpl. split; auto.

Lemma AbsIR_plus : (e1 e2 x1 x2 : IR),
  AbsIR x1 <= e1
   AbsIR x2 <= e2
   AbsIR (x1[+]x2) <= (e1[+]e2).
  intros ? ? ? ? H1 H2.
  apply AbsSmall_imp_AbsIR.
  apply AbsSmall_plus;
  apply AbsIR_imp_AbsSmall; assumption.

Lemma QmultOverQminusL : a b c : Q,
  (c × (a - b) == c × a - c × b)%Q.
  intros ? ? ?.

Lemma QabsTime : (qp: QTime),
   ((Qabs.Qabs qp) == qp)%Q.
  destruct qp; simpl.
  apply QTimeD in y.
  rewrite Qabs.Qabs_pos; lra.

Lemma squareMinusIR2:
   (x y : IR), (x[-]y)[^]2 [+]Two[*]x[*]y [=]x[^]2[+]y[^]2.
  intros. rewrite square_minus. rewrite <- one_plus_one.
  unfold cg_minus. ring.

Notation "Z⁺" := positive.