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The Parker Center for Investment Research Initiatives Status Report

  1. Six machines have arrived, five have been installed (one is being used for unrelated development). One server and 3 workstations are being used by students for a financial database investigation independent study course; the other server is being used for roll-out preparation for the rest of the systems. 
  2. No "research" has yet been supported on the systems.
  3. In the next quarter:
    * the entire set of systems will be installed in our new building,
    * dual PixelVision flat-panel displays will be installed on all systems,
    * complete sets of required s/w packages will be installed and tested,
    * all classroom systems will be tied into a video-distribution system,
    * and all workstations will be upgraded to dual-processor status,thanks to the interest of the Industry Marketing group at Intel.


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Last modified on: 10/05/99