Class Flags

  extended by polyglot.types.Flags
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Flags
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.io.Serializable

Flags is an immutable set of class, method, or field modifiers. We represent package scope as the absence of private, public and protected scope modifiers.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static Flags ABSTRACT
protected static Flags ACCESS_FLAGS
          All access flags.
protected  long bits
          Bit set use to implement a flag set.
static Flags FINAL
static Flags INTERFACE
static Flags NATIVE
static Flags NONE
static Flags PRIVATE
static Flags PROTECTED
static Flags PUBLIC
static Flags STATIC
static Flags STRICTFP
static Flags TRANSIENT
static Flags VOLATILE
Constructor Summary
protected Flags(long bits)
          Effects: returns a new accessflags object with no accessflags set.
Method Summary
 Flags Abstract()
          Return a copy of this this with the abstract flag set.
 Flags clear(Flags other)
          Create new flags with the flags in other cleared.
 Flags clearAbstract()
          Return a copy of this this with the abstract flag clear.
 Flags clearFinal()
          Return a copy of this this with the final flag clear.
 Flags clearInterface()
          Return a copy of this this with the interface flag clear.
 Flags clearNative()
          Return a copy of this this with the native flag clear.
 Flags clearPrivate()
          Return a copy of this this with the private flag clear.
 Flags clearProtected()
          Return a copy of this this with the protected flag clear.
 Flags clearPublic()
          Return a copy of this this with the public flag clear.
 Flags clearStatic()
          Return a copy of this this with the static flag clear.
 Flags clearStrictFP()
          Return a copy of this this with the strictfp flag clear.
 Flags clearSynchronized()
          Return a copy of this this with the synchronized flag clear.
 Flags clearTransient()
          Return a copy of this this with the transient flag clear.
 Flags clearVolatile()
          Return a copy of this this with the volatile flag clear.
 boolean contains(Flags other)
          Check if all flags in other are set.
static Flags createFlag(java.lang.String name, Flags after)
          Return a new Flags object with a new name.
static Flags createFlag(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String cHeadName, java.lang.String cBodyName, Flags after)
          Return a new Flags object with a new name.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
 Flags Final()
          Return a copy of this this with the final flag set.
 int hashCode()
 Flags Interface()
          Return a copy of this this with the interface flag set.
 boolean intersects(Flags other)
          Check if any flags in other are set.
 boolean isAbstract()
          Return true if this has the abstract flag set.
 boolean isFinal()
          Return true if this has the final flag set.
 boolean isInterface()
          Return true if this has the interface flag set.
 boolean isNative()
          Return true if this has the native flag set.
 boolean isPackage()
          Return true if this has the no access flags (public, private, protected) set.
 boolean isPrivate()
          Return true if this has the private flag set.
 boolean isProtected()
          Return true if this has the protected flag set.
 boolean isPublic()
          Return true if this has the public flag set.
 boolean isStatic()
          Return true if this has the static flag set.
 boolean isStrictFP()
          Return true if this has the strictfp flag set.
 boolean isSynchronized()
          Return true if this has the synchronized flag set.
 boolean isTransient()
          Return true if this has the transient flag set.
 boolean isVolatile()
          Return true if this has the volatile flag set.
 boolean moreRestrictiveThan(Flags f)
          Return true if this has more restrictive access flags than f.
 Flags Native()
          Return a copy of this this with the native flag set.
 Flags Package()
          Return a copy of this this with no access flags (public, private, protected) set.
 Flags Private()
          Return a copy of this this with the private flag set.
 Flags Protected()
          Return a copy of this this with the protected flag set.
 Flags Public()
          Return a copy of this this with the public flag set.
 Flags retain(Flags other)
          Create new flags with only flags in other set.
 Flags set(Flags other)
          Create new flags with the flags in other also set.
 Flags Static()
          Return a copy of this this with the static flag set.
 Flags StrictFP()
          Return a copy of this this with the strictfp flag set.
 Flags Synchronized()
          Return a copy of this this with the synchronized flag set.
 java.lang.String toString()
 Flags Transient()
          Return a copy of this this with the transient flag set.
 java.lang.String translate()
          Return "" if no flags set, or toString() + " " if some flags are set.
 java.lang.String translateCBody()
          Returns the flag information appropriate for C++ functions
 java.lang.String translateCHead()
          Returns the flag information appropriate for C++ header files
 Flags Volatile()
          Return a copy of this this with the volatile flag set.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final Flags NONE


public static final Flags PUBLIC


public static final Flags PRIVATE


public static final Flags PROTECTED


public static final Flags STATIC


public static final Flags FINAL


public static final Flags SYNCHRONIZED


public static final Flags TRANSIENT


public static final Flags NATIVE


public static final Flags INTERFACE


public static final Flags ABSTRACT


public static final Flags VOLATILE


public static final Flags STRICTFP


protected static final Flags ACCESS_FLAGS
All access flags.


protected long bits
Bit set use to implement a flag set.

Constructor Detail


protected Flags(long bits)
Effects: returns a new accessflags object with no accessflags set.

Method Detail


public static Flags createFlag(java.lang.String name,
                               Flags after)
Return a new Flags object with a new name. Should be called only once per name.

name - the name of the new flag in Java
after - the flags after which this flag should be printed; Flags.NONE to print before all other flags, null if we should print at the end.


public static Flags createFlag(java.lang.String name,
                               java.lang.String cHeadName,
                               java.lang.String cBodyName,
                               Flags after)
Return a new Flags object with a new name. Should be called only once per name.

name - the name of the new flag in Java
cHeadName - the name of the flag to print in the C++ header file
cBodyName - the name of the flag to print in the C++ body file
after - the flags after which this flag should be printed; Flags.NONE to print before all other flags, null if we should print at the end.


public Flags set(Flags other)
Create new flags with the flags in other also set.


public Flags clear(Flags other)
Create new flags with the flags in other cleared.


public Flags retain(Flags other)
Create new flags with only flags in other set.


public boolean intersects(Flags other)
Check if any flags in other are set.


public boolean contains(Flags other)
Check if all flags in other are set.


public Flags Public()
Return a copy of this this with the public flag set.


public Flags clearPublic()
Return a copy of this this with the public flag clear.


public boolean isPublic()
Return true if this has the public flag set.


public Flags Private()
Return a copy of this this with the private flag set.


public Flags clearPrivate()
Return a copy of this this with the private flag clear.


public boolean isPrivate()
Return true if this has the private flag set.


public Flags Protected()
Return a copy of this this with the protected flag set.


public Flags clearProtected()
Return a copy of this this with the protected flag clear.


public boolean isProtected()
Return true if this has the protected flag set.


public Flags Package()
Return a copy of this this with no access flags (public, private, protected) set.


public boolean isPackage()
Return true if this has the no access flags (public, private, protected) set.


public Flags Static()
Return a copy of this this with the static flag set.


public Flags clearStatic()
Return a copy of this this with the static flag clear.


public boolean isStatic()
Return true if this has the static flag set.


public Flags Final()
Return a copy of this this with the final flag set.


public Flags clearFinal()
Return a copy of this this with the final flag clear.


public boolean isFinal()
Return true if this has the final flag set.


public Flags Synchronized()
Return a copy of this this with the synchronized flag set.


public Flags clearSynchronized()
Return a copy of this this with the synchronized flag clear.


public boolean isSynchronized()
Return true if this has the synchronized flag set.


public Flags Transient()
Return a copy of this this with the transient flag set.


public Flags clearTransient()
Return a copy of this this with the transient flag clear.


public boolean isTransient()
Return true if this has the transient flag set.


public Flags Native()
Return a copy of this this with the native flag set.


public Flags clearNative()
Return a copy of this this with the native flag clear.


public boolean isNative()
Return true if this has the native flag set.


public Flags Interface()
Return a copy of this this with the interface flag set.


public Flags clearInterface()
Return a copy of this this with the interface flag clear.


public boolean isInterface()
Return true if this has the interface flag set.


public Flags Abstract()
Return a copy of this this with the abstract flag set.


public Flags clearAbstract()
Return a copy of this this with the abstract flag clear.


public boolean isAbstract()
Return true if this has the abstract flag set.


public Flags Volatile()
Return a copy of this this with the volatile flag set.


public Flags clearVolatile()
Return a copy of this this with the volatile flag clear.


public boolean isVolatile()
Return true if this has the volatile flag set.


public Flags StrictFP()
Return a copy of this this with the strictfp flag set.


public Flags clearStrictFP()
Return a copy of this this with the strictfp flag clear.


public boolean isStrictFP()
Return true if this has the strictfp flag set.


public boolean moreRestrictiveThan(Flags f)
Return true if this has more restrictive access flags than f.


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object


public java.lang.String translate()
Return "" if no flags set, or toString() + " " if some flags are set.


public java.lang.String translateCBody()
Returns the flag information appropriate for C++ functions


public java.lang.String translateCHead()
Returns the flag information appropriate for C++ header files


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class java.lang.Object


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
equals in class java.lang.Object