CS 513 - System Security
Lecture 5

Lecturer: Professor Fred B. Schneider
Notes by: Vicky Weissman
Lecture Date: 2/10/00

Today's Topic - Denial of Service Attacks

What is a denial of service attack?

A denial of service attack is an attack with the intent of compromising availability. The goal is to prevent the victim from rendering service to bonafide customers. This goal is achieved by exhausting the victim's resources.

General Observations

Attack Strategies and Corresponding Defenses

Defense x is used to prevent Attack x.

Defense 0: Increase capacity and/or weaken server guarantees so that the server can handle the largest possible load (even if that load is very unlikely to occur). This would prohibit denial of service attacks, but is a huge waste of resources. Since Defense 0 is usually impractical, designers must make assumptions about the load. Like all assumptions, this will create vulnerabilities.

Attack 1: Violate load assumption by repeatedly sending the server requests as fast as possible. The attack succeeds if it is cheaper (time wise) to send a request than to handle it.
Defense 1: Design the system so that a request is cheaper to handle than it is for the attacker to construct and send. The relevant handling cost of a request could be reduced by cheaply detecting and blocking/discarding requests that are not bonafide. Alternatively, the request processing cost could be increased by requiring a show of good faith (ie. computation or other expedature of resource) before processing the request.

Example of Good Faith Protocol: The above protocol relies on both efficient encryption and on multiplication being a faster operation than factoring. The server sends e(x) and e(y) rather than storing x and y to conserve the server's memory resources. (An attack cannot exhaust server memory by repeatedly making requests without following through on good faith factoring.)

Attack 2 (Distributed Attack): Follow the Attack 1 strategy on several computers simultaneously. (Reduce the cost of sending requests by splitting the work between different machines.) Attack is successful if it is cheaper to send requests than to handle them.
Defense 2: The server keeps a list of computers involved in the attack. A request from any machine on the list is cheaply detected and blocked. (Server handling time is decreased.)

Attack 3: Automatically distribute the attack code to any machine that can be infiltrated. Upon activation, the attack code uses its host machine in a distributed attack. Note: activation can be done indirectly (ex. monitoring the Internet and activating when a certain stock drops).
Defense 3: Routinely scan computers for knwon attack code.