INFO 1100: Course concept

Course Philosophy

You do not have to be a geek hiding out in a basement to control computers and create cool, compelling digital applications. This course is designed to showcase how fun and creative programming can be, and to make the process of programming accessible to everyone. We will present programming in multiple ways to be relevant and exciting for people with a variety of perspectives, skills, and backgrounds. Teaching staff will work with you one-on-one to help tailor the course content to your needs and interests. We appreciate your willingness to help us by raising issues that may stand in the way of your success in this course.

Course design

An important aspect of programming is practice. Just like learning to draw or riding a bicycle, you can't learn to program just by reading or listening to someone lecture. Our classes are designed as interactive laboratories which interleave mini-lectures with hands-on exercises, personally guided by the teaching staff. You are requested, if you have access to one, to bring a laptop to class. However, because all exercises will be done in pairs, you do not need to have a laptop to participate. Regular attendance is expected.

Instructor: Phoebe Sengers
Location: TBD
Time: M, W 10:10-11:25