魏(46年)晋(156年)南北朝(204年) (220 - 588, 368年)

历代帝王图(唐~阎立本),现藏 MFA Boston
The Thirteen Emperors, see this interactive zoom for detail.

晋武帝司马炎(236-290). 公元265即位

Photo taken from ARY 302 @ utexas

Constantine I, born in 271-273 (or as early as 274 and as late as 288), died in 337. Rules as Junior Emperor ('Caesar') 306-308, then Senior Emperor ('Augustus')

割园术 (割园术始末)

快雪时晴帖 现藏台湾国立故宫博物院


The Admonitions Scroll, The British Museum Compass 女史箴图,现藏于英国不列颠博物馆。
顾恺之,字长康 约345 - 406 晋陵无锡(今江苏)人 作品
祖冲之 429 - 500