The adversarial packet routing problem is defined as follows: We are given a graph G = (V,E). In each round t, an adversary gets to insert packets at nodes of G. Each packet has a destination in V. An algorithm gets to move packets along edges of the graph (only one packet may cross any one edge in each time step) - when a packet reaches its destination, it is absorbed (disappears). To give the algorithm a chance in the first place, the adversary can only insert packets such that there is a multi-commodity flow between the (source, sink) pairs for each round. The kind of algorithms that we are interested in are decentralized. The basic idea is that a node u only sends a packet with destination t to a neighbor v if u has more packets with destination t than v does. Thus, a "gradient" should develop into the destinations. When multiple destinations have a gradient for edge e=(u,v), then the packet is sent that maximizes the difference in queue heights. The big goal is to prove that this algorithm is "stable", i.e. that all queue sizes stay bounded by a constant, independent of the time t (althogh probably depending on n). Aiello, Kushilevitz, Ostrovsky, Rosen (available at prove that this algorithm is stable if the adversary has rate (1-epsilon), in the sense that there is a multi-commodity flow when all edges have capacity (1-epsilon). Awerbuch, Berenbrink, Brinkmann, Scheideler were the first to prove stability at rate 1, but only when all packets have the same destination. Their proof is quite technical, mostly because they consider dynamic networks, in which edges appear and dissapear. Elliot, Jon, and David (available at prove the same, but with a much simpler proof (Section 4). Martin has suggested interpreting this proof as maintaining an invariant over all integer solutions to the dual LP for multi-commodity flow, and the proof goes through if we consider *all* dual solutions instead. Maybe, that would help somewhere. The big and interesting question is whether we can generalize the proof technique somehow to multiple destinations of packets. Suggested reading is the Aiello et al. paper (at least for definitions etc.), and Section 4 of the EJD paper, as well as any sections necessary to understand Section 4 well.