Linear Regions Are All You Need

  • esop06.pdf (with Greg Morrisett and Amal Ahmed; Appeared at ESOP'06; 20060327-ESOP06.ppt)

    The type-and-effects system of the Tofte-Talpin region calculus makes it possible to safely reclaim objects without a garbage collector. However, it requires that regions have last-in-first-out (LIFO) lifetimes following the block structure of the language. We introduce rgnUL, a core calculus that is powerful enough to encode Tofte-Talpin-like languages, and that eliminates the LIFO restriction. The target language has an extremely simple, sub-structural type system. To prove the power of the language, we sketch how Tofte-Talpin-style regions, as well as the first-class dynamic regions and unique pointers of the Cyclone programming language can be encoded in rgnUL.

    Supporting materials:

    • rgnURAL.pdf: Complete specification of rgnURAL, including syntax, dynamic semantics (small-step, allocation semantics), and static semantics.
    • rgnURAL.tgz: Mechanized proof of type safety in Twelf.

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