Practical Datatype Specializations

  • mlwrk05.pdf (with Riccardo Pucella; Appeared at ML Workshop '05; 20050929-MLWRK05.pdf)

    Datatype specialization is a form of subtyping that captures program invariants on data structures that are expressed using the convenient and intuitive datatype notation. Of particular interest are structural invariants such as well-formedness. We investigate the use of phantom types for describing datatype specializations. We show that it is possible to express statically-checked specializations within the type system of Standard ML. We also show that this can be done in a way that does not lose useful programming facilities such as pattern matching in case expressions.

    Supporting materials

    • dataspec.tgz (dataspec tool; version 0.1)

      A tool to mechanically generate an implementation of specializations from a concise datatype/withspec declaration.

      Compatible with SML/NJ 110.0.7 and MLton 20041109.

    • Examples
      • fmla.tgz (Code from the paper.)

        Specializations of a Boolean formula datatype are used to statically verify that a toDNF function yields a formula in Disjunctive Normal Form.

      • rb-tree.tgz

        Specializations of a Red-Black Tree data-structure are used to statically verify that no red node has a red child after inserting a new element.

      • lambda.tgz

        Typed AST for deBruijn-based lambda calculus.

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