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[ News | Tibetan Rights Victories | Issues facing Tibetans | Tibet links | Statements by His Holiness the Dalai Lama  ]

If we are really sincere in fighting terrorism, we have to reward
the non-violent groups, especially the Dalai Lama, who has been so 
consistent in following the path of non-violence.

Tibet Activism News

From cell, influence of Lama undimmed 2.23.03

Tibet Uprising Day call to action (Snowlion)

Obituary of Lobsang Damchoe 2.19.03

Congressional-Executive Commission on China:
The Execution of Lobsang Dondrub and the Case Against Tenzin Deleg; The Law, the Courts, and the Debate on Legality 2.14.03

Amnesty International information on
imprisoned Tibetans

Tibetans on hunger strike following arrest in Delhi 1.31.03

Tiawan invites Dalai Lama for 3rd visit 1.22.03

Tibetans given 3-year prison terms in Nepal 1.15.03

Tibetan monk dies in labor camp 11.21.02


Chuye Kunsang and Pasang Lhamo at a 
candle vigil outside the Chinese Embassy in 
Dublin, Ireland, as part of an Amnesty 
International tour.

Drapchi 14.org

Tibetan Compassion for Chinese torturers

Breaking the Silence: Torture and 
Abuse at Drapchi


Trulku Tenzin Delek, one of two monks sentenced to death by China.

Tibetan Issues:

Annual report on Human Rights in Tibet 2.10.03

China gags relatives of executed Tibetan 2.6.03

The European Union (2.5.03), the Tibetan Government-in-Exile (1.27.03), and Amnesty International (1.27.03) condemn execution of Lobsang Dhondup

Obituary for Lobsang Dhondup 1.30.03

Exiled Tibetans condemn China's execution of activist 1.29.03

Tibetan executed, Others await trial (HRW) 1.28.03

China defends Tibetan execution 1.28.03

China executes Tibetan Activist 1.27.03

At right, A Tibetan Buddhist monk displays a portrait of
Tenzin Deleg Rimpoche during a hunger strike in Bangalore
to protest his detention

US establishes closer military ties with Nepal 1.27.03

Death sentences for "Terrorism" 1.27.03

Tibetan Arrests in Nepal on the rise 1.23.03

Tibetan Monks proclaims innocence after trial 1.22.03

More arrests in China, list grows to 12 Tibetans 1.22.03

China sentences two Tibetans to Death 12.6.02

Senior Rinpoche and supporter face Death 12.6.02

Message from Prime Minister Samdhong Rinpoche 12.6.02

a First-Hand account of life in Tibet 10.29.02

Smuggled video shows Chinese razing
Tibetan Buddhist center 4.20.02

China arrests another spiritual master in Tibet 4.15.02

Tibetan Rights Achievements

Tibetans and Indians March for Peace 12.22.02

Congress passes resolution on Panchen Lama 10.17.02

Tibet Policy Act signed into Law 10.2.02

Tibet's Peaceful Resolve

Tibetan Antidote to Terrorism



Tibet Links

News | Information | Activism


WTN News Archive - Daily updates from around the world; news ideas on Buddhism, the Dalai Lama, and Tibet.

Times of Tibet - News section of Tibet Search.com.

TIN (Tibet Information Network) - News web site reporting on the situation in Tibet. Updates, as well as publishes information on Tibetan issues.

Snow Lion Publications - Posts updates to Tibetan issues and concerns on their home page (recently published news on the death of Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, the only news site i found that did so).

Phayul.com - New Tibetan News web site.

International Campaign for Tibet - Works to promote human rights and self-determination for Tibetans and to protect their culture and environment. Read their article on the protests surrounding the execution of Lobsang Dhondup.

On January 29, TSG Nederlands and ICT Europe organized a candlelight vigil outside the Chinese Embassy in The Hague and encouraged all Tibetans and Tibet supporters in the Netherlands to attend. (Paul Hilkens)

Free Tibet Campaign - News items, Get Involved campaigns.


Tibet.net - official website of the Tibetan Government in Exile.

A Generation in Peril: The Lives of Tibetan Children Under Chinese Rule - a Report by the International Committee of Lawyers for Tibet.

Lost Treasures of Tibet - a pbs nova episode about a restoration team that goes to Mustang to try to restore and preserve damaged "medieval Buddhist murals."

Tibet Justice Center - formerly International Committee of Lawyers for Tibet, TJC was established in 1989 by Dr. Michael van Walt van Praag, Legal Advisor to the Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who brought together a group of committed human rights lawyers in the San Francisco area to work on international law issues affecting the Tibetan people. They helped to establish the Tibet Bureau in Geneva, from which most Tibetan advocacy at the United Nations takes place, and helping the Tibetan people act as their own advocates remains at the core of their  work. Currently, they have taken on increasingly sophisticated work, from fact-finding missions to research on nonviolent solutions to civil conflicts between peoples and governments. All of their projects are geared towards helping the Tibetan people become prepared to take advantage of the opportunities for freedom that will come with time, change and hard work.

Activism - Get Involved

Drapchi 14 - Catalogues the story of 14 Tibetan nuns who, as a result of a peaceful protesting, where brutalized in a Chinese prison. Links to their individual stories, documentation, and the lyrics and mp3 files created from a tape of protest songs that was smuggled out of Tibet . (Ngawang Sangdrol, recently released is one of these nuns.)

"If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito."
--African proverb

Students for Free Tibet - Action items, education, merchandise.

Tibet Centre for Human Rights and Democracy - TCHRD is the first Tibetan non governmental organization (NGO) to be formed with the goal of protecting and promoting human rights of the Tibetan people. It was founded in January 1996 and was registered as an NGO on 4 May 1996. In addition, a branch office has been operating in Kathmandu, Nepal since February, 1998. If you believe that the Chinese government allows free religious expression, read their report on the destruction of Serthar Institute.

Milarepa - Protest web site, created by the Beastie Boys, for Tibetan Independence. The name comes from a famous Tibetan Buddhist meditator, who is said to have achieved enlightenment in one lifetime.

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