The Jif IDE is an Eclipse plugin for developing Jif programs. It can be installed easily through Eclipse. The Jif IDE extends the Polyglot IDE framework, and currently supports code editing and highlighting, compilation, integrated error reporting, and basic code navigation. Some features remain unimplemented but desirable, such as debugging support, fuller support for navigation, and refactoring support.

Installing the plugin using Software Update

Eclipse 3.8 (Juno) or newer is required. Older versions may work, but this is untested.

Install the Jif IDE as you would any other Eclipse plugin. The software site to give Eclipse is:
To install, do the following:
  1. In Eclipse, invoke the Install dialog:
    Help >> Install New Software...
  2. Under "Work with", enter the location
  3. Select the plugins you wish to install and click "Next".
  4. Click through the remaining dialogs and agree to the license (LGPL) to install the plugins.
  5. Restart Eclipse

Or, you can directly download the plugins you want.

Project members


The development and maintenance of Jif software has been supported by DARPA contracts F30602-98-1-0237 and F30602-99-1-0533, monitored by USAF Rome Laboratory, by ONR Grants N00014-01-1-0968 and N00014-13-1-0089, by NSF grants 0133302, 0208642, 0430161, 0627649, and CCF-0964409, and by AFRL NICECAP Award FA8750-08-2-0079.