Date Posted: 4/15/2015

CACM has published a fantastic retrospective in the form of an extended interview with Juris Hartmanis, in which the pioneer in the field of computational complexity theory reflects on his career.

Excerpt describing the beginning of Hartmanis' collaboration with Richard Stearns, which would result in their joint Turing award: "[we] started working together during the summer and hit it off really well. When he finished his Ph.D. and joined the [G.E.] research lab as a research mathematician, we worked day in and day out together, sitting and staring at each other in his office or mine, shouting and hollering about the other's ignorance for not understanding the subtlest points of computability."

Condensed and edited version preview (full edited version behind ACM paywall):

Full text of the oral-history interview (behind paywall):