CS Department 40th anniversary booklet


Teaching OO using Java
festive occasions
ABC book
CS Faculty over the years
The Triple-I Administration
How Bush Operated



On 1 October 2005, the Cornell CS Department held a symposium to celebrate its 40th anniversary. A 50-page booklet was written to accompany the symposium. It is available below. Click on the image to the right for a jpg file of the cover. All other links below are to pdf files.

cover Complete booklet, except for cover (3.6MB)
Introductory material  
01 Table of contents
02-03 Welcome from the CS Chair

Symposium program
Symposium speakers

The Cornell environment
06-07 The Cornell ambience
08-09 Faculty of Computing & Information Science
Information Science Program
10-11 College of Engineering
College of Arts & Science
Selected articles
      and sidelights
12-13 Mission-critical distributed systems
    The TRUST consortium
14-15 Language-based security
    Programming methodology and program correctness
16-17 A grand challenge in computer networking
    Computing in the arts
18-19 Data mining, today and tomorrow
    The marriage of structured and unstructured data
20-21 Grid computing and Web services
    The Cornell Theory Center
22-23 The science of networks
    Algorithms at Cornell
24-25 Search engines that learn from experience
    The father of information retrieval
26-27 Sentiment analysis
    CURIE comes to CS
28-29 Beauty is skin deep
    Program of Computer Graphics
30-31 Structural fingerprints of molecular evolution
    Bridging the Rift
32-33 The impact of computing on medicine
    The Game Design Initiative at Cornell
34-35 Reasoning about knowledge
    Forty years of numerical analysis and scientific computing
36-37 Automated reasoning: the impossible made indispensable
    The scholarly publishing revolution
38-39 Computational complexity
    Computational complexity and the ice cube
About the department  

CS Chairs and Faculty
    Degrees granted

42-43 Selected faculty awards
44-45 Books by the faculty
46-48 Selected invited addresses
40-48 Department metrics